Zynk - Sage 200

The Sage 200 connector is the most feature rich integration connector available and allows you to integrate almost all Sage 200 functions with your systems allowing you to automate a number of tasks with your Sage 200 accounting software using a drag and drop interface with no additional coding required.

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.
  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Are you tired of spending valuable time on manual data entry and repetitive tasks? Do you wish to streamline your business processes and improve efficiency? Zynk is a powerful integration platform as a service designed to seamlessly connect ConnectWise with Sage, delivering a host of benefits to your business.

Integrating ConnectWise to Sage with Zynk Workflow

Automated Customer Data Sync

With Zynk's integration, bid farewell to the hassle of manually updating customer information across systems. Syncing customer data between ConnectWise and Sage is effortless and error-free, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records at all times.

Efficient Invoicing Process

Zynk simplifies the invoicing process by seamlessly transferring invoice data from ConnectWise to Sage. Say goodbye to double data entry and reduce the risk of invoicing errors, leading to faster payments and improved cash flow.

Streamlined Purchase Order Management

Managing purchase orders becomes a breeze with Zynk's integration. Automatically create and update purchase orders in Sage based on data from ConnectWise, ensuring better control and visibility over your procurement process.

Simplified Expense Tracking

Keep track of expenses effortlessly by integrating ConnectWise with Sage. Zynk allows you to sync expense data between the two systems, enabling accurate expense reporting and better financial analysis.

Turnkey or Bespoke Integration options

The Zynk Workflow platform is a powerful iPaas and Zynk can offer ConnectWise partners a simple fixed-cost Turnkey solution, as well as a completely bespoke integration option which can be implemented by our professional services team or your own team with our support.

Why Choose Zynk?

Over the years, Zynk has fostered strong relationships with ConnectWise partners to gain valuable insights into their specific needs and workflows. This collaborative approach has allowed us to thoroughly understand the requirements for seamlessly integrating ConnectWise PSA with a diverse array of software solutions, including Accounting, CRM and various other platforms. 

As a testament to our dedication and expertise, the Zynk iPaaS has undergone rigorous evaluation and earned independent certification from ConnectWise, affirming its reliability and compatibility to seamlessly integrate with ConnectWise PSA and various other software systems.

Zynk is a Sage-certified and accredited Tech partner.

ConnectWise PSA


  • Run your business on autopilot - Say goodbye to repetitive data entry between ConnectWise and Sage

  • Totally customizable - Integration built to replicate the way you currently use ConnectWise PSA

Zynk - Sage 200's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to Help@ConnectWise.com and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.



Are you tired of spending valuable time on manual data entry and repetitive tasks? Do you wish to streamline your business processes and improve efficiency? Zynk is a powerful integration platform as a service designed to seamlessly connect ConnectWise with Sage, delivering a host of benefits to your business.

Integrating ConnectWise to Sage with Zynk Workflow

Automated Customer Data Sync

With Zynk's integration, bid farewell to the hassle of manually updating customer information across systems. Syncing customer data between ConnectWise and Sage is effortless and error-free, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records at all times.

Efficient Invoicing Process

Zynk simplifies the invoicing process by seamlessly transferring invoice data from ConnectWise to Sage. Say goodbye to double data entry and reduce the risk of invoicing errors, leading to faster payments and improved cash flow.

Streamlined Purchase Order Management

Managing purchase orders becomes a breeze with Zynk's integration. Automatically create and update purchase orders in Sage based on data from ConnectWise, ensuring better control and visibility over your procurement process.

Simplified Expense Tracking

Keep track of expenses effortlessly by integrating ConnectWise with Sage. Zynk allows you to sync expense data between the two systems, enabling accurate expense reporting and better financial analysis.

Turnkey or Bespoke Integration options

The Zynk Workflow platform is a powerful iPaas and Zynk can offer ConnectWise partners a simple fixed-cost Turnkey solution, as well as a completely bespoke integration option which can be implemented by our professional services team or your own team with our support.

Why Choose Zynk?

Over the years, Zynk has fostered strong relationships with ConnectWise partners to gain valuable insights into their specific needs and workflows. This collaborative approach has allowed us to thoroughly understand the requirements for seamlessly integrating ConnectWise PSA with a diverse array of software solutions, including Accounting, CRM and various other platforms. 

As a testament to our dedication and expertise, the Zynk iPaaS has undergone rigorous evaluation and earned independent certification from ConnectWise, affirming its reliability and compatibility to seamlessly integrate with ConnectWise PSA and various other software systems.

Zynk is a Sage-certified and accredited Tech partner.


ConnectWise PSA


  • Run your business on autopilot - Say goodbye to repetitive data entry between ConnectWise and Sage

  • Totally customizable - Integration built to replicate the way you currently use ConnectWise PSA


Zynk - Sage 200's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to Help@ConnectWise.com and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.