
Automate tax compliance and help improve accuracy while reducing costs.

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.

Sales tax is complex and costly. Automating the process within ConnectWise saves time, money, and effort. Tens of thousands of companies, including major brands, use Avalara for tax processing and compliance. AvaTax for ConnectWise PSA & CPQ offers a solution from calculation to electronic filing and payment. AvaTax automates manual tasks, working in real-time within ConnectWise PSA, CPQ and over 300 other platforms, making it a versatile and affordable option for your business. Tracking rates manually is error-prone, but AvaTax's accurate, geo-spatial calculations ensure compliance and reduce audit risks.

Schedule a meeting by October 31st, 2024 to learn how Avalara’s automated solutions can help your business and receive a 20% discount on AvaTax.


Read the Case Study :  Scaling Success: RedNight Consulting’s Journey with ConnectWise and Avalara



Avalara AvaTax

Avalara AvaTax offers cloud-based sales and use tax calculation with accurate, automatic tax rates.

Avalara Exemption Certificate Management (ECM)

ECM securely collects, stores, and manages exemption certificates and tax documents in the cloud.

Avalara Returns

Returns uses sales data to prepare and file tax returns, and remit payments across jurisdictions.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

-    AvaTax automates previously manual tasks and works in real time within ConnectWise PSA & CPQ, along with 300+ other accounting, ERP, and ecommerce business platforms — making it compatible with virtually all business systems and an affordable and attractive option for organizations of all sizes and types. Tens of thousands of companies, including some of world’s most recognized brands, rely on Avalara to process millions of tax transactions daily, file hundreds of thousands of transactional tax returns annually, and manage millions of exemption certificates and other compliance documents. 

-    For many ConnectWise PSA & CPQ customers, sales tax calculation remains a manual and error-prone process. Tracking rates, rules, and boundaries by visiting individual state department of revenue websites works for ecommerce merchants only as long as they’re based in one state and selling very few products. Even then, ongoing changes at the state and federal levels make compliance difficult to maintain in the long term.

-    Fortunately, ConnectWise has partnered with Avalara. Avalara's end-to-end tax compliance solutions calculates sales tax based on concise, geo-spatial mapping. Its accuracy alleviates the tax calculation struggle, reducing audit risk and ensuring compliance.


Tax software for businesses that run on ConnectWise CPQ & PSA

Getting started is easy

Establish a direct link between AvaTax and ConnectWise CPQ via a prebuilt connection that allows for seamless interaction. You won’t need IT support to get started, in most instances.

Reliable Tax Calculations

ConnectWise CPQ sends transaction data to AvaTax, and AvaTax sends back the tax total. Customers, salespeople, and others can see the tax owed in real time — in your shopping cart, for example.

Leave the updates to us

AvaTax is updated at regular intervals to reflect changing rates and rules in the 12,000+ U.S. sales and use tax jurisdictions. That means you can stop looking up sales tax rates altogether.

Get a leg up on filing

AvaTax takes you from sales tax calculation to filing in one fell swoop. Just pull your transaction data from AvaTax to prepare your returns each filing period. Or let us handle your returns and filing as part of our Avalara Returns service.

Detailed reporting

24/7 access to your AvaTax transaction history comes in handy for many reasons, especially during an audit. The dashboard is simple to navigate.

Feel good about your tax software

With a 60-day money-back guarantee and an accuracy guarantee (subject to our terms and conditions), AvaTax is tax software you’ll appreciate having in your corner.

Avalara AvaTax's PSA and CPQ Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to Help@ConnectWise.com and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.



-    AvaTax automates previously manual tasks and works in real time within ConnectWise PSA & CPQ, along with 300+ other accounting, ERP, and ecommerce business platforms — making it compatible with virtually all business systems and an affordable and attractive option for organizations of all sizes and types. Tens of thousands of companies, including some of world’s most recognized brands, rely on Avalara to process millions of tax transactions daily, file hundreds of thousands of transactional tax returns annually, and manage millions of exemption certificates and other compliance documents. 

-    For many ConnectWise PSA & CPQ customers, sales tax calculation remains a manual and error-prone process. Tracking rates, rules, and boundaries by visiting individual state department of revenue websites works for ecommerce merchants only as long as they’re based in one state and selling very few products. Even then, ongoing changes at the state and federal levels make compliance difficult to maintain in the long term.

-    Fortunately, ConnectWise has partnered with Avalara. Avalara's end-to-end tax compliance solutions calculates sales tax based on concise, geo-spatial mapping. Its accuracy alleviates the tax calculation struggle, reducing audit risk and ensuring compliance.



Tax software for businesses that run on ConnectWise CPQ & PSA

Getting started is easy

Establish a direct link between AvaTax and ConnectWise CPQ via a prebuilt connection that allows for seamless interaction. You won’t need IT support to get started, in most instances.

Reliable Tax Calculations

ConnectWise CPQ sends transaction data to AvaTax, and AvaTax sends back the tax total. Customers, salespeople, and others can see the tax owed in real time — in your shopping cart, for example.

Leave the updates to us

AvaTax is updated at regular intervals to reflect changing rates and rules in the 12,000+ U.S. sales and use tax jurisdictions. That means you can stop looking up sales tax rates altogether.

Get a leg up on filing

AvaTax takes you from sales tax calculation to filing in one fell swoop. Just pull your transaction data from AvaTax to prepare your returns each filing period. Or let us handle your returns and filing as part of our Avalara Returns service.

Detailed reporting

24/7 access to your AvaTax transaction history comes in handy for many reasons, especially during an audit. The dashboard is simple to navigate.

Feel good about your tax software

With a 60-day money-back guarantee and an accuracy guarantee (subject to our terms and conditions), AvaTax is tax software you’ll appreciate having in your corner.


Avalara AvaTax's PSA and CPQ Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to Help@ConnectWise.com and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.