ConnectWise PSA™

An award-winning PSA that connects your entire operation through a single pane of glass, providing clarity for what’s happening (or not) in your business.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Bring order to your operations and eliminate the Silos of Chaos.

Key insights are missing, teams can’t communicate, and revenue is flat. These issues are a recipe for disaster. ConnectWise PSA is an award-winning PSA that connects your entire operation through a single pane of glass, providing clarity for what’s happening (or not) in your business.


Dive into key features and benefits of ConnectWise PSA

 Help Desk

It’s human nature to take the path of least resistance—to focus on simple versus difficult tasks. Our Help Desk automation and workflow functionality is designed to streamline support operations by keeping your help desk responsive and productive no matter how challenging the issue is.


Cloud Billing

You’ve got your services billing under control, but what about billing for your clients’ cloud services? Cloud Billing helps you easily manage, monitor, reconcile, and bill for cloud services for any vendor or distributor.


Sales & Marketing

The competitive landscape has made the window of opportunity for growing your TSP more challenging. Our Sales and Marketing features puts you in control of lead-gen to build a stronger, more predictable pipeline, and improve communication with your prospects and customers to ensure high conversion and retention rates.



Today, supplier operations are hit and miss, making the procurement process for your TSP far more challenging. ConnectWise PSA’s Procurement feature optimizes your internal purchasing and receiving workflows to keep your Operations Department and customers in the know


Time tracking & Billing

Avoid revenue loss and client skepticism. Time Tracking and Billing is designed to avoid leaving money on the table by simplifying the task tracking your team’s billable hours by the minute—by client, project, task and with detailed notes to avoid client audits.


Project Management

Don’t miss a beat. Project Management gives you all the tools needed for your team to track the progress of multi-faceted projects and project milestones, so you can deliver what you promise to your clients—on time and on budget.


What can ConnectWise PSA do for your TSP?

  • Improve internal communication: ConnectWise PSA connects the disconnect in your business operation to improve internal communication. It keeps your teams in the know, moving in the same direction, and helps increase management’s confidence in the business’ ability to sustain and grow a happy customer base.

  • Experience peace of mind: ConnectWise PSA gives your teams the tools they need to perform their jobs effectively and provide the best customer service experience possible. It gives management overall visibility of the service and sales pipeline, and reduces time needed to oversee day-to-day staff activity.

  • Enhance the customer experience: Communication is a two-way street. ConnectWise PSA boosts customer satisfaction via functionality for improving staff accountability, and the ConnectWise Customer Portal offers clients a more efficient and effective way to interact with your teams.

  • Increase revenue & decrease costs: For your operations and finance teams, ConnectWise PSA streamlines the procurement and time and billing process, improving revenue and decreasing costs as a result of accelerated procurement and reporting efficiencies.

ConnectWise Automate


  • Company and Contact Sync - alleviates double entry and user error
  • Asset mapping -  empowers easily-accessible service history
  • Automated Agreement Additions - reduces complexity and drives automated billing
  • Seamless Service experience
    • Bi-directional service ticket sync - gives complete visibility into both solutions
    • Customized Service Ticket Management - allows flexibility of ticket sync to best suit your business needs
    • Automatic audit trail updates – validates and aggregates all service history

ConnectWise ScreenConnect


  • Create a new support session from a service ticket
  • Connect to remote machines directly from a service ticket
  • Use this integration with the ConnectWise Automate integration to connect to remote access agents on unattended access machines
  • After the session has ended, the integration will add an internal note with session information to the ticket.

ConnectWise RMM


  • Asset Sync
  • Ticket Sync
  • Billing information sync

ConnectWise PSA's Automate and ScreenConnect Integrations are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.


Bring order to your operations and eliminate the Silos of Chaos.

Key insights are missing, teams can’t communicate, and revenue is flat. These issues are a recipe for disaster. ConnectWise PSA is an award-winning PSA that connects your entire operation through a single pane of glass, providing clarity for what’s happening (or not) in your business.


Dive into key features and benefits of ConnectWise PSA

 Help Desk

It’s human nature to take the path of least resistance—to focus on simple versus difficult tasks. Our Help Desk automation and workflow functionality is designed to streamline support operations by keeping your help desk responsive and productive no matter how challenging the issue is.


Cloud Billing

You’ve got your services billing under control, but what about billing for your clients’ cloud services? Cloud Billing helps you easily manage, monitor, reconcile, and bill for cloud services for any vendor or distributor.


Sales & Marketing

The competitive landscape has made the window of opportunity for growing your TSP more challenging. Our Sales and Marketing features puts you in control of lead-gen to build a stronger, more predictable pipeline, and improve communication with your prospects and customers to ensure high conversion and retention rates.



Today, supplier operations are hit and miss, making the procurement process for your TSP far more challenging. ConnectWise PSA’s Procurement feature optimizes your internal purchasing and receiving workflows to keep your Operations Department and customers in the know


Time tracking & Billing

Avoid revenue loss and client skepticism. Time Tracking and Billing is designed to avoid leaving money on the table by simplifying the task tracking your team’s billable hours by the minute—by client, project, task and with detailed notes to avoid client audits.


Project Management

Don’t miss a beat. Project Management gives you all the tools needed for your team to track the progress of multi-faceted projects and project milestones, so you can deliver what you promise to your clients—on time and on budget.


What can ConnectWise PSA do for your TSP?

  • Improve internal communication: ConnectWise PSA connects the disconnect in your business operation to improve internal communication. It keeps your teams in the know, moving in the same direction, and helps increase management’s confidence in the business’ ability to sustain and grow a happy customer base.

  • Experience peace of mind: ConnectWise PSA gives your teams the tools they need to perform their jobs effectively and provide the best customer service experience possible. It gives management overall visibility of the service and sales pipeline, and reduces time needed to oversee day-to-day staff activity.

  • Enhance the customer experience: Communication is a two-way street. ConnectWise PSA boosts customer satisfaction via functionality for improving staff accountability, and the ConnectWise Customer Portal offers clients a more efficient and effective way to interact with your teams.

  • Increase revenue & decrease costs: For your operations and finance teams, ConnectWise PSA streamlines the procurement and time and billing process, improving revenue and decreasing costs as a result of accelerated procurement and reporting efficiencies.


ConnectWise Automate


  • Company and Contact Sync - alleviates double entry and user error
  • Asset mapping -  empowers easily-accessible service history
  • Automated Agreement Additions - reduces complexity and drives automated billing
  • Seamless Service experience
    • Bi-directional service ticket sync - gives complete visibility into both solutions
    • Customized Service Ticket Management - allows flexibility of ticket sync to best suit your business needs
    • Automatic audit trail updates – validates and aggregates all service history

ConnectWise ScreenConnect


  • Create a new support session from a service ticket
  • Connect to remote machines directly from a service ticket
  • Use this integration with the ConnectWise Automate integration to connect to remote access agents on unattended access machines
  • After the session has ended, the integration will add an internal note with session information to the ticket.

ConnectWise RMM


  • Asset Sync
  • Ticket Sync
  • Billing information sync


ConnectWise PSA's Automate and ScreenConnect Integrations are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.