
All Webroot solutions for endpoints, networks, and users leverage next-generation technology to help MSPs and their clients become resilient against next-generation cyber threats.

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OpenText Supporting Humanitarian Efforts In Ukraine. Learn more here.

This product is available to purchase through the ConnectWise Marketplace. Visit the ordering tab of this tile or click the buy now button to purchase. Free trials are available for all Webroot solutions:

Webroot now offers DNS Protection as a standalone service.  Now you can either use it with Webroot BEP or use it alongside any other AV/ Endpoint Protection solution of your choice!

All Webroot solutions for endpoints, networks, and users leverage next-generation technology to help MSPs and their clients become resilient against next-generation cyber threats. Cloud-based, effective, easy-to-manage, and fully integrated, each MSP-ready solution is powered by Webroot threat intelligence, which uses advanced machine learning and AI to provide up-to-the-minute protection, and is trusted by more than 100 leading network and security vendors to better protect their customers from cyberattacks. Best of all, these comprehensive products are designed for simple, easy management via the same web-based console.

Scroll down to discover how Webroot® solutions can help you and your clients become truly cyber resilient.

Webroot® DNS Protection
Powered by Webroot Threat Intelligence


When building a cyber resilience strategy, unsecured internet usage is a major risk that small businesses and MSPs can’t afford to overlook—especially if they have remote workers to protect. Modern businesses need to protect their networks, endpoints, and users against internet-borne threats, DNS attacks, and bandwidth drains.

Webroot DNS Protection:

  • Stops threats before they reach the network
  • Saves you time and money on remediation
  • Controls bandwidth and reduces unproductive web usage
  • Lets you customize policies by IP, group, or device
  • Is future-proofed for encrypted DoH requests

The web filtering included in DNS Protection is backed by Webroot BrightCloud® Web Classification data, which continually classifies more than 600 million domains to protect businesses from the latest, never-before-seen threats.

Webroot® Business Endpoint Protection
Powered by Webroot Threat Intelligence

The foundation of any complete cyber resilience strategy is real-time, multi-vector protection against threats from emails, browsers, files, URLs, ads, apps, and more.

Webroot Business Endpoint Protection:

  • Detects threats in real time
  • Always uses the most up-to-date intelligence
  • Does the heavy lifting in the cloud, not your systems
  • Installs and scans in seconds
  • Protects against script-based and obfuscated attacks

Business Endpoint Protection combines the latest real-time data from the Webroot platform with advanced machine learning and behavior-based heuristics for complete resilience against next-gen threats.

Webroot® Security Awareness Training
Powered by Webroot Threat Intelligence


When users unwittingly divulge sensitive info online, criminals can bypass existing layers of security to successfully breach organizations' networks. To become resilient against cyberattacks, your security strategy must include end user training that helps you:

  • Achieve compliance
  • Implement best practices
  • Stop phishing and social engineering attacks
  • Provide ongoing training for ongoing defense
  • Reduce click-through by 65% or more

Webroot threat intelligence allows us to proactively produce security awareness training that's relevant, topical, and tailored to the real-world threats end users are most likely to encounter.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: ConnectWise PSA (formerly ConnectWise) v2016.1+


  • Streamline adding Products to agreements for billing 
  • Easy mapping between GSM site and ConnectWise PSA Company
  • Automatically updates ConnectWise PSA agreement additions to empower monthly recurring revenue
  • Multiple methods to determine how endpoints are counted during the billing period


ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: ConnectWise Automate versions 12 or 2019


  • An easy-to-use Automate plug-in module with automatic Webroot agent discovery and fully automated Webroot agent installation
  • Fully automated threat remediation and comprehensive infection status alerting and ticketing
  • Built-in scripts to make key functions easy to access and execute
  • Built-in, customizable Automate monitors that check for active threats, agent status, and alerts at default or specified intervals
  • Global and client-level dashboards to for granular status information in a single pane of glass
  • Seamless integration with Webroot® Global Site Manager (GSM) console for easier MSP management
  • Full license keycode control and generation for simple, complex, and hybrid environments
  • The Webroot Automate integration is designed to make managing endpoint security faster and easier, as well as significantly less costly than alternative endpoint security solutions.


