• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Liongard’s Configuration Change Detection & Response Platform alerts MSPs when things change, so they’re never caught by surprise. Inspect the systems you manage from cloud to endpoints. Streamline all of your critical system configuration data into a centralized platform that allows you to effortlessly audit, assess, and proactively respond to your customers’ security, cyber insurance, and compliance needs.

ConnectWise PSA


ConnectWise Manage v2017.6+

Utilizes the Company and Service API endpoints


  • Auto-mapping between ConnectWise Companies and Liongard Environments.

  • Detection of changes in systems under management and Auto-assessments that drive Actionable Alerts pushed as tickets to a selected ConnectWise Service Board. Issues are auto-validated when remediated.

  • Auto-update ConnectWise configurations for rapid troubleshooting and workflows. 

  • Comprehensive cross environment, cross-system, reporting and scheduling.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Liongard’s Configuration Change Detection & Response Platform alerts MSPs when things change, so they’re never caught by surprise. Inspect the systems you manage from cloud to endpoints. Streamline all of your critical system configuration data into a centralized platform that allows you to effortlessly audit, assess, and proactively respond to your customers’ security, cyber insurance, and compliance needs.


ConnectWise PSA


ConnectWise Manage v2017.6+

Utilizes the Company and Service API endpoints


  • Auto-mapping between ConnectWise Companies and Liongard Environments.

  • Detection of changes in systems under management and Auto-assessments that drive Actionable Alerts pushed as tickets to a selected ConnectWise Service Board. Issues are auto-validated when remediated.

  • Auto-update ConnectWise configurations for rapid troubleshooting and workflows. 

  • Comprehensive cross environment, cross-system, reporting and scheduling.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.