Moovila Perfect Project

Moovila Perfect Project brings AI-driven project automation to MSPs, optimizing efficiency, profitability and client satisfaction.

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.

Perfect Project transforms MSP project and resource management through our seamless integration with ConnectWise PSA, delivering clear portfolio status, streamlined timeline updates, and optimized resource forecasting and allocation. It also provides accurate insights into project performance relative to budgets, helping to improve margins and boost efficiency.


Superior Project + Resource Management

Manage projects and resources with precision and auto-detect issues with 24/7 risk monitoring.

Enhanced Portfolio Oversight + Reporting

Get clear project insights, visibility and reporting from the portfolio level.

Automated Timelines + Precise Forecasting

Make one-click timeline updates and automate critical path management for accurate date forecasting.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

With Moovila Perfect Project, manual, time-consuming project updates, disjointed processes and duplicate data entry are a thing of the past. Our bi-directional integration, custom-built for ConnectWise PSA, helps MSPs save time and money by creating efficiencies and elevating processes to full-spectrum project management. Our powerful automation and analytics platform offers robust capabilities you won’t find in any other project management platform—like 24/7 risk monitoring an AI project coaching—helping you save time, prevent costly delays, and improve customer satisfaction. In fact, one of our partners raised their CSAT scores from 68% to 90% in just 6 months AND increased the number of projects their PMs could manage by 67%–without adding additional resources!

• Get accurate project insights & clear visibility from the portfolio level
• Create dependencies (or multiples) between individual tasks & projects
• Automate critical path management for accurate date forecasting
• Easily update every project ticket in your timeline all at once—with one click!
• Instantly spot issues like blocked tasks & inaccurate dates with 24/7 risk monitoring
• Remediate detected issues & bottlenecks with guided AI project coaching
• Create, measure & improve repeatable processes with intelligent project templates

Experience efficiency and cost savings like never before with Moovila Perfect Project!

ConnectWise PSA Integration

Moovila is a Certified Integrator for ConnectWise PSA. Our native, bi-directional integration allows users to edit and work in both platforms with real-time data synchronization. That means no duplicate entry, always accurate answers, and less change and system fatigue for your team.

Moovila's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the Moovila team directly to resolve any issues at .



With Moovila Perfect Project, manual, time-consuming project updates, disjointed processes and duplicate data entry are a thing of the past. Our bi-directional integration, custom-built for ConnectWise PSA, helps MSPs save time and money by creating efficiencies and elevating processes to full-spectrum project management. Our powerful automation and analytics platform offers robust capabilities you won’t find in any other project management platform—like 24/7 risk monitoring an AI project coaching—helping you save time, prevent costly delays, and improve customer satisfaction. In fact, one of our partners raised their CSAT scores from 68% to 90% in just 6 months AND increased the number of projects their PMs could manage by 67%–without adding additional resources!

• Get accurate project insights & clear visibility from the portfolio level
• Create dependencies (or multiples) between individual tasks & projects
• Automate critical path management for accurate date forecasting
• Easily update every project ticket in your timeline all at once—with one click!
• Instantly spot issues like blocked tasks & inaccurate dates with 24/7 risk monitoring
• Remediate detected issues & bottlenecks with guided AI project coaching
• Create, measure & improve repeatable processes with intelligent project templates

Experience efficiency and cost savings like never before with Moovila Perfect Project!


ConnectWise PSA Integration

Moovila is a Certified Integrator for ConnectWise PSA. Our native, bi-directional integration allows users to edit and work in both platforms with real-time data synchronization. That means no duplicate entry, always accurate answers, and less change and system fatigue for your team.


Moovila's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the Moovila team directly to resolve any issues at .