ConnectWise RMM


  • Account and License Management,
  • Deployment of Webroot agents for Endpoint Protection, DNS and SAT, 
  • Monitoring status for devices
  • Basic action like Scan and Cleanup operations

For detailed provisioning and purchasing documentation, please click here.

Provision your NEW ACCOUNTMigrate your existing ConnectWise Agreement to usage based billing, or Transfer your billing to ConnectWise by clicking the BUY NOW button.

When provisioning a new account, you'll create your tenant and gain access to the Webroot portal. Utilize this portal or the ConnectWise Automate plug in, to deploy or remove endpoints as needed, and get billed for just your monthly usage. No need to enter a quantity for each product, or come back to our marketplace to make changes.

• Webroot Security for Endpoints
• DNS Protection
• Security Awareness Training

Webroot is priced per end point, with monthly usage billed in arrears. Pricing is subject to change at any time. Webroot is a 3rd party product that ConnectWise distributes. The ConnectWise Privacy Policy is not applicable to the use of this 3rd party product.

For more information or questions you have please reach out to your Account Manager or email Marketplace@ConnectWise.com

Webroot's PSA and Automate Integration are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to Help@ConnectWise.com and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.

ConnectWise Automate Support
Webroot® support queries may be logged via web or telephone, and are handled directly by the Webroot® customer support team. Tickets can be submitted to Webroot® through the online support portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The easiest way to submit a support ticket to Webroot® is through the Web Management Console, by clicking on the menu in the upper right corner, and selecting 'Support'. Another option for opening a support ticket is by clicking this link: https://www.webrootanywhere.com/supportlabtech.

Telephone support is also available in English:

  • North America: 800-870-8102 ext. 2 or 303-476-2221 (Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM MDT)
  • EMEA: +44 (0) 870 141 7070 (Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM GMT)
  • APAC: +61 (0)2 8071 1903 (Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM AET)
Webroot's ConnectWise Platform Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program. 
If you need assistance with integration implementation, please submit a ticket through the ITSupport247 portal or send a note to pst@connectwise.com.  The ConnectWise Platform support team will work with the Webroot team to resolve any issues.


OpenText Supporting Humanitarian Efforts In Ukraine. Learn more here.

This product is available to purchase through the ConnectWise Marketplace. Visit the ordering tab of this tile or click the buy now button to purchase. Free trials are available for all Webroot solutions:

Webroot now offers DNS Protection as a standalone service.  Now you can either use it with Webroot BEP or use it alongside any other AV/ Endpoint Protection solution of your choice!

All Webroot solutions for endpoints, networks, and users leverage next-generation technology to help MSPs and their clients become resilient against next-generation cyber threats. Cloud-based, effective, easy-to-manage, and fully integrated, each MSP-ready solution is powered by Webroot threat intelligence, which uses advanced machine learning and AI to provide up-to-the-minute protection, and is trusted by more than 100 leading network and security vendors to better protect their customers from cyberattacks. Best of all, these comprehensive products are designed for simple, easy management via the same web-based console.

Scroll down to discover how Webroot® solutions can help you and your clients become truly cyber resilient.

Webroot® DNS Protection
Powered by Webroot Threat Intelligence


When building a cyber resilience strategy, unsecured internet usage is a major risk that small businesses and MSPs can’t afford to overlook—especially if they have remote workers to protect. Modern businesses need to protect their networks, endpoints, and users against internet-borne threats, DNS attacks, and bandwidth drains.

Webroot DNS Protection:

  • Stops threats before they reach the network
  • Saves you time and money on remediation
  • Controls bandwidth and reduces unproductive web usage
  • Lets you customize policies by IP, group, or device
  • Is future-proofed for encrypted DoH requests

The web filtering included in DNS Protection is backed by Webroot BrightCloud® Web Classification data, which continually classifies more than 600 million domains to protect businesses from the latest, never-before-seen threats.

Webroot® Business Endpoint Protection
Powered by Webroot Threat Intelligence

The foundation of any complete cyber resilience strategy is real-time, multi-vector protection against threats from emails, browsers, files, URLs, ads, apps, and more.

