• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Built by an MSP for MSPs, the OS33 platform gives you everything you need to take full advantage of cloud computing with one vendor, and the flexibility to add additional services such as support, on-premise, security services and more.

Now with ConnectWise Manage integration, MSPs can easily extend their business models with cloud services offerings powered by OS33 without having to change the billing systems, PSA tools or the way they do business.  This enables ConnectWise Manage MSPs to easily service clients across both traditional and cloud based service delivery models, opening the door for MSPs to start shifting their traditional managed services to the cloud without changing their business processes.

Features and Benefits:

  • Easily provision cloud users
    • Simple to use self-service web based provisioning
    • Track adds/changes across all licensing and infrastructure
  • Track cloud and data usage, and automatically update customer monthly invoices including
    • Microsoft SPLA, Office 365, Citrix CSP, plus 3rd Party and Custom Products and Solutions
    • VM resources including processors, memory, and storage
    • Multi-tier storage tracking including Archive, Standard, High-Performance and Amazon-S3
    • Drill down capability to see consumptions per user, for Exchange Mailboxes, File Servers, SQL Databases and more
  • Include cloud user support with your pre-existing support options
    • Track custom support options with the ability to define terms (9-5, 24/7, etc)
    • Extensive built-in funcionality
  • Quickly add a comprehensive IT solution that fully manages cloud, hybdrid and on-premise resources through a single pane of glass
  • Turn key solution, immediate go-to-market and ready to sell

No integration information available for this product.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Built by an MSP for MSPs, the OS33 platform gives you everything you need to take full advantage of cloud computing with one vendor, and the flexibility to add additional services such as support, on-premise, security services and more.

Now with ConnectWise Manage integration, MSPs can easily extend their business models with cloud services offerings powered by OS33 without having to change the billing systems, PSA tools or the way they do business.  This enables ConnectWise Manage MSPs to easily service clients across both traditional and cloud based service delivery models, opening the door for MSPs to start shifting their traditional managed services to the cloud without changing their business processes.

Features and Benefits:

  • Easily provision cloud users
    • Simple to use self-service web based provisioning
    • Track adds/changes across all licensing and infrastructure
  • Track cloud and data usage, and automatically update customer monthly invoices including
    • Microsoft SPLA, Office 365, Citrix CSP, plus 3rd Party and Custom Products and Solutions
    • VM resources including processors, memory, and storage
    • Multi-tier storage tracking including Archive, Standard, High-Performance and Amazon-S3
    • Drill down capability to see consumptions per user, for Exchange Mailboxes, File Servers, SQL Databases and more
  • Include cloud user support with your pre-existing support options
    • Track custom support options with the ability to define terms (9-5, 24/7, etc)
    • Extensive built-in funcionality
  • Quickly add a comprehensive IT solution that fully manages cloud, hybdrid and on-premise resources through a single pane of glass
  • Turn key solution, immediate go-to-market and ready to sell


No integration information available for this product.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.