• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Druva inSync provides a single pane of glass for managing data availability and information governance across endpoints and cloud applications — enabling businesses to mitigate data risks, facilitate business continuity, while not impacting employee productivity.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Druva’s InSync product now integrates with ConnectWise business management solutions, making it easier for MSPs to manage and deliver cloud-based data protection services to customers. Following a one-time set-up in the inSync MSP Portal, MSPs will receive alerts and can automatically generate and resolve support tickets in ConnectWise.


  • MSP Administrators have the option of selecting the Service Board and ConnectWise ticket statuses they want to use for the different alerts generated on inSync customer accounts.

  • Integration with ConnectWise ensures that MSPs spend minimal time in administering inSync - utilization of the inSync administrative console should be limited to troubleshooting. This functionality allows MSPs to offer a service that adds significant value to their customers without requiring significant commitments on their time.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Druva inSync provides a single pane of glass for managing data availability and information governance across endpoints and cloud applications — enabling businesses to mitigate data risks, facilitate business continuity, while not impacting employee productivity.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Druva’s InSync product now integrates with ConnectWise business management solutions, making it easier for MSPs to manage and deliver cloud-based data protection services to customers. Following a one-time set-up in the inSync MSP Portal, MSPs will receive alerts and can automatically generate and resolve support tickets in ConnectWise.


  • MSP Administrators have the option of selecting the Service Board and ConnectWise ticket statuses they want to use for the different alerts generated on inSync customer accounts.

  • Integration with ConnectWise ensures that MSPs spend minimal time in administering inSync - utilization of the inSync administrative console should be limited to troubleshooting. This functionality allows MSPs to offer a service that adds significant value to their customers without requiring significant commitments on their time.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.