ConnectWise SIEM

Designed specifically for MSPs, the ConnectWise SIEM multi-tenant solution streamlines and scales detection and response strategies to enhance your clients' security.


ConnectWise SIEM comes with MSP-specific threat intelligence, a built-in network-based intrusion detection system, and is also available as co-managed option.


Gain Comprehensive Insights

Collect data across a wide set of MSP-relevant data sources

Scale for Tomorrow

Tailor data storage and retention to your business needs

Extend Your Team

Not enough time to manage a SIEM? Sign up for ConnectWise Co-Managed SIEM.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Cybersecurity teams manage large amounts of data generated at high speeds from sources across their IT landscape. And as the type, frequency, and severity of threats intensify, detecting incidents becomes more difficult. Without ways to centralize and retain data, analyze it at scale, and provide meaningful context to events, many threats go unnoticed, exposing organizations to regulatory fines and possible attacks.

ConnectWise SIEM breaks down data silos to consolidate log data from all endpoints, networks, apps, and the cloud including Microsoft 365 for improved single-pane visibility. With advanced correlation and real-time alerting, analysts can quickly and effectively identify, investigate, and address high-priority threats.

Our single platform offers MSPs choice and flexibility to meet client security needs. ConnectWise SIEM gives your team the autonomy and control to manage workflows, drive decisions, and take action. Backed by proprietary threat research and intelligence and certified cyber experts, ConnectWise Co-Managed SIEM™ offers enterprise-grade, 24/7 managed detection and response that's profitable and easy to sell without the challenges of building and maintaining your own SOC.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Works with all versions. Prerequisites: ConnectWise PSA partner ID ConnectWise PSA instance Base URL ConnectWise PSA public key ConnectWise Manage private API keys


  • Syncs with companies to give you real-time threat activity notifications
  • Creates tickets in Manage to document all threats for your customers
  • Syncs billing information to billing agreements


ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: Works with all versions. Prerequisites: ConnectWise Automate instance base URL ConnectWise Automate username and password


  • Respond to incidents with ConnectWise Automate scripts
  • Quarantine machines

If you need assistance with your ConnectWise SIEM, please send a note to and the ConnectWise Support team can assist


Cybersecurity teams manage large amounts of data generated at high speeds from sources across their IT landscape. And as the type, frequency, and severity of threats intensify, detecting incidents becomes more difficult. Without ways to centralize and retain data, analyze it at scale, and provide meaningful context to events, many threats go unnoticed, exposing organizations to regulatory fines and possible attacks.

ConnectWise SIEM breaks down data silos to consolidate log data from all endpoints, networks, apps, and the cloud including Microsoft 365 for improved single-pane visibility. With advanced correlation and real-time alerting, analysts can quickly and effectively identify, investigate, and address high-priority threats.

Our single platform offers MSPs choice and flexibility to meet client security needs. ConnectWise SIEM gives your team the autonomy and control to manage workflows, drive decisions, and take action. Backed by proprietary threat research and intelligence and certified cyber experts, ConnectWise Co-Managed SIEM™ offers enterprise-grade, 24/7 managed detection and response that's profitable and easy to sell without the challenges of building and maintaining your own SOC.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Works with all versions. Prerequisites: ConnectWise PSA partner ID ConnectWise PSA instance Base URL ConnectWise PSA public key ConnectWise Manage private API keys


  • Syncs with companies to give you real-time threat activity notifications
  • Creates tickets in Manage to document all threats for your customers
  • Syncs billing information to billing agreements


ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: Works with all versions. Prerequisites: ConnectWise Automate instance base URL ConnectWise Automate username and password


  • Respond to incidents with ConnectWise Automate scripts
  • Quarantine machines


If you need assistance with your ConnectWise SIEM, please send a note to and the ConnectWise Support team can assist