ConnectWise Automate

ConnectWise Automate, an advanced RMM tool, equips you to deliver tailored managed services for your clients through unparalleled capabilities and extensive customization options.


ConnectWise Automate is the brainchild of an IT professional who struggled with the usual challenges and inefficiencies of a reactive IT maintenance and support model. Key capabilities like cutting-edge agent technology address the urgent need to eliminate technician inefficiencies and the desire to provide preventive and proactive IT services.

ConnectWise Automate was created by system administrators for system administrators to automate your IT services and eliminate inefficiencies.



Find problems before they find you with hundreds of monitors for desktops and servers.


OOTB scripts for software distribution, proactive maintenance, and self-healing.


Provide fast remote control, manage multiple machines and patch vulnerabilities.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

ConnectWise Automate enables IT to move at the speed of business and provide expertly tailored managed services for even the most unique customer use cases. Licensed as an agent-based technology, ConnectWise Automate delivers five key benefits that every IT professional needs for their journey from reactive to proactive IT service delivery.

Automate Any IT Process or Task
From simple scripts that restart stopped services to complex scripts that configure entire workstations- if you can think it, ConnectWise Automate can automate it.

Work on Multiple Machines at the Same Time
Work on multiple servers, workstations, and network devices simultaneously—natively.

Create, Edit, and Deploy Policies with a Single Click 
Easily manage IT policies and processes across multiple endpoints at once. Replicate changes to an entire group of devices in minutes!

Solve Issues without Interrupting Your Clients
Accomplish even the most complex tasks without interrupting your end-user's ability to work.

Increase Performance with the Best PSA Integration
Get two-way synchronization of companies, clients, tickets, and device billing information with your ConnectWise Business Management solutions.

ConnectWise PSA


When used to complete the ConnectWise Business Suite, ConnectWise Automate supercharges the CRM and service delivery features set while simplifying contract and billing workflows.  Highlights of the ConnectWise Plugin:

  • Company and contact sync alleviates double entry and user error
  • Asset mapping empowers easily accessible service history
  • Automated agreement additions reduces complexity and drives automated billing
  • Seamless service experience
    • Bi-directional service ticket sync gives complete visibility into both solutions
    • Customized service ticket management allows flexibility of ticket sync to best suit your business needs
    • Automatic audit trail updates validates and aggregates all service history


ConnectWise ScreenConnect


  • With Remote Access, a ConnectWise Automate user can connect to a remote machine directly from the Computer Management screen.  


ConnectWise Automate's PSA and ScreenConnect Integration are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist.


ConnectWise Automate enables IT to move at the speed of business and provide expertly tailored managed services for even the most unique customer use cases. Licensed as an agent-based technology, ConnectWise Automate delivers five key benefits that every IT professional needs for their journey from reactive to proactive IT service delivery.

Automate Any IT Process or Task
From simple scripts that restart stopped services to complex scripts that configure entire workstations- if you can think it, ConnectWise Automate can automate it.

Work on Multiple Machines at the Same Time
Work on multiple servers, workstations, and network devices simultaneously—natively.

Create, Edit, and Deploy Policies with a Single Click 
Easily manage IT policies and processes across multiple endpoints at once. Replicate changes to an entire group of devices in minutes!

Solve Issues without Interrupting Your Clients
Accomplish even the most complex tasks without interrupting your end-user's ability to work.

Increase Performance with the Best PSA Integration
Get two-way synchronization of companies, clients, tickets, and device billing information with your ConnectWise Business Management solutions.


ConnectWise PSA


When used to complete the ConnectWise Business Suite, ConnectWise Automate supercharges the CRM and service delivery features set while simplifying contract and billing workflows.  Highlights of the ConnectWise Plugin:

  • Company and contact sync alleviates double entry and user error
  • Asset mapping empowers easily accessible service history
  • Automated agreement additions reduces complexity and drives automated billing
  • Seamless service experience
    • Bi-directional service ticket sync gives complete visibility into both solutions
    • Customized service ticket management allows flexibility of ticket sync to best suit your business needs
    • Automatic audit trail updates validates and aggregates all service history


ConnectWise ScreenConnect


  • With Remote Access, a ConnectWise Automate user can connect to a remote machine directly from the Computer Management screen.  



ConnectWise Automate's PSA and ScreenConnect Integration are certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist.
