
Bitdefender provides antivirus/antimalware consistently rated #1 in independent tests and a comprehensive set of additional endpoint protection layers as part of a unified MSP security suite.

Purchase From ConnectWise
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Bitdefender provides antivirus/antimalware consistently rated #1 in independent tests and a comprehensive set of additional endpoint protection layers as part of a unified MSP security suite - now also available for purchase with simple monthly usage-based licensing through ConnectWise. From a single cloud-hosted management console and using a single agent you can easily and efficiently administer antivirus/antimalware, content control, device control, anti-exploit, patch management, encryption, optimized VM security, tunable machine learning, cloud sandboxing, EDR, and more. In addition to centralizing endpoint protection, Bitdefender helps you reduce overhead with enterprise-grade policies and reporting, comprehensive APIs, and integrations with ConnectWise Automate and ConnectWise Manage. With Bitdefender you also save money as layers such as content control or anti-exploit are included without extra cost to give you the robust proven protection you need against new ransomware, zero-day exploits, phishing, and other malware.

Bitdefender Endpoint Security (standard offering)
37+ Layers of Prevention including:
Antivirus/Antimalware- Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
Network Attack Defense
Process Inspector
Content Control
Device Control
Human & Endpoint Risk Analytics
Web Filtering

Additional Cost Add-On Layers 

Full Disk Encryption (FDE) - requires the purchase of CORE 
Centrally deploy encryption with pre-boot authentication, manage and restore encryption keys
Uses native encryption technologies to avoid performance and compatibility issues: BitLocker on Windows, FileVault on Mac
Generate encryption reports to track policy enforcement and demonstrate compliance

Advanced Threat Security (ATS) - requires the purchase of CORE 
Tunable Machine Learning prevention of advanced ransomware, fileless, and other attacks
Blocks PowerShell and other script-based attacks
Automatic and manual submission for to cloud-hosted sandbox for advanced analysis, threat context, and visibility
Hyperdetect- Tunable Machine Learning
Sandbox Analyzer- Enhanced Targeted Detection

Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) - requires the purchase of CORE 
Detects threats that manage to elude prevention layers and is easy to use, avoiding alert fatigue with alerts prioritized by risk level
Delivers in-depth visibility of suspicious activities, one-click resolution
Offers investigation and root cause analysis capabilities
Simple Response- Guided & automated investigation
Detect APTs by correlating information using anomaly defense
Full Incident Visualization

Patch Management - requires the purchase of CORE 
Largest database of Windows and 3rd party security and non-security patches
Manual and automatic vulnerability patching with scanning, scheduling, reports, and option to postpone reboot
Fastest scan for missing patches, detailed and prioritized patch information
Flexible and fast patching for Windows OS, Linux, and 3rd party apps

Email Security – can be purchased standalone or stacked with CORE 
Licensed per user mailbox
Cloud Based protection for G-suite, O365, Exchange
Bitdefender Email Security demo videos:

Security for Virtualized Environment (SVE) - requires the purchase of CORE 
Optimized Antivirus/antimalware security for files, processes and memory with scanning offloaded from virtual machines to dedicated central appliances
Centrally manage optimized protection for VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, or other hypervisors and for cloud workloads
Improve user experience by reducing application latency
Not just file scanning but comprehensive protection technologies including process and memory scanning
Automatically deploy protection to new machines by including Bitdefender Whenever in the VM templates or golden images Off loads the scanning of highly virtualized environments to a designated SVA appliance


Fortify Powered by Bitdefender
Skilled Security Operations Center (SOC) resources are difficult to find and retain, i.e., expensive especially those with in-depth Bitdefender experience. Purpose-built with your needs in mind, ConnectWise SOC services for Bitdefender provide 24/7/365 monitoring and response backed by expert staff with extensive threat detection and incident response experience.

As your partner in cybersecurity, the ConnectWise SOC works behind the scenes to make sure your Bitdefender services never skip a beat. We’ll keep you informed of everything we see so you can pass the information along to your clients. We’ll do all the work—you get all the glory.

Fortify Powered by Bitdefender includes the core Endpoint Security, Advanced Threat Security, and EDR modules with expert SOC managed services.


Starting Off Right: Bitdefender Pro Services
Cybersecurity is an investment, and you want to get the most out of it, quickly. Bitdefender Professional Services come alongside your security professionals to get your Bitdefender solution up quickly, and efficiently and running and protecting your environment.

