Veeam Service Provider Console

Veeam® Service Provider Console, is a FREE product designed to help cloud and managed service providers profitably scale a Veeam-powered managed services business.

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Learn about Veeam’s Actions in Support of Ukraine here

Veeam® Service Provider Console, formerly Veeam Availability Console, is a FREE product designed to help cloud and managed service providers profitably scale a Veeam-powered managed services business or add Backup as a Service (BaaS) or Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) solutions to their portfolio. Veeam Service Provider Console includes capabilities such as:

  •         Simplified setup
  •         Seamless integrations with ConnectWise Manage and Automate
  •         Remote monitoring and management
  •         Aggregated usage reporting
  •         Native billing and integrations with RESTful APIs
  •         Delegation of management to reseller and customer tier

This web-based, centralized management platform makes it easier than ever for service providers to remotely manage and monitor their customers’ Veeam environments.

Remote monitoring and management of virtual, physical and cloud-based Veeam workloads with Veeam Service Provider Console.

Remote monitoring and management of virtual, physical and cloud-based Veeam workloads with Veeam Availability Console.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Veeam Service Provider Console version 4


  • Veeam® Service Provider Console's native integration with ConnectWise PSA makes it easy for service providers to deliver more value to customers while reducing administration by consolidating management, monitoring and billing of multiple services into a single pane of glass.
  • Easily expand your services to include fully-managed backups, Backup as a Service (BaaS) and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) options for any existing ConnectWise PSA accounts and customers.
  • Quickly resolve issues before they impact your customer's business through automatic ticket creation within ConnectWise PSA, triggered by alarms from Veeam Service Provider Console.
  • Reduce billing complexities for you and your customers with a single invoice for all services provided, integrating Veeam Service Provider Console invoices into ConnectWise PSA.

ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: Veeam Service Provider Console version 4


  • Veeam® Service Provider Console’s native integration with ConnectWise Automate makes it simple for service providers to consolidate all of their Veeam backup job monitoring and management into a single pane of glass.
  • Easily discover, install and upgrade all managed Veeam Agents via the Automate Dashboard
  • Enhance productivity by automatically creating tickets based on predefined internal monitors for any Veeam backup server and Veeam Agent activities
  • Proactively monitor your customers’ Veeam environments through the ConnectWise Automate dashboard from anywhere, any time.

ConnectWise RMM


  • Site mapping
  • Save Veeam Service Provider Console credentials to Password Vault

Provision your NEW ACCOUNT or Migrate your existing CW Contract Billing to the Marketplace by clicking the BUY NOW button.

When provisioning a new account, you'll create your account and then will need to enter in client information, along with the product and quantity desired. License Keys will be created within 48 hours and sent via email. For all B&R for VM, Workstations, or Servers, a free Cloud Connect will be included. Utilize the Marketplace create clients and select products to assign anytime.

You will be billed based on your quantity entered each month. Once migrated or added new to the Marketplace, you do not need to contact your Account Manager for product or quantity updates.

Products Available:
• Veeam Backup and Replication for VMs Standard

• Veeam Backup and Replication for VMs Enterprise

• Veeam Backup and Replication for VMs Enterprise Plus

• Veeam Backup and Replication for Servers

• Veeam Backup and Replication for Workstations

• Veeam Backup and Replication Cloud Connect (free with each license above)

• Veeam Backup and Replication Cloud Connect Hosting Partners

• Veeam One

• Veeam Backup and Replication Enterprise Plus NAS (Fileshare)

• Veeam Availability Suite Enterprise Plus

• Veeam Availability for Nutanix

If you need any other Veeam SKUs for Solution Providers, please contact

Pricing is subject to change at any time. Veeam is a 3rd party product that ConnectWise distributes. The ConnectWise Privacy Policy is not applicable to the use of this 3rd party product.

