• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Instantly move tickets from Kaseya to ConnectWise Manage; synchronize tickets, statuses, priorities, assets, notes and billable time.

ConnectWise PSA


  • Cloud based system requires no local implementation, and no requirement to update local application with new releases 

  • Instantly moves tickets from Kaseya Service Desk to ConnectWise Manage with: 
    • Configuration item detail
    • Ticket status
    • Ticket priority
    • Ticket notes - any additional ticket notes added in Kaseya (or changes) will update current CW ticket. 
  • Add time billed for automation (within Kaseya) where the client automatically adds time for resolution (i.e. 15 minutes for running a defrag or removing temp internet files) 

  • Round trip ticket closure
    • As the ticket is closed in your PSA, it is also closed in Kaseya.  

  • Synchronize Configuration items between systems

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Instantly move tickets from Kaseya to ConnectWise Manage; synchronize tickets, statuses, priorities, assets, notes and billable time.


ConnectWise PSA


  • Cloud based system requires no local implementation, and no requirement to update local application with new releases 

  • Instantly moves tickets from Kaseya Service Desk to ConnectWise Manage with: 
    • Configuration item detail
    • Ticket status
    • Ticket priority
    • Ticket notes - any additional ticket notes added in Kaseya (or changes) will update current CW ticket. 
  • Add time billed for automation (within Kaseya) where the client automatically adds time for resolution (i.e. 15 minutes for running a defrag or removing temp internet files) 

  • Round trip ticket closure
    • As the ticket is closed in your PSA, it is also closed in Kaseya.  

  • Synchronize Configuration items between systems


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.