• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

CloudBanking Platform provides seamless integration between ConnectWise Manage and Xero Accounting Software. It allows you to sync all your accounting data, including invoices, expenses, procurements, and payments from Connectwise manage to Xero account with the click of a button. In just a few clicks, CloudBanking lets its users enjoy a simplified and automated payment reconciliation process.

ConnectWise PSA


  • Seamlessly transfer your accounting information from ConnectWise to Xero, including invoices, payments, expenses, and procurement. Enable fail-over protection to automatically route traffic to a backup payment processor even if the primary processor cuts you off. Avoid additional cost for payment collection and integrate with 150+ payment processor
  • Sync accounting information from ConnectWise to Xero seamlessly, including invoices, payments, expenses, and procurements. Accept credit cards or Bank direct debits and give your customers the convenience to use payment options they prefer.
  • CloudBanking provides an all-in-one system with ConnectWise to Xero integration and payment collection built-in. Don't pay for two separate systems.
  • You can use CloudBanking as a gateway only and use one of our 150+ payment processor integrations.
  • Enable failover protection to automatically route traffic to a backup payment processor even if the primary processor cuts you off. Avoid Vendor Lock and handle complex recurring payment and billing scenarios.

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



CloudBanking Platform provides seamless integration between ConnectWise Manage and Xero Accounting Software. It allows you to sync all your accounting data, including invoices, expenses, procurements, and payments from Connectwise manage to Xero account with the click of a button. In just a few clicks, CloudBanking lets its users enjoy a simplified and automated payment reconciliation process.


ConnectWise PSA


  • Seamlessly transfer your accounting information from ConnectWise to Xero, including invoices, payments, expenses, and procurement. Enable fail-over protection to automatically route traffic to a backup payment processor even if the primary processor cuts you off. Avoid additional cost for payment collection and integrate with 150+ payment processor
  • Sync accounting information from ConnectWise to Xero seamlessly, including invoices, payments, expenses, and procurements. Accept credit cards or Bank direct debits and give your customers the convenience to use payment options they prefer.
  • CloudBanking provides an all-in-one system with ConnectWise to Xero integration and payment collection built-in. Don't pay for two separate systems.
  • You can use CloudBanking as a gateway only and use one of our 150+ payment processor integrations.
  • Enable failover protection to automatically route traffic to a backup payment processor even if the primary processor cuts you off. Avoid Vendor Lock and handle complex recurring payment and billing scenarios.


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.