For more information or questions you have please reach out to your Account Manager or email

Veeam Service Provider Console's PSA and Automate Integrations are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you have purchased licenses for this product through ConnectWise, we do provide Third Party Support assistance. Before requesting support please review this document. We then ask you, kindly send an email to email

If you need assistance with Platform integration implementation, please submit a ticket through the ITSupport247 portal or send a note to 



Learn about Veeam’s Actions in Support of Ukraine here

Veeam® Service Provider Console, formerly Veeam Availability Console, is a FREE product designed to help cloud and managed service providers profitably scale a Veeam-powered managed services business or add Backup as a Service (BaaS) or Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) solutions to their portfolio. Veeam Service Provider Console includes capabilities such as:

  •         Simplified setup
  •         Seamless integrations with ConnectWise Manage and Automate
  •         Remote monitoring and management
  •         Aggregated usage reporting
  •         Native billing and integrations with RESTful APIs
  •         Delegation of management to reseller and customer tier

This web-based, centralized management platform makes it easier than ever for service providers to remotely manage and monitor their customers’ Veeam environments.

Remote monitoring and management of virtual, physical and cloud-based Veeam workloads with Veeam Service Provider Console.

Remote monitoring and management of virtual, physical and cloud-based Veeam workloads with Veeam Availability Console.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Veeam Service Provider Console version 4


  • Veeam® Service Provider Console's native integration with ConnectWise PSA makes it easy for service providers to deliver more value to customers while reducing administration by consolidating management, monitoring and billing of multiple services into a single pane of glass.
  • Easily expand your services to include fully-managed backups, Backup as a Service (BaaS) and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) options for any existing ConnectWise PSA accounts and customers.
  • Quickly resolve issues before they impact your customer's business through automatic ticket creation within ConnectWise PSA, triggered by alarms from Veeam Service Provider Console.
  • Reduce billing complexities for you and your customers with a single invoice for all services provided, integrating Veeam Service Provider Console invoices into ConnectWise PSA.

ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: Veeam Service Provider Console version 4


  • Veeam® Service Provider Console’s native integration with ConnectWise Automate makes it simple for service providers to consolidate all of their Veeam backup job monitoring and management into a single pane of glass.
  • Easily discover, install and upgrade all managed Veeam Agents via the Automate Dashboard
  • Enhance productivity by automatically creating tickets based on predefined internal monitors for any Veeam backup server and Veeam Agent activities
  • Proactively monitor your customers’ Veeam environments through the ConnectWise Automate dashboard from anywhere, any time.

ConnectWise RMM


  • Site mapping
  • Save Veeam Service Provider Console credentials to Password Vault


Provision your NEW ACCOUNT or Migrate your existing CW Contract Billing to the Marketplace by clicking the BUY NOW button.

When provisioning a new account, you'll create your account and then will need to enter in client information, along with the product and quantity desired. License Keys will be created within 48 hours and sent via email. For all B&R for VM, Workstations, or Servers, a free Cloud Connect will be included. Utilize the Marketplace create clients and select products to assign anytime.

You will be billed based on your quantity entered each month. Once migrated or added new to the Marketplace, you do not need to contact your Account Manager for product or quantity updates.

Products Available:
• Veeam Backup and Replication for VMs Standard

• Veeam Backup and Replication for VMs Enterprise

• Veeam Backup and Replication for VMs Enterprise Plus

• Veeam Backup and Replication for Servers

• Veeam Backup and Replication for Workstations

• Veeam Backup and Replication Cloud Connect (free with each license above)

• Veeam Backup and Replication Cloud Connect Hosting Partners

• Veeam One

• Veeam Backup and Replication Enterprise Plus NAS (Fileshare)

• Veeam Availability Suite Enterprise Plus

• Veeam Availability for Nutanix

If you need any other Veeam SKUs for Solution Providers, please contact

Pricing is subject to change at any time. Veeam is a 3rd party product that ConnectWise distributes. The ConnectWise Privacy Policy is not applicable to the use of this 3rd party product.

For more information or questions you have please reach out to your Account Manager or email


Veeam Service Provider Console's PSA and Automate Integrations are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you have purchased licenses for this product through ConnectWise, we do provide Third Party Support assistance. Before requesting support please review this document. We then ask you, kindly send an email to email

If you need assistance with Platform integration implementation, please submit a ticket through the ITSupport247 portal or send a note to