• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Sync ConnectWise and HubSpot data to connect your teams and provide them with real-time information necessary to achieve sustainable business growth. Key benefits of SyncSmart's ConnectWise + HubSpot integration include:

  • Bi-directional syncing of certain object mappings

  • Elimination of manual work and improved data quality

  • Enhanced insight for sales and marketing into each other’s efforts.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: ConnectWise Manage admin access and HubSpot Super admin access.


  • Sync Data Bi-directionally. Keep information flowing in real-time from one system to the other through supported object mappings. These mappings include contacts, companies, opportunities, activities, line items and products.

  • Sync ConnectWise Data Back to HubSpot. Reach your contacts at the right time by segmenting and marketing to them based on synced ConnectWise data. Valuable information like customer status and assigned sales rep syncs directly to HubSpot for use in lead scoring, smart lists, workflows, content personalization, and more.

  • Keep a Pulse on Sales Activities and Opportunity Movement. Help move the sales needle forward by syncing ConnectWise opportunities to HubSpot deals. You’ll gain the visibility you need into your entire sales pipeline for better reporting and automation in HubSpot with the data gathered from ConnectWise.

  • Closed-loop Reporting. Everything that syncs between HubSpot and ConnectWise can help you close the loop on lifecycle stages, revenue, and deals. Maximize HubSpot’s reporting dashboard by syncing customer status to opportunity data and following along with a lead’s customer journey.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Sync ConnectWise and HubSpot data to connect your teams and provide them with real-time information necessary to achieve sustainable business growth. Key benefits of SyncSmart's ConnectWise + HubSpot integration include:

  • Bi-directional syncing of certain object mappings

  • Elimination of manual work and improved data quality

  • Enhanced insight for sales and marketing into each other’s efforts.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: ConnectWise Manage admin access and HubSpot Super admin access.


  • Sync Data Bi-directionally. Keep information flowing in real-time from one system to the other through supported object mappings. These mappings include contacts, companies, opportunities, activities, line items and products.

  • Sync ConnectWise Data Back to HubSpot. Reach your contacts at the right time by segmenting and marketing to them based on synced ConnectWise data. Valuable information like customer status and assigned sales rep syncs directly to HubSpot for use in lead scoring, smart lists, workflows, content personalization, and more.

  • Keep a Pulse on Sales Activities and Opportunity Movement. Help move the sales needle forward by syncing ConnectWise opportunities to HubSpot deals. You’ll gain the visibility you need into your entire sales pipeline for better reporting and automation in HubSpot with the data gathered from ConnectWise.

  • Closed-loop Reporting. Everything that syncs between HubSpot and ConnectWise can help you close the loop on lifecycle stages, revenue, and deals. Maximize HubSpot’s reporting dashboard by syncing customer status to opportunity data and following along with a lead’s customer journey.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.