• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Unlike many other products, the service doesn't require an appliance, thus eliminating the overhead associated with installing and managing hardware at each customer's site. Built-in WAN acceleration enables significantly faster backup and recovery speeds, with data transfer rates of up to 5TB in 24 hours.

In our efforts to drive continued efficiencies, Zetta.net has integrated its cloud backup and recovery solution with ConnectWise Manage.

ConnectWise PSA

Features:  Zetta.net partners can integrate and automate their business processes with ConnectWise Manage to:

  • Proactively monitor their clients' IT environments with enhanced visibility into their backup activities
  • Configure and manage backup and restore status of all their clients' backups
  • Quickly extract alerts and automatically open service tickets
  • Proactively triage backup and restore failures
  • Link customer account usage and track billable hours
  • Generate invoices automatically

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Unlike many other products, the service doesn't require an appliance, thus eliminating the overhead associated with installing and managing hardware at each customer's site. Built-in WAN acceleration enables significantly faster backup and recovery speeds, with data transfer rates of up to 5TB in 24 hours.

In our efforts to drive continued efficiencies, Zetta.net has integrated its cloud backup and recovery solution with ConnectWise Manage.


ConnectWise PSA

Features:  Zetta.net partners can integrate and automate their business processes with ConnectWise Manage to:

  • Proactively monitor their clients' IT environments with enhanced visibility into their backup activities
  • Configure and manage backup and restore status of all their clients' backups
  • Quickly extract alerts and automatically open service tickets
  • Proactively triage backup and restore failures
  • Link customer account usage and track billable hours
  • Generate invoices automatically


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.