Cloud Accounting Integration by Wise-Sync

Put your manual accounting tasks on autopilot and take back control of your finances with this cloud accounting integration.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Less time spent crunching numbers and fixing manual errors, means more time to grow your business and get back to what really matters (minus the headaches).

Our industry-first integration empowers you to auto-sync your accounting data in real-time between ConnectWise PSA and cloud accounting platforms Xero or QuickBooks Online. Coupled with our integrated payment automation platform, WisePay™, a ConnectWise solution, together they offer the highest-integrated solution for accounting and payment automation.

Simply create an invoice in ConnectWise PSA, close it, and by the time your customer receives the invoice—it’s already in your accounting platform ready to accept payment (via WisePay).

Wise-Sync is the ultimate solution to achieve ConnectWise Synctopia. With no lock-in contracts or hidden fees, our dedicated team of ConnectWise experts provide onboarding and consulting services second to none. When you sign up to Wise-Sync, rest assured we don’t take shortcuts - our consultants will work closely with you to achieve sync-cess.

Product Highlights:

  • “Incalculable” efficiency: With one-click automation, you can sync invoices, inventory, procurement (purchase orders), expenses, payments, and more - from cost savings of up to $50k a year, to slashing the financial admin time spent from 40hrs to just 3.5hrs/week, discover why MSPs are calling Wise-Sync “the missing piece.

  • Single-record batching: A term coined by the creator of Wise-Sync, a feature imitated but never copied to perfection, which allows you to revel in the unmatched capability to reverse any single record within a batch at ease - saving you significant time and energy from having to reverse the whole batch.

  • Say goodbye to double handling (and $0.01 invoices): Sync your purchase orders to vendor bills and put an end to painful procurement as Wise-Sync automatically rounds and adjusts invoices to ensure financial validation is consistently achieved - the invoice provided will actually match the invoice in your PSA (so you no longer have to worry about those pesky $0.01 invoices).

  • Data validation to give you confidence in your numbers: Wise-Sync prompts end-users to take action when recognizing something strange, with options to either ‘proceed with warning,’ ‘halt’ or ‘take no action’ - empowering users with the enhanced usability to find the answers you need. Wise-Sync is specially designed to eliminate data errors because we know how precious your time is.

  • Auto-reconcile your company-paid expenses: Pre-configure ConnectWise expenses, and directly allocate to ‘Company Paid Expenses.' Simplify tracking prepaid expenses, and uncomplicate the reconciliation of petty cash and bank debit and corporate credit card expenses against general office expenses - you can learn more about this enhanced feature here.

  • Wise-Sync scales with your business: The limit does not exist. Our platform grows with you, so you won’t ever need to worry about the minimum or maximum amount of invoices you can sync. So, whether you’re issuing 10 or 10,000 invoices a month, Wise-Sync scales with your business.
I feel like I have control now and I can make an educated decision. I have full visibility into what our accounts receivable looks like. I have full visibility into all actions of the business - we’ve moved our business to real-time.”
William Barlock, IT Support Specialists

Enhanced features for ConnectWise PSA users:

Embrace cloud accounting and immerse yourself within the unsurpassed capability to seamlessly sync the following in ConnectWise PSA:

  • Invoices: Auto-sync your accounts receivable invoices in Wise-Sync with granular detail, which facilitates the complete end user journey from your PSA straight to your accounting package. Wise-Sync doesn’t just provide the information, it departmentalizes it for you.

  • Procurement (purchase orders): We simplify the process, eliminating item receipts, so you can sync straight to a vendor bill - saving you ample time you can refocus elsewhere.

  • Inventory: Precisely manage your inventory assets by syncing movement (purchases, sales, transfers, and adjustments) to and from warehouses between ConnectWise PSA and your accounting package.

  • Expenses: Drastically shorten your payment reconciliation cycle with our enhanced Expense Connect feature, which allows you to sync detailed expenses, directly allocate a payment to ‘Company Paid Expenses’ to linked bank (or credit card) accounts in Xero, pre-set ConnectWise expenses and auto-reconcile your corporate credit card expenses.

  • Tracking codes: Boost your reporting power when you sync your revenue and expenses to tracking codes within your accounting package.

