
Intermedia makes it easy and profitable for any MSP to offer new communication services.

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.
  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Intermedia makes it easy and profitable for any MSP to offer new communication services with two simple goals for partner success: 
  1. MAKE IT EASY TO SELL by eliminating all of the roadblocks of marketing, selling, billing, and supporting new communication services for your customers.

    Intermedia removes the complexities of becoming a partner by managing regulatory and tax issues for voice services on your behalf while integrating with ConnectWise Manage for billing and support.
  2. MAKE IT PROFITABLE to build a new revenue stream while maintaining customer control.

    Your customers are looking ahead to provide their employee-base with the necessary communication tools that allow them to work from wherever and whenever − letting them prioritize creating those great customer experiences that increase customer loyalty and revenue.

With Intermedia Contact Center, your customers can manage their customer interactions more intelligently from just one platform.

  • Customizable call flows and exceptional QA features help ensure more efficient interactions
  • Integrate Contact Center with Unite to give frontline users immediate access to subject matter experts for faster resolution time
  • Give customers more choices to interact with voice, chat, and e-mail queues combine into a single omni-channel experience
  • AI-powered analytics and deep reporting help supervisors focus on the conversations with the biggest business impact.
  • Integrate with systems of record to deliver real-time customer insights that allow faster, personalized customer interactions
  • Easily engage customers with automated, two-way notifications via voice, SMS, and email.


Intermedia Unite Named a CRN Product of the Year for Enterprise Collaboration Solution : Read The Award HERE


Watch the Intermedia-ConnectWise Webinar below: Cloud Voice Solutions Built for ConnectWise MSPs

ConnectWise PSA


  • Helps save time by exporting detailed, line-by-line invoices from Intermedia directly into ConnectWise PSA.
  • Exports your entire catalog of products and services from Intermedia directly into your ConnectWise PSA Products tab.
  • Maps end-user accounts between Intermedia’s Partner Portal and ConnectWise PSA to ensure that billing information automatically flows into the correct customer accounts.
  • Automatically scheduled exports ensure the latest, most accurate billing information without the need to manually log in to the Intermedia Partner Portal.


  • Saves Time. Working with just one system saves time – no need to switch between applications.
  • Satisfied Customers. Timely, accurate data puts the MSP in control, with higher accuracy and faster response.
  • Set it and forget it. Automatic scheduling and notifications put the latest, most accurate information at your fingertips.

Intermedia's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.

Additionally, Intermedia has a dedicated team to help new partners walk thru our ConnectWise Manage integration and make sure that all questions are answered so that you can bill your customers accurately and efficiently. Reach out today to schedule your call with our team!



Intermedia makes it easy and profitable for any MSP to offer new communication services with two simple goals for partner success: 
  1. MAKE IT EASY TO SELL by eliminating all of the roadblocks of marketing, selling, billing, and supporting new communication services for your customers.

    Intermedia removes the complexities of becoming a partner by managing regulatory and tax issues for voice services on your behalf while integrating with ConnectWise Manage for billing and support.
  2. MAKE IT PROFITABLE to build a new revenue stream while maintaining customer control.

    Your customers are looking ahead to provide their employee-base with the necessary communication tools that allow them to work from wherever and whenever − letting them prioritize creating those great customer experiences that increase customer loyalty and revenue.

With Intermedia Contact Center, your customers can manage their customer interactions more intelligently from just one platform.

  • Customizable call flows and exceptional QA features help ensure more efficient interactions
  • Integrate Contact Center with Unite to give frontline users immediate access to subject matter experts for faster resolution time
  • Give customers more choices to interact with voice, chat, and e-mail queues combine into a single omni-channel experience
  • AI-powered analytics and deep reporting help supervisors focus on the conversations with the biggest business impact.
  • Integrate with systems of record to deliver real-time customer insights that allow faster, personalized customer interactions
  • Easily engage customers with automated, two-way notifications via voice, SMS, and email.


Intermedia Unite Named a CRN Product of the Year for Enterprise Collaboration Solution : Read The Award HERE


Watch the Intermedia-ConnectWise Webinar below: Cloud Voice Solutions Built for ConnectWise MSPs


ConnectWise PSA


  • Helps save time by exporting detailed, line-by-line invoices from Intermedia directly into ConnectWise PSA.
  • Exports your entire catalog of products and services from Intermedia directly into your ConnectWise PSA Products tab.
  • Maps end-user accounts between Intermedia’s Partner Portal and ConnectWise PSA to ensure that billing information automatically flows into the correct customer accounts.
  • Automatically scheduled exports ensure the latest, most accurate billing information without the need to manually log in to the Intermedia Partner Portal.


  • Saves Time. Working with just one system saves time – no need to switch between applications.
  • Satisfied Customers. Timely, accurate data puts the MSP in control, with higher accuracy and faster response.
  • Set it and forget it. Automatic scheduling and notifications put the latest, most accurate information at your fingertips.


Intermedia's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.

Additionally, Intermedia has a dedicated team to help new partners walk thru our ConnectWise Manage integration and make sure that all questions are answered so that you can bill your customers accurately and efficiently. Reach out today to schedule your call with our team!
