• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

SonicWall has been fighting the cybercriminal industry for over 27 years, defending small, medium-sized businesses and enterprises worldwide. Our combination of products and partners has enabled an automated real-time breach detection and prevention solution tuned to the specific needs of the more than 500,000 organizations in over 215 countries and territories, so you can do more business with less fear.

ConnectWise PSA


  • Company Mapping - MSP partners can share selected clients’ profile between SonicWall GMS and ConnectWise Manage and map all managed SonicWall assets associated with each client within the ConnectWise portal for management and monitoring. 

  • Auto Asset Synchronization Integration - Automatically update the number and type of managed SonicWall security appliances mapped to a client’s account in ConnectWise Automate portal for asset tracking and usage. Give visibility to client names and device details, such as model, serial, version, active subscription, enrolled dates, service expirations, IP/MAC address and more. MSPs also gain visibility into asset inventory inside ConnectWise for easier device management. Whenever a new unit is added, a configuration is created for that unit through ConnectWise and the same is stored in GMS. Reversely, whenever a unit is deleted, the configuration created in ConnectWise is deleted and the same is removed from GMS.

  • Auto Ticketing Service Integration - Create GMS system-generated alerts automatically in the ConnectWise Manage ticketing system. Track, document and communicate all open tickets bi-directionally during the correction process until they are resolved and automatically closed. Ticketing is mapped between the systems. When they are created in either system, GMS synchronizes both systems to reflect changes to both systems. ConnectWise can also send status alerts to the stakeholders using various communication tools until service ticket is acknowledge or closed. These includes email, text messages (SMS), phone calls and even iOS & Android push notifications.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



SonicWall has been fighting the cybercriminal industry for over 27 years, defending small, medium-sized businesses and enterprises worldwide. Our combination of products and partners has enabled an automated real-time breach detection and prevention solution tuned to the specific needs of the more than 500,000 organizations in over 215 countries and territories, so you can do more business with less fear.


ConnectWise PSA


  • Company Mapping - MSP partners can share selected clients’ profile between SonicWall GMS and ConnectWise Manage and map all managed SonicWall assets associated with each client within the ConnectWise portal for management and monitoring. 

  • Auto Asset Synchronization Integration - Automatically update the number and type of managed SonicWall security appliances mapped to a client’s account in ConnectWise Automate portal for asset tracking and usage. Give visibility to client names and device details, such as model, serial, version, active subscription, enrolled dates, service expirations, IP/MAC address and more. MSPs also gain visibility into asset inventory inside ConnectWise for easier device management. Whenever a new unit is added, a configuration is created for that unit through ConnectWise and the same is stored in GMS. Reversely, whenever a unit is deleted, the configuration created in ConnectWise is deleted and the same is removed from GMS.

  • Auto Ticketing Service Integration - Create GMS system-generated alerts automatically in the ConnectWise Manage ticketing system. Track, document and communicate all open tickets bi-directionally during the correction process until they are resolved and automatically closed. Ticketing is mapped between the systems. When they are created in either system, GMS synchronizes both systems to reflect changes to both systems. ConnectWise can also send status alerts to the stakeholders using various communication tools until service ticket is acknowledge or closed. These includes email, text messages (SMS), phone calls and even iOS & Android push notifications.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.