  • Multi-currency: From whichever country an invoice is generated, now you’ll be able to sync your accounts receivable from ConnectWise PSA to your accounting package in the same currency.

Here at Wise-Sync, we listen to our customers. We’re constantly innovating to meet your business needs - watch this space for new updates coming soon or alternatively, feel free to chat to our team today.

Expert-led onboarding and consulting:

  • Let’s get you on-board: No matter how simple or complex your implementation may be, our Customer Success Managers can help you through it. We won’t let you go on alone, we’re here for you - so unlike other integrations who will not charge for onboarding, we know the value of your time, which is why we do it for you - to make sure you’re all set-up in future (without any issues).

  • One-on-one consulting: We offer expert-led consulting services to prioritise your business’ growth. Our product specialists can perform the enhanced set-up of your accounting systems to make sure you’re more efficient than ever before - for Jonathan Kendrick, CEO, DT Partners, “the knowledge you get from being a Wise-Sync customer, is probably the most valuable thing.”

  • Customer support: We’re here for you - whenever, wherever you need us. We operate globally with a dedicated team available 24-5 to cater to a support plan that best suits your business needs, everywhere from standard support, to 24-7 priority SLAs. To date, we have a 97% customer satisfaction rate from 648 responses, with several customers saying, “Viva La Wise-Sync.”

“We’ve been using Wise-Sync since we made the move to CW and Xero a few years ago and must say, the product just works! Not only is it a solid product that does its job, its a real time saver if we had to do this manually, i.e. re-input all the invoices into Xero. It will save you days each month and not to mention the accuracy it provides vs doing it manually. In the rare event that there is a support issue, it is dealt with promptly. One of the best support teams out there.”
- George Khalil, GKM2 Solutions

Our Story: Why Wise-Sync Is the Trusted Solution for MSPs

Just like you, our CEO-Founder, Paul MacNeill, felt the pain of not being able to sync between his PSA and accounting package when he ran his own MSP - it was then in 2012, that he created Wise-Sync - the first-ever integration platform for data synchronization between ConnectWise PSA and Xero / QuickBooks Online.

Fast forward and we now have the highest-rated integration to both Xero and QuickBooks Online. Our customer satisfaction shows in our reviews. Wise-Sync, named one of Australia's fastest-growing IT companies (CRN Fast50, 2019), launched with just eight beta customers in 2012. Today, Wise-Sync is the trusted solution for more than 650+ customers from across the globe. Wise-Sync is a global and industry-renowned provider of invoice and payment solutions, while a true innovator in the field, having paved the way for integrated solutions to come.

Discover WisePay

WisePay, the ultimate add-on to Wise-Sync, streamlines the management, collection, and reconciliation of credit card and bank account payments - making it easier for you to get paid on time, every time.

With WisePay, you won’t ever need to chase a payment again as it integrates directly on top of Wise-Sync to enable an integrated payment solution to ConnectWise PSA and ConnectWise Sell. WisePay doesn’t just process payments - it validates them.

Processing over hundreds of millions' worth of payments each year, discover why WisePay is the preferred payment platform for MSPs worldwide.



Chat to the team! Request a demo here.

ConnectWise PSA™

Requirements: ConnectWise PSA Version Support: GA-1, GA, GA+1 - Cloud Accounting Platforms: Xero, QuickBooks Online (QBO)


  • Sync All Accounting Data - Sync all record types, including detailed Invoices, Payments, Procurements (Purchase Orders), Inventory, and Expenses. No line of detail is left behind. We even take some data types to the next level through our deep integration into 11 ConnectWise APIs.

  • Secure Cloud Integration – No software to install and maintain; data only transmitted, never stored. Using only the ConnectWise APIs it is fully supported for Cloud and On-Premise Partners. We even support ConnectWise Beta Partners.

  • Built for Robust Financial Practices - Sync only quality data to your Accounting Package. Wise-Sync validates every record and will either warn of a compliance issue, or optionally halt a record from posting if it does not meet our defined compliance checks.

  • ConnectWise Certified and Tested - We work directly with the ConnectWise API team, demonstrating the importance of the continued flow of critical financial data to your accounting platform. Wise-Sync has had Alpha Release support for all versions on average within 2 days of pre-release.