Bitdefender Professional Services provides deep cybersecurity expertise, helps improve efficiency, and strengthens your organization’s security posture and cyber resilience by working with our experts.

To receive a quote for this one-time paid professional service, please reach out to your account manage or the Marketplace team at

Resource Links/Schedule an appointment

Schedule a Bitdefender Demo: Please email Cari Crossland ( with three one-hour time slots that you are available.

Free Bitdefender MSP Trials 

ConnectWise PSA


  • Save time with ticketing and billing automation
  • Set up tickets to be triggered automatically in PSA based on Bitdefender security events
  • Set up automatic billing for customers

ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: ConnectWise Automate v12 and later


  • Synchronize the network inventory in GravityZone via Client Mapping 
  • Deploy manually and automatically Bitdefender Agent
  • Manage quarantine from Automate
  • See security events and manage alerts in Automate when Bitdefender identifies a threat Bitdefender ConnectWise Manage Integration 

ConnectWise RMM


  • Configure Bitdefender API keys and access URL
  • Mapping CW RMM to Bitdefender Sites in CW RMM portal
  • Deploying the Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools (BEST) on devices from the CW RMM portal via CW RMM policies and packages
For detailed provisioning and purchasing documentation, please click here.
Provision your NEW ACCOUNTMigrate your existing ConnectWise Agreement to usage based billing, or Transfer your billing to ConnectWise by clicking the BUY NOW button.

When provisioning a new account, you'll create your tenant and gain access to the Acronis portal. Utilize this portal or the ConnectWise Automate plug in, to add machines and backup jobs as needed, and get billed for your monthly storage use or licenses. No need to enter a quantity for each product, or come back to our marketplace to make changes.

Products Available:
• Cloud Security for Endpoints
• Cloud Security for Exchange
• Advanced Threat Security (ATS)
• Advanced Threat Security and Endpoint Detection and Response (ATS & EDR)
• Encryption
• Patch Management
• Security for Virtual Environments (Server or Desktop)

Bitdefender is priced per end point, with monthly usage billed in arrears. Pricing is subject to change at any time. Bitdefender is a 3rd party product that ConnectWise distributes. The ConnectWise Privacy Policy is not applicable to the use of this 3rd party product.

For more information or questions you have please reach out to your Account Manager or email

Bitdefender's PSA and Automate Integrations are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.


Bitdefender provides antivirus/antimalware consistently rated #1 in independent tests and a comprehensive set of additional endpoint protection layers as part of a unified MSP security suite - now also available for purchase with simple monthly usage-based licensing through ConnectWise. From a single cloud-hosted management console and using a single agent you can easily and efficiently administer antivirus/antimalware, content control, device control, anti-exploit, patch management, encryption, optimized VM security, tunable machine learning, cloud sandboxing, EDR, and more. In addition to centralizing endpoint protection, Bitdefender helps you reduce overhead with enterprise-grade policies and reporting, comprehensive APIs, and integrations with ConnectWise Automate and ConnectWise Manage. With Bitdefender you also save money as layers such as content control or anti-exploit are included without extra cost to give you the robust proven protection you need against new ransomware, zero-day exploits, phishing, and other malware.

Bitdefender Endpoint Security (standard offering)
37+ Layers of Prevention including:
Antivirus/Antimalware- Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
Network Attack Defense
Process Inspector
Content Control
Device Control
Human & Endpoint Risk Analytics
Web Filtering

Additional Cost Add-On Layers 

Full Disk Encryption (FDE) - requires the purchase of CORE 
Centrally deploy encryption with pre-boot authentication, manage and restore encryption keys
Uses native encryption technologies to avoid performance and compatibility issues: BitLocker on Windows, FileVault on Mac
Generate encryption reports to track policy enforcement and demonstrate compliance

Advanced Threat Security (ATS) - requires the purchase of CORE 
Tunable Machine Learning prevention of advanced ransomware, fileless, and other attacks
Blocks PowerShell and other script-based attacks
Automatic and manual submission for to cloud-hosted sandbox for advanced analysis, threat context, and visibility
Hyperdetect- Tunable Machine Learning
Sandbox Analyzer- Enhanced Targeted Detection

Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) - requires the purchase of CORE 
Detects threats that manage to elude prevention layers and is easy to use, avoiding alert fatigue with alerts prioritized by risk level
Delivers in-depth visibility of suspicious activities, one-click resolution
Offers investigation and root cause analysis capabilities
Simple Response- Guided & automated investigation
Detect APTs by correlating information using anomaly defense
Full Incident Visualization

