• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Infrascale Disaster Recovery is a hybrid cloud DRaaS solution that helps mitigate the downtime caused by server crashes, ransomware attacks, or natural disasters. Infrascale’s ConnectWise integration delivers best-of-breed ticketing support, guaranteed system failover, and a simple monthly subscription model that aligns to your own recurring revenue model.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: ConnectWise Manage v2016.6


  • Support Ticket Integration. Whenever Infrascale Cloud Backup or Infrascale Disaster Recovery generate system alerts, support tickets are automatically created in ConnectWise. Conversely, when those alarms are resolved, the related support tickets in ConnectWise are automatically closed.

  • Billing Event Integration. Your clients’ data, including the number and type of computers (servers, endpoints, etc.), amount of storage consumed (subscribed, allocated and used) and other billing-relevant data are available in ConnectWise to facilitate invoicing and billing.

  • Reporting and Dashboard. Virtually every piece of data captured by Infrascale can be reported within ConnectWise’s dashboard. This includes the number of successful backups, failures, data consumption, etc.

  • Inventory Integration. The number and type of on-premise appliances associated with your clients’ BDR accounts are available in ConnectWise for asset tracking and usage.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Infrascale Disaster Recovery is a hybrid cloud DRaaS solution that helps mitigate the downtime caused by server crashes, ransomware attacks, or natural disasters. Infrascale’s ConnectWise integration delivers best-of-breed ticketing support, guaranteed system failover, and a simple monthly subscription model that aligns to your own recurring revenue model.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: ConnectWise Manage v2016.6


  • Support Ticket Integration. Whenever Infrascale Cloud Backup or Infrascale Disaster Recovery generate system alerts, support tickets are automatically created in ConnectWise. Conversely, when those alarms are resolved, the related support tickets in ConnectWise are automatically closed.

  • Billing Event Integration. Your clients’ data, including the number and type of computers (servers, endpoints, etc.), amount of storage consumed (subscribed, allocated and used) and other billing-relevant data are available in ConnectWise to facilitate invoicing and billing.

  • Reporting and Dashboard. Virtually every piece of data captured by Infrascale can be reported within ConnectWise’s dashboard. This includes the number of successful backups, failures, data consumption, etc.

  • Inventory Integration. The number and type of on-premise appliances associated with your clients’ BDR accounts are available in ConnectWise for asset tracking and usage.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.