Tixt: An SMS Integration for ConnectWise Manage

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Have a client that prefers to contact you via text? Do those texts get lost on your technician's phone? What if your client's email is down and they can't send you a support request via email? Tixt is an SMS integration that allows your customers and technicians to communicate through text messages while capturing the conversation on the ticket.

Created by your friends at Gozynta.
Check out the integration documentation here.
Need support? Click here.

ConnectWise PSA


Tixt is an SMS integration that extends ConnectWise Manage by allowing your customers to submit and communicate with support requests via text message (SMS). Text messages sent by your customer will be appended to the ticket notes and notes added to the ticket by your technician will be sent to your customer via text message thus allowing your technician(s) and client(s) to communicate between SMS and Manage.

What problems does it solve?

  •          Offer more streams of communication for your customers
  •          Text messages are no longer lost on your technician’s phone
  •          Your customers can still reach out to you for support even if their email is down

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Have a client that prefers to contact you via text? Do those texts get lost on your technician's phone? What if your client's email is down and they can't send you a support request via email? Tixt is an SMS integration that allows your customers and technicians to communicate through text messages while capturing the conversation on the ticket.

Created by your friends at Gozynta.
Check out the integration documentation here.
Need support? Click here.


ConnectWise PSA


Tixt is an SMS integration that extends ConnectWise Manage by allowing your customers to submit and communicate with support requests via text message (SMS). Text messages sent by your customer will be appended to the ticket notes and notes added to the ticket by your technician will be sent to your customer via text message thus allowing your technician(s) and client(s) to communicate between SMS and Manage.

What problems does it solve?

  •          Offer more streams of communication for your customers
  •          Text messages are no longer lost on your technician’s phone
  •          Your customers can still reach out to you for support even if their email is down


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.