• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

ezdeploy is an Automated Machine Deployment Solution. MSP+OS has created a tool to make machine deployments more profitable and more efficient. Through the beauty of automated software deployment, ezdeploy allows you to build standard and custom endpoint configurations within one intuitive dashboard. Join other MSPs who are billing the usual rate for machine deployments that will now take a fraction of the time.

With ezdeploy, you can enjoy the benefits of automated machine deployment:

  • Work smarter and faster
  • Earn more profit on machine setups
  • Complete deployments in less than an hour on average
  • Enjoy a speedy ezdeploy setup that allows you to start running deployments in less than 10 minutes

Instant Integration: 
An all-in-one, unified platform developed for MSPs that easily integrates with ConnectWise Automate and ConnectWise Manage. Microsoft Teams integration available to keep you team informed of deployment status from start to completion. You can also leverage the power of ezdeploy as a standalone tool or with most PSAs or RMMs.

Innovative Performance: 
The only automated machine setup tool of its kind, ezdeploy redefines automation by combining customized configuration profiles with powerful tools like OneTouch and WebStart deployments.

Insider Approach: 
ezdeploy was built by engineers, for engineers – and it was professionally developed for forward-thinking, like-minded MSPs.

OneTouch Deploy 
is the easiest way to start a dynamic deployment process on a brand-new piece of equipment. Choose from:

  • Fully Automated - Plug a USB drive into the machine, boot, and hit enter. That’s it!
  • Mostly Automated - Put multiple deployment scenarios on a single USB, plug the USB drive into the machine, boot, select the proper deployment, and hit enter. That’s it!
  • No Touch! - Dropship computers directly to a client, no need to build it in-house. Give the office manager or end-user a USB stick that they insert to get the machine provisioned.

Advanced Automated Naming Rules
: Automatically name computers based on criteria you set up in advance.  Naming rules are extremely flexible using:

  • Text standard
  • Differentiate between Desktop/Laptop
  • Automatically pull the machine Serial Number
  • Auto-Increment from existing machines numbers on a per client or location basis

WebStart Deploy
: the powerful WebStart tool handles the installation on existing or imaged machines. Deploy of all the software titles by running through the specified configuration profiles you create using two primary methods.

  • Unattended Install: If you don’t use OneTouch, WebStart is just as easy. Visit the Webstart Deployment URL from machine browser and enter EZDeploy PIN to access Download button for the EZDeployAgent.msi. From there you can run the msi on the local machine or copy the EZDeployAgent.msi to USB or file share to access for additional machines without visiting website again.

  • Unattended Install: Image your machine with your favorite imaging tool and deploy the EZDeployAgent.msi downloaded from the WebStart Deployment URL.

WebStart will do the rest by installing the software profile of your choosing, including updating the machine to the latest patch versions and rebooting. You can walk away, without having to watch the software install. When your deployment is done, ezdeploy will notify you via will update the Deployment Status in the ezdeploy Portal or via Microsoft Teams integration if enabled to let you know the machine is ready to be deployed to the end-user.

Nested Profiles
: Keep your software configuration profiles simple and create only master profiles with nested groups to fit your needs. Create client-specific profiles or user case profiles, such as “minimal” or “developer”. Have the nested profiles automate your special client builds while keeping the same install and naming standards. It really is that easy!

Profile Filter
: Build one software profile for multiple machine types by using the filter feature. Create an easy-to-manage client profile, including software titles specifically designed for laptops. This state-of-the-art filter allows you to install specific software titles based on the machine type: desktop or laptop. Select your option with ease when creating or modifying the profile!

Profile Scripts
: You can select software install or Windows configuration scripts from multiple sources such as Chocolatey Repository, ezdeploy Repository, RMM script repository, and Custom Installers.  The ezdeploy Custom Installer feature allows you to create installers for msi/exe deployment that support silent/unattended switches.

Powershell Scripts (Premium Plan):
 With ezdeploy you can now generate custom powershell scripts for software deployment or additional Windows configuration as part of your profiles.

Don’t Change the Way You Bill. Change the Way You Build
Join the other MSPs that have leveraged ezdeploy to reduce their manual setup time by as much as 80%. Not only can you work smarter and faster, but now you will earn more profit on machine setups and keep your clients buying from you. Enjoy a speedy setup time that allows you to start running deployments in less than 10 minutes! Register for a Live Demo or sign up for a Free Trial.

ConnectWise PSA


  • You’ll be able to update ConnectWise Manage service tickets with install status, exceptions, and successful completion by ezdeploy.

  • Provide your clients with detailed install records for each machine you deploy.

ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: ConnectWise Automate 12+


  • One-Touch will start a dynamic deployment process on a brand-new piece of equipment, automatically configuring Microsoft Windows with your preferences and continue by triggering all your software installs. This will speed Automate's patch compliance and software inventory.

  • WebStart tool will securely connect to your Automate server to authenticate a remote install via a URL you can remotely provide your client. Transfer machines, deploy new software or simply make this part of your Client Onboarding process.

  • Configure the Advanced Naming Rules to work with your Automate's existing machine names. Create constant, uniform and client-specific Windows computer names, standardizing on your choice of text, serial number, and auto-increment or Automate machine ID.

