• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Atria is the helpdesk portal for MSP's. Simplify common MACS, standardise across customers and deliver customer self service at no risk. Lower your support tickets by up to 20% and reduce helpdesk ticket time buy up to 50% with the Atria portal. Connectwise integration means user and service based billing happens automatically, with no missed changes! Learn more at www.getatria.com

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Atria 15 or later supported. Manual imports available with prior versions. Connectwise v4.6 API 3 or later


  • Sync billable service lines from Atria into ConnectWise customer agreements, and contract line items (additions) for easy automated billing, eliminating manual overhead and spreadsheet juggling.

  • Ensure no service changes to customers are missed no matter who makes the change - helpdesk or customer via self-service. Automatically synced into ConnectWise for billing, ensuring accuracy and timeliness of billing.

  • Identify services not configured in ConnectWise reducing revenue leakage from incorrectly setup customers, services and users.

  • Identify customers in Atria missing from ConnectWise ensuring smooth customer onboarding, eliminating billing inaccuracy, and ensuring customers are billed immediately.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Atria is the helpdesk portal for MSP's. Simplify common MACS, standardise across customers and deliver customer self service at no risk. Lower your support tickets by up to 20% and reduce helpdesk ticket time buy up to 50% with the Atria portal. Connectwise integration means user and service based billing happens automatically, with no missed changes! Learn more at www.getatria.com


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Atria 15 or later supported. Manual imports available with prior versions. Connectwise v4.6 API 3 or later


  • Sync billable service lines from Atria into ConnectWise customer agreements, and contract line items (additions) for easy automated billing, eliminating manual overhead and spreadsheet juggling.

  • Ensure no service changes to customers are missed no matter who makes the change - helpdesk or customer via self-service. Automatically synced into ConnectWise for billing, ensuring accuracy and timeliness of billing.

  • Identify services not configured in ConnectWise reducing revenue leakage from incorrectly setup customers, services and users.

  • Identify customers in Atria missing from ConnectWise ensuring smooth customer onboarding, eliminating billing inaccuracy, and ensuring customers are billed immediately.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.