Wise-Sync's PSA integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup, please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.


Less time spent crunching numbers and fixing manual errors, means more time to grow your business and get back to what really matters (minus the headaches).

Our industry-first integration empowers you to auto-sync your accounting data in real-time between ConnectWise PSA and cloud accounting platforms Xero or QuickBooks Online. Coupled with our integrated payment automation platform, WisePay™, a ConnectWise solution, together they offer the highest-integrated solution for accounting and payment automation.

Simply create an invoice in ConnectWise PSA, close it, and by the time your customer receives the invoice—it’s already in your accounting platform ready to accept payment (via WisePay).

Wise-Sync is the ultimate solution to achieve ConnectWise Synctopia. With no lock-in contracts or hidden fees, our dedicated team of ConnectWise experts provide onboarding and consulting services second to none. When you sign up to Wise-Sync, rest assured we don’t take shortcuts - our consultants will work closely with you to achieve sync-cess.

Product Highlights:

  • “Incalculable” efficiency: With one-click automation, you can sync invoices, inventory, procurement (purchase orders), expenses, payments, and more - from cost savings of up to $50k a year, to slashing the financial admin time spent from 40hrs to just 3.5hrs/week, discover why MSPs are calling Wise-Sync “the missing piece.

  • Single-record batching: A term coined by the creator of Wise-Sync, a feature imitated but never copied to perfection, which allows you to revel in the unmatched capability to reverse any single record within a batch at ease - saving you significant time and energy from having to reverse the whole batch.

  • Say goodbye to double handling (and $0.01 invoices): Sync your purchase orders to vendor bills and put an end to painful procurement as Wise-Sync automatically rounds and adjusts invoices to ensure financial validation is consistently achieved - the invoice provided will actually match the invoice in your PSA (so you no longer have to worry about those pesky $0.01 invoices).

  • Data validation to give you confidence in your numbers: Wise-Sync prompts end-users to take action when recognizing something strange, with options to either ‘proceed with warning,’ ‘halt’ or ‘take no action’ - empowering users with the enhanced usability to find the answers you need. Wise-Sync is specially designed to eliminate data errors because we know how precious your time is.

  • Auto-reconcile your company-paid expenses: Pre-configure ConnectWise expenses, and directly allocate to ‘Company Paid Expenses.' Simplify tracking prepaid expenses, and uncomplicate the reconciliation of petty cash and bank debit and corporate credit card expenses against general office expenses - you can learn more about this enhanced feature here.

  • Wise-Sync scales with your business: The limit does not exist. Our platform grows with you, so you won’t ever need to worry about the minimum or maximum amount of invoices you can sync. So, whether you’re issuing 10 or 10,000 invoices a month, Wise-Sync scales with your business.
I feel like I have control now and I can make an educated decision. I have full visibility into what our accounts receivable looks like. I have full visibility into all actions of the business - we’ve moved our business to real-time.”
William Barlock, IT Support Specialists

Enhanced features for ConnectWise PSA users:

Embrace cloud accounting and immerse yourself within the unsurpassed capability to seamlessly sync the following in ConnectWise PSA:

  • Invoices: Auto-sync your accounts receivable invoices in Wise-Sync with granular detail, which facilitates the complete end user journey from your PSA straight to your accounting package. Wise-Sync doesn’t just provide the information, it departmentalizes it for you.

  • Procurement (purchase orders): We simplify the process, eliminating item receipts, so you can sync straight to a vendor bill - saving you ample time you can refocus elsewhere.

  • Inventory: Precisely manage your inventory assets by syncing movement (purchases, sales, transfers, and adjustments) to and from warehouses between ConnectWise PSA and your accounting package.

  • Expenses: Drastically shorten your payment reconciliation cycle with our enhanced Expense Connect feature, which allows you to sync detailed expenses, directly allocate a payment to ‘Company Paid Expenses’ to linked bank (or credit card) accounts in Xero, pre-set ConnectWise expenses and auto-reconcile your corporate credit card expenses.

  • Tracking codes: Boost your reporting power when you sync your revenue and expenses to tracking codes within your accounting package.

  • Multi-currency: From whichever country an invoice is generated, now you’ll be able to sync your accounts receivable from ConnectWise PSA to your accounting package in the same currency.

