• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Our Business Intelligence (BI) leverages Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSAT) to identify Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. Our solution is continually iterated to collect real-time customer feedback, boost SEO, and keep our users’ Net Promoter Score (NPS) accurate. All to accomplish our mission to empower our community to share the wealth of their reputations with the world.

ConnectWise PSA


  • CSAT user response rates above 50%: We're not talking about a 5% response rate - we're talking about over 50%. By using our ConnectWise integration, clients are experiencing average user response rates above 50%! We help you convert great CSAT feedback into SEO and take control of your reputation!

  • Get Reviews on Google, Facebook, and more: Our exclusive BizRatings External Review Tool will help generate real reviews for your business on other review platforms. Our tool can guide your happy clients to other review platforms like Google to collect more SEO-boosting reviews.

  • Reporting and Analytics: BizRatings can help generate data and showcase your client relationships through different angles. 1. Our surveys support individual scores for technicians besides a general ticket score 2. We support Reverse CSAT so you can capture data on how your team feels about your Clients 3. Understand clients better

  • NPS survey with Survey Automation and Customizable Survey Questions: Asking the right question to your customer can help you understand them better and create a better product-market fit.

  • Real-time Email Notifications: The single most important thing where BizRatings help you is to get the pulse of your customer; a sentiment echoed by one of our clients, "BizRatings gives us real-time data to empower us to be more effective in identifying and addressing issues before they become problems."

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



Our Business Intelligence (BI) leverages Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSAT) to identify Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. Our solution is continually iterated to collect real-time customer feedback, boost SEO, and keep our users’ Net Promoter Score (NPS) accurate. All to accomplish our mission to empower our community to share the wealth of their reputations with the world.


ConnectWise PSA


  • CSAT user response rates above 50%: We're not talking about a 5% response rate - we're talking about over 50%. By using our ConnectWise integration, clients are experiencing average user response rates above 50%! We help you convert great CSAT feedback into SEO and take control of your reputation!

  • Get Reviews on Google, Facebook, and more: Our exclusive BizRatings External Review Tool will help generate real reviews for your business on other review platforms. Our tool can guide your happy clients to other review platforms like Google to collect more SEO-boosting reviews.

  • Reporting and Analytics: BizRatings can help generate data and showcase your client relationships through different angles. 1. Our surveys support individual scores for technicians besides a general ticket score 2. We support Reverse CSAT so you can capture data on how your team feels about your Clients 3. Understand clients better

  • NPS survey with Survey Automation and Customizable Survey Questions: Asking the right question to your customer can help you understand them better and create a better product-market fit.

  • Real-time Email Notifications: The single most important thing where BizRatings help you is to get the pulse of your customer; a sentiment echoed by one of our clients, "BizRatings gives us real-time data to empower us to be more effective in identifying and addressing issues before they become problems."


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.