GreatAmerica Financial Services

GreatAmerica Financial Services brings the As-A-Service technology equipment financing model to solution providers without the risk and cash flow impact of HaaS with Hardware as a Rental® or HaaR®.

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.

ConnectWise CPQ and PSA integrate with GreatAmerica allowing you to easily calculate monthly payments to fit the terms and purchase options you choose. The integrations also permit you to digitally submit credit applications and update your variable charges in ConnectWise so GreatAmerica can bill for you. Do you want to offer multiple finance options and bundle payments? The integrations with GreatAmerica can do that! Beyond the integrations, Greatamerica offers financial resources for your internal technology investments (not only for your customers)!


Hardware as a Rental®

Hardware as a Rental or HaaR® combines the best attributes of Hardware as a Service (HaaS) and equipment financing to provide your customers with a one-invoice solution for all hardware, software, installation, and services.

Analysis + Reporting

Easily monitor customer sentiment with real-time dashboards in order to gather insights and create custom reports for your clients.

Take Action

GreatAmerica pricing is built into ConnectWise CPQ to give you the ability to price monthly payments for the hardware and projects you are providing (including bundling and digital credit application).

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

GreatAmerica is the largest, family-owned national commercial equipment finance company in the United States. A $3+ billion company with life-to-date finance originations of $16.1 billion, GreatAmerica was established in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 1992. Dedicated to helping manufacturers, distributors, resellers, and franchisees be more successful and keep their customers for a lifetime, GreatAmerica offers innovative, complementary services in addition to financing. GreatAmerica is committed to the communities it serves and donates more than $1.1 million annually through a GreatAmerica Donor Advised Fund and an Employee Advised Fund, giving team members a say in where funds are allocated.

For complete hardware, software, installation, and services solutions, Hardware as a Rental or HaaR® and Hardware as a Service (HaaS)provide you with equipment financing from GreatAmerica.

Easily quote and submit digital credit applications directly from ConnectWise CPQ with GreatAmerica pricing.

Requirements - Works with ConnectWise Manage hosted or licensed versions.

ConnectWise PSA Integration

Submit Credit Applications - With one click pass your opportunity details to GreatAmerica for a credit check.

Flexible Invoicing - Update your variable charges in ConnectWise and let GreatAmerica bill them for you.

ConnectWise CPQ Integration

Submit Credit Applications - The integration uses real-time lease rates to calculate monthly payments to fit the terms and purchase options you choose. Those terms are customizable for each of your clients’ quotes and can include your SLA monthly payment to present a Hardware as a Service-like solution.

With This Integration, You Can:

  • Quote multiple finance options;
  • Place monthly payments on proposals;
  • Bundle hardware payment & SLA monthly payment;
  • Submit the deal directly to GreatAmerica for a credit decision.

GreatAmerica's ConnectWise PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the GreatAmerica team to resolve any issues.


GreatAmerica is the largest, family-owned national commercial equipment finance company in the United States. A $3+ billion company with life-to-date finance originations of $16.1 billion, GreatAmerica was established in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 1992. Dedicated to helping manufacturers, distributors, resellers, and franchisees be more successful and keep their customers for a lifetime, GreatAmerica offers innovative, complementary services in addition to financing. GreatAmerica is committed to the communities it serves and donates more than $1.1 million annually through a GreatAmerica Donor Advised Fund and an Employee Advised Fund, giving team members a say in where funds are allocated.

For complete hardware, software, installation, and services solutions, Hardware as a Rental or HaaR® and Hardware as a Service (HaaS)provide you with equipment financing from GreatAmerica.

Easily quote and submit digital credit applications directly from ConnectWise CPQ with GreatAmerica pricing.


Requirements - Works with ConnectWise Manage hosted or licensed versions.

ConnectWise PSA Integration

Submit Credit Applications - With one click pass your opportunity details to GreatAmerica for a credit check.

Flexible Invoicing - Update your variable charges in ConnectWise and let GreatAmerica bill them for you.

ConnectWise CPQ Integration

Submit Credit Applications - The integration uses real-time lease rates to calculate monthly payments to fit the terms and purchase options you choose. Those terms are customizable for each of your clients’ quotes and can include your SLA monthly payment to present a Hardware as a Service-like solution.

With This Integration, You Can:

  • Quote multiple finance options;
  • Place monthly payments on proposals;
  • Bundle hardware payment & SLA monthly payment;
  • Submit the deal directly to GreatAmerica for a credit decision.


GreatAmerica's ConnectWise PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the GreatAmerica team to resolve any issues.
