Auvik Network Management

Auvik’s cloud-based software is the perfect partner for MSP network monitoring. 

Purchase From ConnectWise
  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Proactive, Profitable MSP Network Management As businesses continue to shift to the cloud, they are turning to MSPs to handle scale, visibility, and security. Auvik’s cloud-based software is the perfect partner for MSP network monitoring. It’s incredibly user-friendly, and can be deployed in under an hour to all your clients, customized to their needs. With our range of network management software, you can offer more to clients than ever before. Even better, you can do so while working less and increasing your margins.

    • Visualize the network and see a faster return. Get true network visibility and control with our real-time, automatically updating maps and detailed inventory lists.

    • Speed up troubleshooting and Impress your clients. Automated device documentation and config backups mean all your information is in one place. Don’t wait for your clients to report network outages. Proactively monitor and quickly remediate network issues.

    • Deep insights into network traffic & flows. Quickly solve network bottlenecks & spot potential security vulnerabilities.

    • Find and fix issues faster. With 50+ out-of-the-box alerts and a real-time network map, you can identify issues faster and get ahead of network issues.
    • Integrations with systems you use every day. Pre-built integrations ConnectWise Automate, ConnectWise PSA. Improve the efficiency of your team’s workflow with integrations into ticketing systems, remote management systems, documentation and reporting tools, chat apps, and more.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Integration with Auvik works with both ConnectWise PSA Cloud or ConnectWise PSA On Premise.


  • Auvik alerts automatically create tickets in ConnectWise PSA. When the ticket closes in ConnectWise PSA, that information is pushed back to Auvik to automatically dismiss the alert. You can map Auvik alert severities to your ConnectWise PSA priorities.

  • Alerts in Auvik can be mapped to the Type, Subtype, and Item fields on a ticket.  This will allow the ability to further granularize tickets, pushing them to different teams, more detailed ticket reporting, and enabling workflow rule functionality.

  • Auvik can send an inventory of network devices and configurations to ConnectWise PSA. Information such as device names, serial numbers, MAC addresses, and IPs are kept up to date—automatically. This helps improve your view of the network and dramatically reduces time spent on manual documentation.

  • The Auvik audit trail shows you a history of all communications (inbound and outbound, successful and failed) that have occurred between Auvik and ConnectWise PSA. Detail listed in the audit trail table is based on your selected date range. Very useful for troubleshooting!


ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: Integration with Auvik requires ConnectWise Automate versions 12 or 2019


  • See Auvik's real-time network maps in ConnectWise Automate. Increased network visibility helps you close tickets faster.

  • See Auvik dashboards in ConnectWise Automate. Collect everything you need to know about a client's network in one spot.

  • Access Auvik MSP administration functions in ConnectWise Automate. These include clients, discovery settings (OID monitor, health check frequencies, discovery services), integrations, manage users, manage alerts, and shared appliances. Makes managing your client’s network infrastructure fast and efficient.

ConnectWise RMM


  • Alerts

Auvik's ConnectWise PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.
Auvik support queries can be logged by web or email, and are handled directly by Auvik’s support technicians. All support is unlimited and free. Tickets can be submitted to Auvik through the online support portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The easiest way to submit a support ticket is by clicking this link:           

Our goal is to respond quickly to all tickets, but sometimes things get busy. Please allow up to 24 hours for a reply during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ET, excluding weekends and holidays. Please DON'T submit multiple tickets for the same issue—this will keep multiple support reps from bothering you about the same thing. Make sure emails from Auvik support don’t get lost: Add our email address ( to your safe senders list. 

Auvik's ConnectWise Automate Plugin is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program. 
Auvik support queries can be logged by web or email, and are handled directly by Auvik’s support technicians. All support is unlimited and free. Tickets can be submitted to Auvik through the online support portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The easiest way to submit a support ticket is by clicking this link:           

Our goal is to respond quickly to all tickets, but sometimes things get busy. Please allow up to 24 hours for a reply during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ET, excluding weekends and holidays. Please DON'T submit multiple tickets for the same issue—this will keep multiple support reps from bothering you about the same thing. Make sure emails from Auvik support don’t get lost: Add our email address ( to your safe senders list. 

Auvik's ConnectWise Platform Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program. 
If you need assistance with integration implementation, please submit a ticket through the ITSupport247 portal or send a note to  The ConnectWise Platform support team will work with the Auvik team to resolve any issues.


