Empowering MSPs: xAmplify’s Integration with ConnectWise Redefines Marketing Efficiency

September 23, 2024

We’re thrilled to announce a groundbreaking collaboration between xAmplify, the only direct and co-marketing automation platform in one place, and ConnectWise, the renowned business management solution for managed service providers (MSPs). This integration marks a pivotal moment in our mission to redefine MSP marketing, offering a seamless solution that empowers MSPs to streamline their marketing efforts and achieve business growth.

To celebrate this milestone, we’re introducing an exclusive promotion for new users: sign up for xAmplify today and receive one month of complimentary “done for you” marketing services from Fornix Marketing. This special offer underscores our commitment to delivering exceptional value to MSPs and supporting them on their journey to marketing success.

The integration of xAmplify with ConnectWise brings together the best of both worlds, blending ConnectWise’s robust business management capabilities with xAmplify’s cutting-edge marketing automation tools. This powerful synergy enables MSPs to seamlessly transition from managing their company to effectively marketing their services, all within a single, integrated platform.

With xAmplify, MSPs gain access to a comprehensive suite of marketing tools designed to simplify and streamline every aspect of their marketing workflow. From direct marketing features like email and social media management to co-marketing with vendors without leaving their account, xAmplify empowers MSPs to create, deploy, and track targeted marketing campaigns with unparalleled ease and efficiency.

A standout feature of the xAmplify-ConnectWise integration is its ability to centralize marketing efforts for MSPs. By merging ConnectWise’s robust business management capabilities with xAmplify’s advanced marketing tools, MSPs can access a unified platform to manage their entire marketing ecosystem.

Moreover, the integration fosters collaboration between MSPs and their vendors. By inviting vendors to join the xAmplify platform, MSPs can create a centralized hub for collaborating with multiple vendors in one place. This seamless integration and limitless co-branding of marketing and sales content strengthens partnerships, drives mutual success, and enables both parties to achieve their business goals more effectively.

With xAmplify’s intuitive interface and powerful features, MSPs can elevate their marketing efforts to new heights. Whether it’s launching personalized email campaigns, running targeted social media ads, or tracking campaign performance with advanced analytics, xAmplify provides MSPs with the tools they need to engage their audience, generate leads, and drive conversions confidently.

Furthermore, with the expertise and guidance of Fornix Marketing, MSPs can maximize the impact of their marketing initiatives. From strategic planning to performance optimization, Fornix Marketing offers a ‘done-for-you’ marketing approach that helps MSPs achieve goals.

The integration between xAmplify and ConnectWise represents a paradigm shift for MSP marketing. By delivering a seamless and integrated solution that combines the strengths of ConnectWise, xAmplify and Fornix, MSPs can streamline their direct and co-marketing efforts and achieve business growth like never before. Request a Demo of xAmplify

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