• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

ITQuoter is a complete, easy to use, cloud based quoting system that can handle anything from a simple one line quote, managed services, to more complex special bids and professional services proposals. We are Specialists in Supplier / Vendor price lists and catalogue management. Services include normalized product categorization, site-by-site pricing and detailed specifications.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Works with ConnectWise Manage hosted or licensed versions.


  • Quotes and Orders are synchronized with ConnectWise, along with all key information

  • Products, Vendors, Manufacturers, Status, Stage, Users and more is seamlessly pushed from the quote or order

  • Link Companies and Contacts between ITQuoter and ConnectWise

  • Do bulk imports of Companies, Contacts & Products from ConnectWise

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



ITQuoter is a complete, easy to use, cloud based quoting system that can handle anything from a simple one line quote, managed services, to more complex special bids and professional services proposals. We are Specialists in Supplier / Vendor price lists and catalogue management. Services include normalized product categorization, site-by-site pricing and detailed specifications.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Works with ConnectWise Manage hosted or licensed versions.


  • Quotes and Orders are synchronized with ConnectWise, along with all key information

  • Products, Vendors, Manufacturers, Status, Stage, Users and more is seamlessly pushed from the quote or order

  • Link Companies and Contacts between ITQuoter and ConnectWise

  • Do bulk imports of Companies, Contacts & Products from ConnectWise


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.