• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Cytellix, first-of-its-kind integrated GRC + XDR turnkey platform for holistically managing compliance and cybersecurity. Our platform empowers MSPs and vCISOs to eliminate the complexity of managing cyber risk and get a visualized picture of cyber health in real-time. Operational in under 14 days, our solutions your customers become risk free: CMMC, NIST, EDR, MDR, SOC.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Efficiently manage tickets between Cytellix CRM and ConnectWise with seamless integration. Create, update, and synchronize tickets effortlessly within the admin portal, streamlining internal processes for enhanced productivity and coordination.


  • Create ConnectWise Tickets from the Cytellix Admin Portal. (Internal Tool)
  • Update ConnectWise Tickets associated with Cytellix CRM Tickets. (Internal Tool)
  • Automatically create/update a ticket on Cytellix CRM when a ticket is created/updated on ConnectWise.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Cytellix, first-of-its-kind integrated GRC + XDR turnkey platform for holistically managing compliance and cybersecurity. Our platform empowers MSPs and vCISOs to eliminate the complexity of managing cyber risk and get a visualized picture of cyber health in real-time. Operational in under 14 days, our solutions your customers become risk free: CMMC, NIST, EDR, MDR, SOC.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Efficiently manage tickets between Cytellix CRM and ConnectWise with seamless integration. Create, update, and synchronize tickets effortlessly within the admin portal, streamlining internal processes for enhanced productivity and coordination.


  • Create ConnectWise Tickets from the Cytellix Admin Portal. (Internal Tool)
  • Update ConnectWise Tickets associated with Cytellix CRM Tickets. (Internal Tool)
  • Automatically create/update a ticket on Cytellix CRM when a ticket is created/updated on ConnectWise.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.