ConnectWise Access Management

Protect every endpoint with least-privilege access management, ensuring secure, streamlined, and compliant operations.


Granting full admin rights to end users can leave your customers open to risk, but a zero-trust process can create a frustrating customer experience that doesn’t seem “worth it.” Embrace ConnectWise Access Management™, our Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution for effortless access requests. Leveraging our least-privilege controls, you can achieve seamless security and operational efficiency, making access management a breeze.

Access Management eliminates shared credentials, reduces compliance concerns, and ensures users have only the permissions they need. Enhance your cybersecurity posture, streamline operations, and experience peace of mind with our powerful PAM software.


Streamlined elevation access

Enforce least privilege with PAM software, effortlessly managing elevation requests.

Secure one-time admin login

Enhance security with one-time, encrypted admin access, preventing misuse and shared credentials.

Transparent oversight

Ensure compliance with detailed logs of access requests, approvals, and denials, enhancing security.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Experience the power of ConnectWise Access Management™, the ultimate Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution designed to secure, monitor, and control access across your entire environment without the hassle of shared admin credentials. With Access Management, users can seamlessly request administrative privileges through user account control (UAC) approval, while technicians can effortlessly accept or reject these requests, saving time and enhancing user experience.

ConnectWise Access Management elevates security and operational efficiency by allowing technicians to obtain temporary admin logins for troubleshooting, eliminating the risks associated with shared credentials. 

Dive into the key features that make ConnectWise Access Management an indispensable tool for your business:

  • Implement a zero-trust policy: Set least-privilege controls to efficiently manage customer access without compromising security.
  • Eliminate shared administrative credentials: Create a single-use ephemeral user with an encrypted password that is never disclosed, providing safe and easy admin access.
  • Review elevation requests manually or automatically: Manually approve or deny end user elevation requests in real-time without a remote session or phone call or set rules to automatically approve common requests.
  • Analyze products in real-time: Use the VirusTotal integration to instantly validate files in real-time to detect a potential threat.
  • Improve customer experience: Set least-privilege controls to create seamless approvals for customers without compromising security.
  • Track admin login requests: Easily review time-stamped requests and responses in the audit log.
  • Receive elevation requests in real-time: Triage elevation requests in real-time using Microsoft Teams or Slack integrations.

ConnectWise ScreenConnect™

Amplify your security with ConnectWise ScreenConnect™ integration

Enhance operational efficiency and security through seamless integration with ConnectWise ScreenConnect™, ensuring streamlined support sessions and credential-less admin logins.

  • Credential-less admin login: Save time and enhance security by allowing technicians to approve their own elevation or admin login requests, eliminating shared credentials.
  • In-session approvals: Approve elevation or administrative login requests directly from the notification bar within the ScreenConnect host client, maintaining session context and workflow.
  • Effortless remote sessions: Conduct remote support or access sessions seamlessly without needing to enter administrative credentials, reducing downtime and streamlining operations.

Navigate IT complexity with the robust capabilities of ConnectWise ScreenConnect, ensuring secure and instant access to any device for faster issue resolution and enhanced productivity. Embrace the future of remote support and elevate your security posture with ConnectWise Access Management.

To review the specific integration points with ConnectWise ScreenConnect™, visit the documentation.

ConnectWise RMM™

Enhance endpoint security seamlessly using RMM policies to deploy and configure Access Management


  • Simply add the Access Management integration under Settings -> Integrations in ConnectWise RMM or contact your account manager today! For more detailed instructions, you can refer to our documentation.
  • Available for licensing with ConnectWise RMM (via ConnectWise ScreenConnect)

ConnectWise PSA™


  • Create tickets for elevation and administrative logon requests.
  • Approve or deny directly from within the ticket in seconds.
  • Create a “source of truth” auditing in PSA for all elevation requests

To review the specific integration points with ConnectWise PSA, visit the documentation.

ConnectWise Automate™

Requirements: Available for licensing with ConnectWise Automate (via ConnectWise ScreenConnect)

ConnectWise Access Management's PSA and ScreenConnect Integration are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.


Experience the power of ConnectWise Access Management™, the ultimate Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution designed to secure, monitor, and control access across your entire environment without the hassle of shared admin credentials. With Access Management, users can seamlessly request administrative privileges through user account control (UAC) approval, while technicians can effortlessly accept or reject these requests, saving time and enhancing user experience.

ConnectWise Access Management elevates security and operational efficiency by allowing technicians to obtain temporary admin logins for troubleshooting, eliminating the risks associated with shared credentials. 

Dive into the key features that make ConnectWise Access Management an indispensable tool for your business:

  • Implement a zero-trust policy: Set least-privilege controls to efficiently manage customer access without compromising security.
  • Eliminate shared administrative credentials: Create a single-use ephemeral user with an encrypted password that is never disclosed, providing safe and easy admin access.
  • Review elevation requests manually or automatically: Manually approve or deny end user elevation requests in real-time without a remote session or phone call or set rules to automatically approve common requests.
  • Analyze products in real-time: Use the VirusTotal integration to instantly validate files in real-time to detect a potential threat.
  • Improve customer experience: Set least-privilege controls to create seamless approvals for customers without compromising security.
  • Track admin login requests: Easily review time-stamped requests and responses in the audit log.
  • Receive elevation requests in real-time: Triage elevation requests in real-time using Microsoft Teams or Slack integrations.


ConnectWise ScreenConnect™

Amplify your security with ConnectWise ScreenConnect™ integration

Enhance operational efficiency and security through seamless integration with ConnectWise ScreenConnect™, ensuring streamlined support sessions and credential-less admin logins.

  • Credential-less admin login: Save time and enhance security by allowing technicians to approve their own elevation or admin login requests, eliminating shared credentials.
  • In-session approvals: Approve elevation or administrative login requests directly from the notification bar within the ScreenConnect host client, maintaining session context and workflow.
  • Effortless remote sessions: Conduct remote support or access sessions seamlessly without needing to enter administrative credentials, reducing downtime and streamlining operations.

Navigate IT complexity with the robust capabilities of ConnectWise ScreenConnect, ensuring secure and instant access to any device for faster issue resolution and enhanced productivity. Embrace the future of remote support and elevate your security posture with ConnectWise Access Management.

To review the specific integration points with ConnectWise ScreenConnect™, visit the documentation.

ConnectWise RMM™

Enhance endpoint security seamlessly using RMM policies to deploy and configure Access Management


  • Simply add the Access Management integration under Settings -> Integrations in ConnectWise RMM or contact your account manager today! For more detailed instructions, you can refer to our documentation.
  • Available for licensing with ConnectWise RMM (via ConnectWise ScreenConnect)

ConnectWise PSA™


  • Create tickets for elevation and administrative logon requests.
  • Approve or deny directly from within the ticket in seconds.
  • Create a “source of truth” auditing in PSA for all elevation requests

To review the specific integration points with ConnectWise PSA, visit the documentation.

ConnectWise Automate™

Requirements: Available for licensing with ConnectWise Automate (via ConnectWise ScreenConnect)


ConnectWise Access Management's PSA and ScreenConnect Integration are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.