  • Install scripting using multiple software install options. Use the included the ezdeploy script repository-based, the Chocolatey Community repository, PowerShell Scripts, your own Custom Installers, or your own Automate script repository. Can't decide? You can use all three to cover all your needs.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



ezdeploy is an Automated Machine Deployment Solution. MSP+OS has created a tool to make machine deployments more profitable and more efficient. Through the beauty of automated software deployment, ezdeploy allows you to build standard and custom endpoint configurations within one intuitive dashboard. Join other MSPs who are billing the usual rate for machine deployments that will now take a fraction of the time.

With ezdeploy, you can enjoy the benefits of automated machine deployment:

  • Work smarter and faster
  • Earn more profit on machine setups
  • Complete deployments in less than an hour on average
  • Enjoy a speedy ezdeploy setup that allows you to start running deployments in less than 10 minutes

Instant Integration: 
An all-in-one, unified platform developed for MSPs that easily integrates with ConnectWise Automate and ConnectWise Manage. Microsoft Teams integration available to keep you team informed of deployment status from start to completion. You can also leverage the power of ezdeploy as a standalone tool or with most PSAs or RMMs.

Innovative Performance: 
The only automated machine setup tool of its kind, ezdeploy redefines automation by combining customized configuration profiles with powerful tools like OneTouch and WebStart deployments.

Insider Approach: 
ezdeploy was built by engineers, for engineers – and it was professionally developed for forward-thinking, like-minded MSPs.

OneTouch Deploy 
is the easiest way to start a dynamic deployment process on a brand-new piece of equipment. Choose from:

  • Fully Automated - Plug a USB drive into the machine, boot, and hit enter. That’s it!
  • Mostly Automated - Put multiple deployment scenarios on a single USB, plug the USB drive into the machine, boot, select the proper deployment, and hit enter. That’s it!
  • No Touch! - Dropship computers directly to a client, no need to build it in-house. Give the office manager or end-user a USB stick that they insert to get the machine provisioned.

Advanced Automated Naming Rules
: Automatically name computers based on criteria you set up in advance.  Naming rules are extremely flexible using:

  • Text standard
  • Differentiate between Desktop/Laptop
  • Automatically pull the machine Serial Number
  • Auto-Increment from existing machines numbers on a per client or location basis

WebStart Deploy
: the powerful WebStart tool handles the installation on existing or imaged machines. Deploy of all the software titles by running through the specified configuration profiles you create using two primary methods.

  • Unattended Install: If you don’t use OneTouch, WebStart is just as easy. Visit the Webstart Deployment URL from machine browser and enter EZDeploy PIN to access Download button for the EZDeployAgent.msi. From there you can run the msi on the local machine or copy the EZDeployAgent.msi to USB or file share to access for additional machines without visiting website again.

  • Unattended Install: Image your machine with your favorite imaging tool and deploy the EZDeployAgent.msi downloaded from the WebStart Deployment URL.

WebStart will do the rest by installing the software profile of your choosing, including updating the machine to the latest patch versions and rebooting. You can walk away, without having to watch the software install. When your deployment is done, ezdeploy will notify you via will update the Deployment Status in the ezdeploy Portal or via Microsoft Teams integration if enabled to let you know the machine is ready to be deployed to the end-user.

Nested Profiles
: Keep your software configuration profiles simple and create only master profiles with nested groups to fit your needs. Create client-specific profiles or user case profiles, such as “minimal” or “developer”. Have the nested profiles automate your special client builds while keeping the same install and naming standards. It really is that easy!

Profile Filter
: Build one software profile for multiple machine types by using the filter feature. Create an easy-to-manage client profile, including software titles specifically designed for laptops. This state-of-the-art filter allows you to install specific software titles based on the machine type: desktop or laptop. Select your option with ease when creating or modifying the profile!

Profile Scripts
: You can select software install or Windows configuration scripts from multiple sources such as Chocolatey Repository, ezdeploy Repository, RMM script repository, and Custom Installers.  The ezdeploy Custom Installer feature allows you to create installers for msi/exe deployment that support silent/unattended switches.

Powershell Scripts (Premium Plan):
 With ezdeploy you can now generate custom powershell scripts for software deployment or additional Windows configuration as part of your profiles.

Don’t Change the Way You Bill. Change the Way You Build
Join the other MSPs that have leveraged ezdeploy to reduce their manual setup time by as much as 80%. Not only can you work smarter and faster, but now you will earn more profit on machine setups and keep your clients buying from you. Enjoy a speedy setup time that allows you to start running deployments in less than 10 minutes! Register for a Live Demo or sign up for a Free Trial.


ConnectWise PSA


  • You’ll be able to update ConnectWise Manage service tickets with install status, exceptions, and successful completion by ezdeploy.

  • Provide your clients with detailed install records for each machine you deploy.

ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: ConnectWise Automate 12+


  • One-Touch will start a dynamic deployment process on a brand-new piece of equipment, automatically configuring Microsoft Windows with your preferences and continue by triggering all your software installs. This will speed Automate's patch compliance and software inventory.

  • WebStart tool will securely connect to your Automate server to authenticate a remote install via a URL you can remotely provide your client. Transfer machines, deploy new software or simply make this part of your Client Onboarding process.

  • Configure the Advanced Naming Rules to work with your Automate's existing machine names. Create constant, uniform and client-specific Windows computer names, standardizing on your choice of text, serial number, and auto-increment or Automate machine ID.

  • Install scripting using multiple software install options. Use the included the ezdeploy script repository-based, the Chocolatey Community repository, PowerShell Scripts, your own Custom Installers, or your own Automate script repository. Can't decide? You can use all three to cover all your needs.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.