• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Flowgear enables ConnectWise users to integrate and sync data between ConnectWise and other business systems, e.g., with accounting system to automate billing, and with RMM systems to stay on top of device status. Automate the flow of information between ConnectWise and your other systems, and provide better reporting and customer service.

ConnectWise PSA


The Flowgear ConnectWise Connector supports all ConnectWise APIs and allows you to connect to systems like Sage One, SAP Business One, Odin Service Automation, and others.

Pre-built accounting integrations are available out-of-the-box, these include:

  •          invoice and credit note creation, and payments
  •          create / update customers
  •          reconciliation reports
  •          analysis of sales by customer


Manage your billing, collection, payments, and account planning processes

  •          Automate ticket generation and resolution with RMM and security systems
  •          Reduce manual interventions and errors
  •          Enhance customer service by automating integration
  •          Improve financial reporting

Contact us for information about other ConnectWise integrations

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Flowgear enables ConnectWise users to integrate and sync data between ConnectWise and other business systems, e.g., with accounting system to automate billing, and with RMM systems to stay on top of device status. Automate the flow of information between ConnectWise and your other systems, and provide better reporting and customer service.


ConnectWise PSA


The Flowgear ConnectWise Connector supports all ConnectWise APIs and allows you to connect to systems like Sage One, SAP Business One, Odin Service Automation, and others.

Pre-built accounting integrations are available out-of-the-box, these include:

  •          invoice and credit note creation, and payments
  •          create / update customers
  •          reconciliation reports
  •          analysis of sales by customer


Manage your billing, collection, payments, and account planning processes

  •          Automate ticket generation and resolution with RMM and security systems
  •          Reduce manual interventions and errors
  •          Enhance customer service by automating integration
  •          Improve financial reporting

Contact us for information about other ConnectWise integrations


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.