Email reConnector

Email reConnector not only makes it easier to create tickets from emails landing in your inbox, but it allows the creation of tickets from any device, anywhere a data connection is available.

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.
  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

The ConnectWise integration with Email reConnector not only makes it easier to create tickets from emails landing in your inbox, it allows the creation of tickets from any device, anywhere a data connection is available.  

Email reConnector from Visionary 360 is a cutting-edge solution designed specifically for Managed Solution providers to streamline and enhance their service operations.  This innovative tool offers a comprehensive set of features and functionalities that removes the burden of when clients send emails directly to your team. 

At its core, Email reConnector acts as a bridge between email devices and ConnectWise Manage PSA empowering technical solution providers to effortlessly create tickets from emails, correctly, without effort. 

Additionally Email reConnector can create activities from emails, which are awesome for saving ideas, sales or management tasks. 

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: V2021 or higher is required for Email reConnector to properly integrate with ConnectWise PSA.


  • Easy to set up API integration. No software or plugins are needed.
  • Import users from ConnectWise PSA instead of manually typing each user.
  • Member security for each Forwarder created.
  • Realtime usage reporting

Email reConnector's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

 If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise Manage support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the Email reConnector team directly to resolve any issues.


The ConnectWise integration with Email reConnector not only makes it easier to create tickets from emails landing in your inbox, it allows the creation of tickets from any device, anywhere a data connection is available.  

Email reConnector from Visionary 360 is a cutting-edge solution designed specifically for Managed Solution providers to streamline and enhance their service operations.  This innovative tool offers a comprehensive set of features and functionalities that removes the burden of when clients send emails directly to your team. 

At its core, Email reConnector acts as a bridge between email devices and ConnectWise Manage PSA empowering technical solution providers to effortlessly create tickets from emails, correctly, without effort. 

Additionally Email reConnector can create activities from emails, which are awesome for saving ideas, sales or management tasks. 


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: V2021 or higher is required for Email reConnector to properly integrate with ConnectWise PSA.


  • Easy to set up API integration. No software or plugins are needed.
  • Import users from ConnectWise PSA instead of manually typing each user.
  • Member security for each Forwarder created.
  • Realtime usage reporting


Email reConnector's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

 If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise Manage support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the Email reConnector team directly to resolve any issues.