Here at Wise-Sync, we listen to our customers. We’re constantly innovating to meet your business needs - watch this space for new updates coming soon or alternatively, feel free to chat to our team today.

Expert-led onboarding and consulting:

  • Let’s get you on-board: No matter how simple or complex your implementation may be, our Customer Success Managers can help you through it. We won’t let you go on alone, we’re here for you - so unlike other integrations who will not charge for onboarding, we know the value of your time, which is why we do it for you - to make sure you’re all set-up in future (without any issues).

  • One-on-one consulting: We offer expert-led consulting services to prioritise your business’ growth. Our product specialists can perform the enhanced set-up of your accounting systems to make sure you’re more efficient than ever before - for Jonathan Kendrick, CEO, DT Partners, “the knowledge you get from being a Wise-Sync customer, is probably the most valuable thing.”

  • Customer support: We’re here for you - whenever, wherever you need us. We operate globally with a dedicated team available 24-5 to cater to a support plan that best suits your business needs, everywhere from standard support, to 24-7 priority SLAs. To date, we have a 97% customer satisfaction rate from 648 responses, with several customers saying, “Viva La Wise-Sync.”

“We’ve been using Wise-Sync since we made the move to CW and Xero a few years ago and must say, the product just works! Not only is it a solid product that does its job, its a real time saver if we had to do this manually, i.e. re-input all the invoices into Xero. It will save you days each month and not to mention the accuracy it provides vs doing it manually. In the rare event that there is a support issue, it is dealt with promptly. One of the best support teams out there.”
- George Khalil, GKM2 Solutions

Our Story: Why Wise-Sync Is the Trusted Solution for MSPs

Just like you, our CEO-Founder, Paul MacNeill, felt the pain of not being able to sync between his PSA and accounting package when he ran his own MSP - it was then in 2012, that he created Wise-Sync - the first-ever integration platform for data synchronization between ConnectWise PSA and Xero / QuickBooks Online.

Fast forward and we now have the highest-rated integration to both Xero and QuickBooks Online. Our customer satisfaction shows in our reviews. Wise-Sync, named one of Australia's fastest-growing IT companies (CRN Fast50, 2019), launched with just eight beta customers in 2012. Today, Wise-Sync is the trusted solution for more than 650+ customers from across the globe. Wise-Sync is a global and industry-renowned provider of invoice and payment solutions, while a true innovator in the field, having paved the way for integrated solutions to come.

Discover WisePay

WisePay, the ultimate add-on to Wise-Sync, streamlines the management, collection, and reconciliation of credit card and bank account payments - making it easier for you to get paid on time, every time.

With WisePay, you won’t ever need to chase a payment again as it integrates directly on top of Wise-Sync to enable an integrated payment solution to ConnectWise PSA and ConnectWise Sell. WisePay doesn’t just process payments - it validates them.

Processing over hundreds of millions' worth of payments each year, discover why WisePay is the preferred payment platform for MSPs worldwide.



Chat to the team! Request a demo here.


ConnectWise PSA™

Requirements: ConnectWise PSA Version Support: GA-1, GA, GA+1 - Cloud Accounting Platforms: Xero, QuickBooks Online (QBO)


  • Sync All Accounting Data - Sync all record types, including detailed Invoices, Payments, Procurements (Purchase Orders), Inventory, and Expenses. No line of detail is left behind. We even take some data types to the next level through our deep integration into 11 ConnectWise APIs.

  • Secure Cloud Integration – No software to install and maintain; data only transmitted, never stored. Using only the ConnectWise APIs it is fully supported for Cloud and On-Premise Partners. We even support ConnectWise Beta Partners.

  • Built for Robust Financial Practices - Sync only quality data to your Accounting Package. Wise-Sync validates every record and will either warn of a compliance issue, or optionally halt a record from posting if it does not meet our defined compliance checks.

  • ConnectWise Certified and Tested - We work directly with the ConnectWise API team, demonstrating the importance of the continued flow of critical financial data to your accounting platform. Wise-Sync has had Alpha Release support for all versions on average within 2 days of pre-release.


Wise-Sync's PSA integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup, please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.