• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Our easy-to-use quoting software offers automation workflows and unlimited user pricing plans that will empower your team to create more quotes than ever before.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: The ConnectWise Opportunity requires a company to be present. We recommend navigating to Settings > Required Fields to make the Organization a required field in Quoter.


  • When creating a Quote in Quoter, you can search for an existing ConnectWise Contact or create a new one automatically. You can also pull existing ConnectWise Products into Quoter Quotes in real-time.

  • When a Quote is created or updated in Quoter, the ConnectWise Opportunity will be updated with the value of the Quote, and the line items in the Quoter Quote. Quoter automatically matches your existing Items or creates new ones if they do not exist.

  • When a Quoter Quote is won or lost, Quoter will update the status of the ConnectWise Opportunity according to the mapping settings you configure.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Our easy-to-use quoting software offers automation workflows and unlimited user pricing plans that will empower your team to create more quotes than ever before.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: The ConnectWise Opportunity requires a company to be present. We recommend navigating to Settings > Required Fields to make the Organization a required field in Quoter.


  • When creating a Quote in Quoter, you can search for an existing ConnectWise Contact or create a new one automatically. You can also pull existing ConnectWise Products into Quoter Quotes in real-time.

  • When a Quote is created or updated in Quoter, the ConnectWise Opportunity will be updated with the value of the Quote, and the line items in the Quoter Quote. Quoter automatically matches your existing Items or creates new ones if they do not exist.

  • When a Quoter Quote is won or lost, Quoter will update the status of the ConnectWise Opportunity according to the mapping settings you configure.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.