Webroot Business Endpoint Protection:

  • Detects threats in real time
  • Always uses the most up-to-date intelligence
  • Does the heavy lifting in the cloud, not your systems
  • Installs and scans in seconds
  • Protects against script-based and obfuscated attacks

Business Endpoint Protection combines the latest real-time data from the Webroot platform with advanced machine learning and behavior-based heuristics for complete resilience against next-gen threats.

Webroot® Security Awareness Training
Powered by Webroot Threat Intelligence


When users unwittingly divulge sensitive info online, criminals can bypass existing layers of security to successfully breach organizations' networks. To become resilient against cyberattacks, your security strategy must include end user training that helps you:

  • Achieve compliance
  • Implement best practices
  • Stop phishing and social engineering attacks
  • Provide ongoing training for ongoing defense
  • Reduce click-through by 65% or more

Webroot threat intelligence allows us to proactively produce security awareness training that's relevant, topical, and tailored to the real-world threats end users are most likely to encounter.



ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: ConnectWise PSA (formerly ConnectWise) v2016.1+


  • Streamline adding Products to agreements for billing 
  • Easy mapping between GSM site and ConnectWise PSA Company
  • Automatically updates ConnectWise PSA agreement additions to empower monthly recurring revenue
  • Multiple methods to determine how endpoints are counted during the billing period


ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: ConnectWise Automate versions 12 or 2019


  • An easy-to-use Automate plug-in module with automatic Webroot agent discovery and fully automated Webroot agent installation
  • Fully automated threat remediation and comprehensive infection status alerting and ticketing
  • Built-in scripts to make key functions easy to access and execute
  • Built-in, customizable Automate monitors that check for active threats, agent status, and alerts at default or specified intervals
  • Global and client-level dashboards to for granular status information in a single pane of glass
  • Seamless integration with Webroot® Global Site Manager (GSM) console for easier MSP management
  • Full license keycode control and generation for simple, complex, and hybrid environments
  • The Webroot Automate integration is designed to make managing endpoint security faster and easier, as well as significantly less costly than alternative endpoint security solutions.


ConnectWise RMM


  • Account and License Management,
  • Deployment of Webroot agents for Endpoint Protection, DNS and SAT, 
  • Monitoring status for devices
  • Basic action like Scan and Cleanup operations


For detailed provisioning and purchasing documentation, please click here.

Provision your NEW ACCOUNTMigrate your existing ConnectWise Agreement to usage based billing, or Transfer your billing to ConnectWise by clicking the BUY NOW button.

When provisioning a new account, you'll create your tenant and gain access to the Webroot portal. Utilize this portal or the ConnectWise Automate plug in, to deploy or remove endpoints as needed, and get billed for just your monthly usage. No need to enter a quantity for each product, or come back to our marketplace to make changes.

• Webroot Security for Endpoints
• DNS Protection
• Security Awareness Training

Webroot is priced per end point, with monthly usage billed in arrears. Pricing is subject to change at any time. Webroot is a 3rd party product that ConnectWise distributes. The ConnectWise Privacy Policy is not applicable to the use of this 3rd party product.

For more information or questions you have please reach out to your Account Manager or email Marketplace@ConnectWise.com


Webroot's PSA and Automate Integration are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to Help@ConnectWise.com and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.

ConnectWise Automate Support
Webroot® support queries may be logged via web or telephone, and are handled directly by the Webroot® customer support team. Tickets can be submitted to Webroot® through the online support portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The easiest way to submit a support ticket to Webroot® is through the Web Management Console, by clicking on the menu in the upper right corner, and selecting 'Support'. Another option for opening a support ticket is by clicking this link: https://www.webrootanywhere.com/supportlabtech.

Telephone support is also available in English:

  • North America: 800-870-8102 ext. 2 or 303-476-2221 (Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM MDT)
  • EMEA: +44 (0) 870 141 7070 (Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM GMT)
  • APAC: +61 (0)2 8071 1903 (Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM AET)
Webroot's ConnectWise Platform Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program. 
If you need assistance with integration implementation, please submit a ticket through the ITSupport247 portal or send a note to pst@connectwise.com.  The ConnectWise Platform support team will work with the Webroot team to resolve any issues.