• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Third Party Patch Management natively extends ConnectWise Automate so that you can begin auditing, patching, documenting, and even billing for third party application updates. Use ConnectWise Automate's Patch Manager to define policies that set update and install options for your end users. All third party patch definitions are automatically downloaded from ConnectWise daily to ensure you always patch to the latest version. By leveraging all of the automation options available in ConnectWise Automate, Third Party Patch Management reduces administrative tasks and allows technicians to focus on exceptions only.

ConnectWise PSA


  • Designed from scratch to natively extend ConnectWise Automate
  • Documents all updates and adds time to tickets 
  • Gathers third party patch definitions automatically
  • Takes advantage of ConnectWise Automate caching to lower bandwidth usage 
  • Ability to scale deployments while easily handling exceptions


  • Start patching immediately with easy setup and configuration
  • Provides a source of recurring monthly revenue with automated third party patch management
  • Automates billing through your Professional Services Automation (PSA) Solution
  • Reduces administration time and increases efficiency
  • Fully supported by ConnectWise Automate

Applications Currently Patched by Third Party Patch Management

  • Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader XI, Adobe Reader DC, Adobe Shockwave
  • Apple iTunes
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Notepad++
  • Oracle Java 
  • PDF Creator
  • VLC Media Player
  • 7-Zip
  • Skype for Business

Key Advantages

  • “Set it and forget it” patching 
  • You are in control of the patching tool 
  • Adds higher value to IT service offerings 

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Third Party Patch Management natively extends ConnectWise Automate so that you can begin auditing, patching, documenting, and even billing for third party application updates. Use ConnectWise Automate's Patch Manager to define policies that set update and install options for your end users. All third party patch definitions are automatically downloaded from ConnectWise daily to ensure you always patch to the latest version. By leveraging all of the automation options available in ConnectWise Automate, Third Party Patch Management reduces administrative tasks and allows technicians to focus on exceptions only.


ConnectWise PSA


  • Designed from scratch to natively extend ConnectWise Automate
  • Documents all updates and adds time to tickets 
  • Gathers third party patch definitions automatically
  • Takes advantage of ConnectWise Automate caching to lower bandwidth usage 
  • Ability to scale deployments while easily handling exceptions


  • Start patching immediately with easy setup and configuration
  • Provides a source of recurring monthly revenue with automated third party patch management
  • Automates billing through your Professional Services Automation (PSA) Solution
  • Reduces administration time and increases efficiency
  • Fully supported by ConnectWise Automate

Applications Currently Patched by Third Party Patch Management

  • Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader XI, Adobe Reader DC, Adobe Shockwave
  • Apple iTunes
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Notepad++
  • Oracle Java 
  • PDF Creator
  • VLC Media Player
  • 7-Zip
  • Skype for Business

Key Advantages

  • “Set it and forget it” patching 
  • You are in control of the patching tool 
  • Adds higher value to IT service offerings 


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.