• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Designed for IT Service Providers, Work 365's integration with ConnectWise streamlines and automates CSP operations such as provisioning Microsoft Cloud Services (M365, D365 and PowerPlatform) with PartnerCenter. Work 365 automatically syncs changes with PartnerCenter and ConnectWise to ensure there is no discrepancy in subscriptions, or license changes, eliminating countless hours of manual labor and plugging revenue leakage.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Work 365 4.0 and ConnectWise 2013.12 or 2018.1


  • Synch Customers, Subscriptions, Products, Agreements and License Changes between ConnectWise and Work 365

  • Automate and Synch license changes, subscriptions, product prices, and usage data between Work 365 and Partner Center

  • Provide Self-Service to end customers to manage subscriptions and license changes

  • Automate CSP billing and invoicing

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Designed for IT Service Providers, Work 365's integration with ConnectWise streamlines and automates CSP operations such as provisioning Microsoft Cloud Services (M365, D365 and PowerPlatform) with PartnerCenter. Work 365 automatically syncs changes with PartnerCenter and ConnectWise to ensure there is no discrepancy in subscriptions, or license changes, eliminating countless hours of manual labor and plugging revenue leakage.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Work 365 4.0 and ConnectWise 2013.12 or 2018.1


  • Synch Customers, Subscriptions, Products, Agreements and License Changes between ConnectWise and Work 365

  • Automate and Synch license changes, subscriptions, product prices, and usage data between Work 365 and Partner Center

  • Provide Self-Service to end customers to manage subscriptions and license changes

  • Automate CSP billing and invoicing


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.