Conceal Browse

An AI-powered browser extension that secures your online activities by blocking malicious sites, preventing phishing attacks, for a seamless, safe browsing experience.

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.

ConcealBrowse is a cutting-edge AI-powered browser security extension designed to protect users from a wide range of online threats. It offers real-time threat detection and prevention, safeguarding against phishing attacks, malware, and ransomware. ConcealBrowse's sophisticated AI engine continuously scans and analyzes web traffic to identify and neutralize potential threats before they can compromise user security.

One of the standout features of ConcealBrowse is its ability to provide ZeroTrust security, ensuring that even unknown or suspicious websites are isolated to prevent any potential harm. This proactive approach helps in significantly reducing the risk of credential theft and other cyberattacks.

The extension is designed to be user-friendly, making advanced cybersecurity accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

AI-Powered Security

ConcealBrowse utilizes sophisticated AI algorithms to detect and mitigate threats in real-time.

Sophisticated Phishing Detection

Identify and block phishing attempts with cutting-edge detection methods.

Proactive Threat Prevention

Prevent threats before they occur with proactive security measures.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Overview of ConcealBrowse

Secure Your Browsing Experience with ConcealBrowse

In an era where digital threats are ever-evolving, protecting your browsing activities is paramount. ConcealBrowse’s advanced browser security is designed to detect, prevent, and neutralize threats in real-time, ensuring a seamless and protected browsing experience.

Why Choose ConcealBrowse?

AI-Powered Protection

ConcealBrowse leverages sophisticated artificial intelligence to provide robust browser security. Our AI algorithms constantly learn and adapt to new threats, delivering unparalleled protection against a wide array of cyber-attacks.
-Real-time threat detection: Instantly identifies and mitigates risks at the edge.
-Adaptive learning: Continuously updates to defend against the latest threats.
-User-friendly experience: Ensures minimal impact on browsing speed and performance.

Sophisticated Phishing Detection

Phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, but ConcealBrowse stays one step ahead. Our advanced detection mechanisms identify and block phishing attempts before they can compromise your data.
-Advanced URL analysis: Detects malicious links and sites.
-Email protection: Scans and filters out phishing emails.

Proactive Threat Prevention

ConcealBrowse doesn't just react to threats; it proactively prevents them. Our proactive security measures ensure that potential threats are neutralized before they can cause harm.
-Threat intelligence: Utilizes global threat data to anticipate and prevent attacks.
-Automatic updates: Keeps your protection up-to-date without manual intervention.

What Our Users Say

“MSPs and MSSPs need solutions that are easily deployed, simple to manage, and seamlessly integrate with other security tools. CONCEAL’s innovative solutions, focusing on social engineering protection in web browsers, align perfectly with our mission to help organizations stay secure and productive. We proudly include CONCEAL as a key part of our SOC solution offerings.”

ConcealBrowse's ConnectWise Automate Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.  If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the Conceal team directly to resolve any issues.

Conceal Browse's Automate Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise Automate support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.

Deploy with Confidence using ConcealBrowse's integration with Connectwise Automate

ConcealBrowse integration with Connectwise Automate accelerates deployment of ConcealBrowse extensions and policy leveraging Automate's world-class RMM solution. Use Automate to remotely access your endpoint devices, deploy ConcealBrowse to specific tenants and sub-tenants, and ensure successful installation to all desired endpoints. This integration is a must for any MSPs using Automate that want to deploy ConcealBrowse's AI powered secure browser extension to protect users from phishing, credential theft and other web-based threats.

Deployment Configuration features:

  • Enable ticketing for deployment failures
  • Import devices if Conceal has already been installed
  • Client/Tenant Mapping enables deployment of specific client systems to designated tenant/subtenant. Also allows for creation of tenant/subtenant from Automate configuration

Client Details features:

  • Client Details table pulls Computers from Automate and maps to Conceal Devices
  • Includes Computer Name, Host ID, Conceal Machine ID and Company ID, User ID, browsers and Install Date
  • Allows admins to easily identify ConcealBrowse deployed Devices mapped to Computers in Automate. Computers with no Conceal Information can be identified for additional ConcealBrowse deployment.
  • Table is interactive, clicking on Computer Name opens the computer details in Automate to review information and perform tasks.


Overview of ConcealBrowse

Secure Your Browsing Experience with ConcealBrowse

In an era where digital threats are ever-evolving, protecting your browsing activities is paramount. ConcealBrowse’s advanced browser security is designed to detect, prevent, and neutralize threats in real-time, ensuring a seamless and protected browsing experience.

Why Choose ConcealBrowse?

AI-Powered Protection

ConcealBrowse leverages sophisticated artificial intelligence to provide robust browser security. Our AI algorithms constantly learn and adapt to new threats, delivering unparalleled protection against a wide array of cyber-attacks.
-Real-time threat detection: Instantly identifies and mitigates risks at the edge.
-Adaptive learning: Continuously updates to defend against the latest threats.
-User-friendly experience: Ensures minimal impact on browsing speed and performance.

Sophisticated Phishing Detection

Phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, but ConcealBrowse stays one step ahead. Our advanced detection mechanisms identify and block phishing attempts before they can compromise your data.
-Advanced URL analysis: Detects malicious links and sites.
-Email protection: Scans and filters out phishing emails.

Proactive Threat Prevention

ConcealBrowse doesn't just react to threats; it proactively prevents them. Our proactive security measures ensure that potential threats are neutralized before they can cause harm.
-Threat intelligence: Utilizes global threat data to anticipate and prevent attacks.
-Automatic updates: Keeps your protection up-to-date without manual intervention.

What Our Users Say

“MSPs and MSSPs need solutions that are easily deployed, simple to manage, and seamlessly integrate with other security tools. CONCEAL’s innovative solutions, focusing on social engineering protection in web browsers, align perfectly with our mission to help organizations stay secure and productive. We proudly include CONCEAL as a key part of our SOC solution offerings.”


ConcealBrowse's ConnectWise Automate Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.  If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the Conceal team directly to resolve any issues.


Conceal Browse's Automate Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise Automate support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.

Deploy with Confidence using ConcealBrowse's integration with Connectwise Automate

ConcealBrowse integration with Connectwise Automate accelerates deployment of ConcealBrowse extensions and policy leveraging Automate's world-class RMM solution. Use Automate to remotely access your endpoint devices, deploy ConcealBrowse to specific tenants and sub-tenants, and ensure successful installation to all desired endpoints. This integration is a must for any MSPs using Automate that want to deploy ConcealBrowse's AI powered secure browser extension to protect users from phishing, credential theft and other web-based threats.

Deployment Configuration features:

  • Enable ticketing for deployment failures
  • Import devices if Conceal has already been installed
  • Client/Tenant Mapping enables deployment of specific client systems to designated tenant/subtenant. Also allows for creation of tenant/subtenant from Automate configuration

Client Details features:

  • Client Details table pulls Computers from Automate and maps to Conceal Devices
  • Includes Computer Name, Host ID, Conceal Machine ID and Company ID, User ID, browsers and Install Date
  • Allows admins to easily identify ConcealBrowse deployed Devices mapped to Computers in Automate. Computers with no Conceal Information can be identified for additional ConcealBrowse deployment.
  • Table is interactive, clicking on Computer Name opens the computer details in Automate to review information and perform tasks.