
Built for MSPs, BrightGauge provides a simpler way to get faster, stronger data insights. It allows you to view all your data in one place and make faster, more informed business decisions.


Forget toggling back and forth between tabs and logging in and out of different accounts to access the business intelligence (BI) dashboards you need. BrightGauge puts all your essential information in one place, giving you greater visibility so you can make more informed decisions. Customize BrightGauge dashboards and sync your most-used business tools in a BI dashboard software designed to give you ultimate visibility.


Never Miss a Beat

Proactively notify team members when important thresholds are about to be exceeded or met.

Never Struggle With Customer Reports

Create and schedule sending valuable reports to customers in a fraction of the time.

Make Your Data Work For You

Create your own custom KPIs, calculations and designs to see your data how YOU want to see it.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

See the power of intuitive BrightGauge features:

Calculated metrics
Automatically add, subtract, multiply, and divide one metric against another, so you know your numbers are always accurate.

Data source mashup
View all your business solutions and metrics at once with seamless BI dashboards for easier analyzing and reporting.

Automatically capture and input data points into charts to quickly identify and analyze patterns and trends.

Embedded gauges
Display your data with embeddable gauges on public sites to show your prospects how quickly you respond to tickets and more.

Quick Sync dashboards
Quick Sync gauges for ConnectWise PSA cloud and ConnectWise RMM use cases are available to show near real-time information for critical data points.

Increased automation
With the Snapshot tool, metrics are turned into charts automatically—giving your customer’s more transparency into your work and freeing up time for you to focus on other tasks. 

ConnectWise PSA


  • View your data as it’s happening Dashboards make it simple to see what’s happening live. With your ConnectWise PSA integration, you can create your own custom dashboards or select from our 10+ pre-built dashboards.
  • Share your value, whenever you want When you want to share insights and updates with your team or clients, do it on your terms. With Client Reporting capabilities, you can customize and send ConnectWise reports any time of day or week. Your data will sync 10 minutes before a report
  • You'll get 202 pre-built gauges with ConnectWise PSA API, and 303 with ConnectWise PSA on-prem, so it's easy for you to get started right out of the box

ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: ConnectWise Automate versions 12 or 2019


  • With dashboards, you’ll see what’s happening as it’s happening, so you’ll always know what needs immediate attention. Plus, when you link your ConnectWise Automate integration (formerly Labtech integration) and BrightGauge, you’ll automatically get 4 pre-built dashboards.
  • Whether you need to show response-time metrics or machine patch status, it’s easy to create and send custom ConnectWise reports any time of day or week. Your data will sync 10 minutes before a report goes out, keeping things up-to-date.
  • Get started with 54 pre-built ConnectWise data gauges, automatically available when you open an account with BrightGauge. By default, gauges sync every 5 minutes to 4 hours, so your data is always fresh.


ConnectWise RMM


  • Reports and Dashboards in BrightGauge
  • Automatic provisioning and Single sign-on access from ITSupport Portal

BrightGauge's PSA and Automate Integrations are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.


See the power of intuitive BrightGauge features:

Calculated metrics
Automatically add, subtract, multiply, and divide one metric against another, so you know your numbers are always accurate.

Data source mashup
View all your business solutions and metrics at once with seamless BI dashboards for easier analyzing and reporting.

Automatically capture and input data points into charts to quickly identify and analyze patterns and trends.

Embedded gauges
Display your data with embeddable gauges on public sites to show your prospects how quickly you respond to tickets and more.

Quick Sync dashboards
Quick Sync gauges for ConnectWise PSA cloud and ConnectWise RMM use cases are available to show near real-time information for critical data points.

Increased automation
With the Snapshot tool, metrics are turned into charts automatically—giving your customer’s more transparency into your work and freeing up time for you to focus on other tasks. 


ConnectWise PSA


  • View your data as it’s happening Dashboards make it simple to see what’s happening live. With your ConnectWise PSA integration, you can create your own custom dashboards or select from our 10+ pre-built dashboards.
  • Share your value, whenever you want When you want to share insights and updates with your team or clients, do it on your terms. With Client Reporting capabilities, you can customize and send ConnectWise reports any time of day or week. Your data will sync 10 minutes before a report
  • You'll get 202 pre-built gauges with ConnectWise PSA API, and 303 with ConnectWise PSA on-prem, so it's easy for you to get started right out of the box

ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: ConnectWise Automate versions 12 or 2019


  • With dashboards, you’ll see what’s happening as it’s happening, so you’ll always know what needs immediate attention. Plus, when you link your ConnectWise Automate integration (formerly Labtech integration) and BrightGauge, you’ll automatically get 4 pre-built dashboards.
  • Whether you need to show response-time metrics or machine patch status, it’s easy to create and send custom ConnectWise reports any time of day or week. Your data will sync 10 minutes before a report goes out, keeping things up-to-date.
  • Get started with 54 pre-built ConnectWise data gauges, automatically available when you open an account with BrightGauge. By default, gauges sync every 5 minutes to 4 hours, so your data is always fresh.


ConnectWise RMM


  • Reports and Dashboards in BrightGauge
  • Automatic provisioning and Single sign-on access from ITSupport Portal


BrightGauge's PSA and Automate Integrations are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.