• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

SIGNL4 is your platform for adding targeted and persistent mobile incident response and management to your ConnectWise stack. Using SIGNL4 helps you to resolve tickets up to 10x faster, ensuring that you meet your SLAs and user expectations. We provide a seamless integration experience and fully automate the delivery of your Service Tickets while away from your desk.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: SIGNL4, ConnectWise Manage, all versions, No-code 2-way integration


  • Enables an instant response to critical service tickets anywhere, anytime

  • Reliable and persistent alerting via mobile push, sms text and voice calls with on-call scheduling and on-call management

  • Targeted mobile notifications with response tracking and automated escalations

  • Mobile app for Android and iPhone to manage tickets from anywhere allowing for real-time cross-team transparency on ticket status and ownership on mobile devices


ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: SIGNL4, ConnectWise Automate, all versions, Easy email integration


  • Enables an instant response to critical service tickets anywhere, anytime

  • Reliable and persistent alerting via mobile push, sms text and voice calls with integrated on-call scheduling and on-call management

  • Targeted mobile notifications with response tracking and automated escalations

  • Triggers automated communication workflows linking tickets to responsible people

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



SIGNL4 is your platform for adding targeted and persistent mobile incident response and management to your ConnectWise stack. Using SIGNL4 helps you to resolve tickets up to 10x faster, ensuring that you meet your SLAs and user expectations. We provide a seamless integration experience and fully automate the delivery of your Service Tickets while away from your desk.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: SIGNL4, ConnectWise Manage, all versions, No-code 2-way integration


  • Enables an instant response to critical service tickets anywhere, anytime

  • Reliable and persistent alerting via mobile push, sms text and voice calls with on-call scheduling and on-call management

  • Targeted mobile notifications with response tracking and automated escalations

  • Mobile app for Android and iPhone to manage tickets from anywhere allowing for real-time cross-team transparency on ticket status and ownership on mobile devices


ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: SIGNL4, ConnectWise Automate, all versions, Easy email integration


  • Enables an instant response to critical service tickets anywhere, anytime

  • Reliable and persistent alerting via mobile push, sms text and voice calls with integrated on-call scheduling and on-call management

  • Targeted mobile notifications with response tracking and automated escalations

  • Triggers automated communication workflows linking tickets to responsible people


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.