ConnectWise Sidekick

ConnectWise Sidekick is a groundbreaking AI service for MSPs that revolutionize their operations.


Powered by the Asio Platform, Sidekick is a generative AI engine that delivers unparalleled productivity for MSPs. Sidekick for PSA empowers service technicians to lean on AI to triage tickets, categorize tickets, suggest possible resolutions, and generate email replies to customers. Sidekick for RMM transforms tedious tasks with AI scripting automation and Sidekick for Cybersecurity allows MSP owners and technicians to query using natural language prompts to quickly understand their customer's overall security posture and identify high-priority security areas. Overall, ConnectWise Sidekick delivers millions of AI-powered recommendations daily across the Asio Platform.


Auto triage tickets

Automatically set the right board, priority, and categorization to deliver support at scale

AI-generated scripting

Quickly generate AI PowerShell, batch, and bash scripts

Improve security posture visibility​

Query for alerts across endpoints, vulnerabilities, SaaS applications, MDR, and email

  • Overview

ConnectWise Sidekick leverages ConnectWise's proprietary generative AI models and industry-leading large language models to enable TSPs and their SMB clients to utilize natural-language prompts for automation and time-saving. It automates tasks such as generating PowerShell scripts, ticket categorization, summarization, providing resolutions, and automated responses to end users. By prioritizing daily tasks and addressing critical problems first, ConnectWise Sidekick increases team productivity and optimizes operations

ConnectWise Sidekick is a purpose-built tool for the IT channel that enhances business efficiency through hyperautomation and AI. It automates triage, summarization, and resolution suggestions, resulting in faster service ticket resolution times and consistent exceptional customer experiences. By streamlining ticket management, ConnectWise Sidekick enables technicians to work efficiently and effectively. The bot centralizes information access within Microsoft Teams and facilitates streamlined updates for all teams.

ConnectWise Sidekick delivers millions of AI-powered predictions daily across ConnectWise's suite of solutions. The aim is to make every organizational role more efficient, from technicians to service managers, sales and marketing, and owners. AI is utilized across sales modules, finance modules, agreements and invoicing, project management modules, and time management modules to drive efficiency and resource optimization. ConnectWise also provides documentation modules with semantic search capabilities for more relevant information retrieval.


ConnectWise Sidekick leverages ConnectWise's proprietary generative AI models and industry-leading large language models to enable TSPs and their SMB clients to utilize natural-language prompts for automation and time-saving. It automates tasks such as generating PowerShell scripts, ticket categorization, summarization, providing resolutions, and automated responses to end users. By prioritizing daily tasks and addressing critical problems first, ConnectWise Sidekick increases team productivity and optimizes operations

ConnectWise Sidekick is a purpose-built tool for the IT channel that enhances business efficiency through hyperautomation and AI. It automates triage, summarization, and resolution suggestions, resulting in faster service ticket resolution times and consistent exceptional customer experiences. By streamlining ticket management, ConnectWise Sidekick enables technicians to work efficiently and effectively. The bot centralizes information access within Microsoft Teams and facilitates streamlined updates for all teams.

ConnectWise Sidekick delivers millions of AI-powered predictions daily across ConnectWise's suite of solutions. The aim is to make every organizational role more efficient, from technicians to service managers, sales and marketing, and owners. AI is utilized across sales modules, finance modules, agreements and invoicing, project management modules, and time management modules to drive efficiency and resource optimization. ConnectWise also provides documentation modules with semantic search capabilities for more relevant information retrieval.