Proactive, Profitable MSP Network Management As businesses continue to shift to the cloud, they are turning to MSPs to handle scale, visibility, and security. Auvik’s cloud-based software is the perfect partner for MSP network monitoring. It’s incredibly user-friendly, and can be deployed in under an hour to all your clients, customized to their needs. With our range of network management software, you can offer more to clients than ever before. Even better, you can do so while working less and increasing your margins.

    • Visualize the network and see a faster return. Get true network visibility and control with our real-time, automatically updating maps and detailed inventory lists.

    • Speed up troubleshooting and Impress your clients. Automated device documentation and config backups mean all your information is in one place. Don’t wait for your clients to report network outages. Proactively monitor and quickly remediate network issues.

    • Deep insights into network traffic & flows. Quickly solve network bottlenecks & spot potential security vulnerabilities.

    • Find and fix issues faster. With 50+ out-of-the-box alerts and a real-time network map, you can identify issues faster and get ahead of network issues.
    • Integrations with systems you use every day. Pre-built integrations ConnectWise Automate, ConnectWise PSA. Improve the efficiency of your team’s workflow with integrations into ticketing systems, remote management systems, documentation and reporting tools, chat apps, and more.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Integration with Auvik works with both ConnectWise PSA Cloud or ConnectWise PSA On Premise.


  • Auvik alerts automatically create tickets in ConnectWise PSA. When the ticket closes in ConnectWise PSA, that information is pushed back to Auvik to automatically dismiss the alert. You can map Auvik alert severities to your ConnectWise PSA priorities.

  • Alerts in Auvik can be mapped to the Type, Subtype, and Item fields on a ticket.  This will allow the ability to further granularize tickets, pushing them to different teams, more detailed ticket reporting, and enabling workflow rule functionality.

  • Auvik can send an inventory of network devices and configurations to ConnectWise PSA. Information such as device names, serial numbers, MAC addresses, and IPs are kept up to date—automatically. This helps improve your view of the network and dramatically reduces time spent on manual documentation.

  • The Auvik audit trail shows you a history of all communications (inbound and outbound, successful and failed) that have occurred between Auvik and ConnectWise PSA. Detail listed in the audit trail table is based on your selected date range. Very useful for troubleshooting!


ConnectWise Automate

Requirements: Integration with Auvik requires ConnectWise Automate versions 12 or 2019


  • See Auvik's real-time network maps in ConnectWise Automate. Increased network visibility helps you close tickets faster.

  • See Auvik dashboards in ConnectWise Automate. Collect everything you need to know about a client's network in one spot.

  • Access Auvik MSP administration functions in ConnectWise Automate. These include clients, discovery settings (OID monitor, health check frequencies, discovery services), integrations, manage users, manage alerts, and shared appliances. Makes managing your client’s network infrastructure fast and efficient.

ConnectWise RMM


  • Alerts


Auvik's ConnectWise PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.
Auvik support queries can be logged by web or email, and are handled directly by Auvik’s support technicians. All support is unlimited and free. Tickets can be submitted to Auvik through the online support portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The easiest way to submit a support ticket is by clicking this link:           

Our goal is to respond quickly to all tickets, but sometimes things get busy. Please allow up to 24 hours for a reply during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ET, excluding weekends and holidays. Please DON'T submit multiple tickets for the same issue—this will keep multiple support reps from bothering you about the same thing. Make sure emails from Auvik support don’t get lost: Add our email address ( to your safe senders list. 

Auvik's ConnectWise Automate Plugin is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program. 
Auvik support queries can be logged by web or email, and are handled directly by Auvik’s support technicians. All support is unlimited and free. Tickets can be submitted to Auvik through the online support portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The easiest way to submit a support ticket is by clicking this link:           

Our goal is to respond quickly to all tickets, but sometimes things get busy. Please allow up to 24 hours for a reply during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ET, excluding weekends and holidays. Please DON'T submit multiple tickets for the same issue—this will keep multiple support reps from bothering you about the same thing. Make sure emails from Auvik support don’t get lost: Add our email address ( to your safe senders list. 

Auvik's ConnectWise Platform Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program. 
If you need assistance with integration implementation, please submit a ticket through the ITSupport247 portal or send a note to  The ConnectWise Platform support team will work with the Auvik team to resolve any issues.
