
100% Automated Security Awareness & Training API

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.
  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Start your 14-day free trial (with white labeling!) when you use promo code: Invent

HacWare saves your MSP time and effort by fully automating the day-to-day tasks of cybersecurity awareness training and phishing simulations. AI-generated emails and texts are sent to users when they’re most distracted while microtrainings drive home education and compliance regulations to target real areas of susceptibility.


Automations that save you time: Training, reminders and phishing simulations are all sent automatically based on your pre-selected preferences. MSP users typically spend less than an hour per month in the platform.

Hard to detect phishing simulations: HacWare’s automated, AI-generated simulations mirror the real attacks your users face every day. These challenging simulations train your end users to recognize the signs of a suspicious message using the tactics of real hackers.

Support your customer’s compliance needs: HacWare makes it easy to ensure your clients are meeting security awareness training and phishing simulation requirements for industry compliance and cyber insurance regulations, with prebuilt lesson plans for SOC 2, FISMA, CIS, FACTA, NIST and more.

Scale your MSP with security awareness training from HacWare. Our support programs give your MSP guidance to position and sell cybersecurity services to your current customers. Partners can access results-driven sales enablement training and audience-building marketing resources to lift your company’s cyber status efficiently and effectively.

See how easy security awareness training can be with HacWare


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: ConnectWise PSA version v2022_2 or later


  • Easily access the HacWare platform through ConnectWise PSA to assign users to pre-built lesson plans, build courses and schedule phishing simulations.

  • Clearly see which HacWare product each of your customers is using and the number of licenses per account.

  • Simplify billing for you and your customers with a single invoice that consolidates your user’s billing with ConnectWise PSA invoicing.

  • Access Service Tickets from HacWare for easy step-by-step onboarding instructions and updates.

HacWire's PSA  and RMM Integrations are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to Help@ConnectWise.com and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.


Start your 14-day free trial (with white labeling!) when you use promo code: Invent

HacWare saves your MSP time and effort by fully automating the day-to-day tasks of cybersecurity awareness training and phishing simulations. AI-generated emails and texts are sent to users when they’re most distracted while microtrainings drive home education and compliance regulations to target real areas of susceptibility.


Automations that save you time: Training, reminders and phishing simulations are all sent automatically based on your pre-selected preferences. MSP users typically spend less than an hour per month in the platform.

Hard to detect phishing simulations: HacWare’s automated, AI-generated simulations mirror the real attacks your users face every day. These challenging simulations train your end users to recognize the signs of a suspicious message using the tactics of real hackers.

Support your customer’s compliance needs: HacWare makes it easy to ensure your clients are meeting security awareness training and phishing simulation requirements for industry compliance and cyber insurance regulations, with prebuilt lesson plans for SOC 2, FISMA, CIS, FACTA, NIST and more.

Scale your MSP with security awareness training from HacWare. Our support programs give your MSP guidance to position and sell cybersecurity services to your current customers. Partners can access results-driven sales enablement training and audience-building marketing resources to lift your company’s cyber status efficiently and effectively.

See how easy security awareness training can be with HacWare



ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: ConnectWise PSA version v2022_2 or later


  • Easily access the HacWare platform through ConnectWise PSA to assign users to pre-built lesson plans, build courses and schedule phishing simulations.

  • Clearly see which HacWare product each of your customers is using and the number of licenses per account.

  • Simplify billing for you and your customers with a single invoice that consolidates your user’s billing with ConnectWise PSA invoicing.

  • Access Service Tickets from HacWare for easy step-by-step onboarding instructions and updates.


HacWire's PSA  and RMM Integrations are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to Help@ConnectWise.com and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.