New to the Marketplace? Get some answers to the most common questions!

Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We're here to help. Check out our FAQs below to get the answers to all your Marketplace questions.

What is the ConnectWise Marketplace?

The ConnectWise Marketplace is a platform to showcase our vendor partner integrations. Leverage the filters to find the right solution you need to extend the functionality of the ConnectWise suite of products.

What is an Open Integration?

An open integration has been developed by leveraging the openly available Manage APIs. Open integrations have not been reviewed by the ConnectWise team. They are not supported, certified, or security reviewed. The ConnectWise team cannot assist with issues that occur with open integrations.

What is a Certified Integration?

A certified integration has been reviewed and approved by the ConnectWise team. It is built to industry best practices and has passed a security reviewed. You must be in the Invent program to certify your integration. Certifed inegrations are fully supported by the ConnectWise team.

What is ConnectWise Invent?

ConnectWise Invent is our official vendor integration partnership program. Third-party vendors are invited to collaborate with us on development of robust integration experiences with ConnectWise products such as Manage, Automate, and Control for the benefit of our mutual partners.

Can I purchase products or services through the ConnectWise Marketplace?

Yes. The ConnectWise Marketplace is now transactional with the ability to purchase select products. To see which products are available for purchase through the Marketplace, review the "Buy Through ConnectWise" tab of the marketplace and look for the orange shopping cart symbol.

What is a "Buy Through ConnectWise" Vendor?

ConnectWise partners with some vendors to extend our product portfolio. You can purchase some vendor products through our Account Management team or directly through the marketplace. “Buy through” ConnectWise products are identified throughout the marketplace with a hot pink dollar sign icon. Click the “contact us” button on any “buy through” vendor to be put in touch with the Account Management team. To purhcase products directly through the marketplace, review the "ordering" tab on the product page you would like to purchase then click the hot pink "buy now" button to begin the transaction process.

How can I list my product or service on the Marketplace?

The ConnectWise Marketplace is an open integration library where anyone who creates an integration to a product, can be listed after going through an approval process. When submitting your application, you can email to get a listing of our guidelines. Integrations that are listed, must be available to the partner base and should not be private integrations created for specific partners or internal use. When submitting your Marketplace application, we may request changes to graphics or verbiage to maintain standards among the other integrations.

How do I become a ConnectWise Invent Vendor partner?

To become an Invent Vendor Partner or find out more details about the program, please email