Patch Management - requires the purchase of CORE 
Largest database of Windows and 3rd party security and non-security patches
Manual and automatic vulnerability patching with scanning, scheduling, reports, and option to postpone reboot
Fastest scan for missing patches, detailed and prioritized patch information
Flexible and fast patching for Windows OS, Linux, and 3rd party apps

Email Security – can be purchased standalone or stacked with CORE 
Licensed per user mailbox
Cloud Based protection for G-suite, O365, Exchange
Bitdefender Email Security demo videos:

Security for Virtualized Environment (SVE) - requires the purchase of CORE 
Optimized Antivirus/antimalware security for files, processes and memory with scanning offloaded from virtual machines to dedicated central appliances
Centrally manage optimized protection for VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, or other hypervisors and for cloud workloads
Improve user experience by reducing application latency
Not just file scanning but comprehensive protection technologies including process and memory scanning
Automatically deploy protection to new machines by including Bitdefender Whenever in the VM templates or golden images Off loads the scanning of highly virtualized environments to a designated SVA appliance


Fortify Powered by Bitdefender
Skilled Security Operations Center (SOC) resources are difficult to find and retain, i.e., expensive especially those with in-depth Bitdefender experience. Purpose-built with your needs in mind, ConnectWise SOC services for Bitdefender provide 24/7/365 monitoring and response backed by expert staff with extensive threat detection and incident response experience.

As your partner in cybersecurity, the ConnectWise SOC works behind the scenes to make sure your Bitdefender services never skip a beat. We’ll keep you informed of everything we see so you can pass the information along to your clients. We’ll do all the work—you get all the glory.

Fortify Powered by Bitdefender includes the core Endpoint Security, Advanced Threat Security, and EDR modules with expert SOC managed services.


Starting Off Right: Bitdefender Pro Services
Cybersecurity is an investment, and you want to get the most out of it, quickly. Bitdefender Professional Services come alongside your security professionals to get your Bitdefender solution up quickly, and efficiently and running and protecting your environment.

Bitdefender Professional Services provides deep cybersecurity expertise, helps improve efficiency, and strengthens your organization’s security posture and cyber resilience by working with our experts.

To receive a quote for this one-time paid professional service, please reach out to your account manage or the Marketplace team at

Resource Links/Schedule an appointment

Schedule a Bitdefender Demo: Please email Cari Crossland ( with three one-hour time slots that you are available.

Free Bitdefender MSP Trials 


ConnectWise PSA


  • Save time with ticketing and billing automation
  • Set up tickets to be triggered automatically in PSA based on Bitdefender security events
  • Set up automatic billing for customers

ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: ConnectWise Automate v12 and later


  • Synchronize the network inventory in GravityZone via Client Mapping 
  • Deploy manually and automatically Bitdefender Agent
  • Manage quarantine from Automate
  • See security events and manage alerts in Automate when Bitdefender identifies a threat Bitdefender ConnectWise Manage Integration 

ConnectWise RMM


  • Configure Bitdefender API keys and access URL
  • Mapping CW RMM to Bitdefender Sites in CW RMM portal
  • Deploying the Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools (BEST) on devices from the CW RMM portal via CW RMM policies and packages


For detailed provisioning and purchasing documentation, please click here.
Provision your NEW ACCOUNTMigrate your existing ConnectWise Agreement to usage based billing, or Transfer your billing to ConnectWise by clicking the BUY NOW button.

When provisioning a new account, you'll create your tenant and gain access to the Acronis portal. Utilize this portal or the ConnectWise Automate plug in, to add machines and backup jobs as needed, and get billed for your monthly storage use or licenses. No need to enter a quantity for each product, or come back to our marketplace to make changes.

Products Available:
• Cloud Security for Endpoints
• Cloud Security for Exchange
• Advanced Threat Security (ATS)
• Advanced Threat Security and Endpoint Detection and Response (ATS & EDR)
• Encryption
• Patch Management
• Security for Virtual Environments (Server or Desktop)

Bitdefender is priced per end point, with monthly usage billed in arrears. Pricing is subject to change at any time. Bitdefender is a 3rd party product that ConnectWise distributes. The ConnectWise Privacy Policy is not applicable to the use of this 3rd party product.

For more information or questions you have please reach out to your Account Manager or email


Bitdefender's PSA and Automate Integrations are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.