
Stop Threats Before They Strike

Detect hidden attacks on your network, prioritize critical incidents with precision, and seamlessly integrate Lumu into your existing cybersecurity stack for enhanced protection against the most pervasive cyber threats.

 Explore Automate Certified Integrations 

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  • ConnectWise Certified

    Veeam® Service Provider Console, is a FREE product designed to help cloud and managed service providers profitably scale a Veeam-powered managed services business.

  • An AI-powered browser extension that secures your online activities by blocking malicious sites, preventing phishing attacks, for a seamless, safe browsing experience.

  • ConnectWise Certified

    StorageCraft ShadowProtect is a single cross-platform solution that protects hybrid physical and virtual environments.

  • ConnectWise Certified

    Built for MSPs, BrightGauge provides a simpler way to get faster, stronger data insights. It allows you to view all your data in one place and make faster, more informed business decisions.

  • ConnectWise Certified

    ESET’s award-winning security products are lightweight, fast and built with ConnectWise MSPs in mind.

  • ConnectWise Certified

    Eaton’s Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) provides automated protection at remote sites to help your clients avoid lengthy downtime due to power-related system crashes. 

  • ConnectWise Certified

    The Google Authenticator plugin provides Google's two-factor authentication for Automate, which allows users to sign in securely.

  • ConnectWise Certified
  • ConnectWise Certified

    Third Wall policies provide essential protection, locking down vulnerable protocols, limiting end user access to dangerous functions, preventing data theft and phishing, even watching for ransomware attacks.

  • ConnectWise Certified

    An award-winning PSA that connects your entire operation through a single pane of glass, providing clarity for what’s happening (or not) in your business.

  • ConnectWise Certified

    ThreatDown products are purpose-built to overpower threats, while empowering IT, with powerfully simple products designed to protect organizations from today’s sophisticated cyber threat landscape.

  • ConnectWise Certified
    PitchIT Participant

    Thread seamlessly connects MSPs and their clients in the apps they use every day, enabling service magic.