ShadowXafe by StorageCraft

ShadowXafe: Next-generation data protection software

Purchase From ConnectWise
  • Overview

  • Integration

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  • Support

ShadowXafe: Next-generation data protection software.

ShadowXafe provides unparalleled data recovery and is work-flow optimized for management simplicity.  The combination of deployment ease, recovery speed, SLA orchestration and management simplicity make ShadowXafe a game changer for your managed offering and your service desk profitability.

Data recovery made simple

  • Host-based and agent-based data protection through a single pane of glass
  • Dependable, and complete physical and virtual system recovery
  • Instant recovery from backup images in milliseconds

Backup & Recovery management at scale

  • Context-sensitive, policy-based administration
  • Unified data protection lifecycle management
  • SLA-driven dashboard, and analytical reports

Total Business Continuity

  • Tight integration with StorageCraft Cloud Services for off-site backup
  • Complete, orchestrated one-click failover to the cloud

Forward-thinking MSPs know the impact standardization brings to the profitability of their service desk. StorageCraft is proud to be the first vendor to truly empower standardization in the data protection category.

Standardize on StorageCraft.

ConnectWise PSA


  • The ConnectWise PSA integration to ShadowXafe gives you the ability to map between ShadowXafe and ConnectWise PSA sites. This provides automatic reporting from ShadowXafe to ConnectWise PSA if a backup job or replication job in ShadowXafe fails. For each error condition, ConnectWise PSA will automatically create a ticket. When the error condition no longer exists the ticket is automatically closed.

  • The configuration and mapping is done in the Configuration screen under the integration section. You need to add your ConnectWise credentials into ShadowXafe. You also need to get the public and private keys from ConnectWise PSA and add them to ShadowXafe. After making the connection between ConnectWise PSA and ShadowXafe you need to set up the mappings between ShadowXafe sites and ConnectWise PSA companies. The default company will be used if no mapping exists.

  • You can disable tickets under the default company drop down list. Automatic reporting does not happen if a site is not managed. If you want to purposely not create tickets, you can select disable tickets.

  • Opens service tickets for backup and replication failures.

  • Automatically closes tickets when failures recover.

  • Tickets are associated with a company in Manage based on user defined mapping.

For detailed provisioning and purchasing documentation, please click here.

Provision your NEW ACCOUNTMigrate your existing ConnectWise Agreement to usage based billing, or Transfer your billing to ConnectWise by clicking the BUY NOW button.

When provisioning a new account, you'll create your tenant and gain access to the Storagecraft portal. Utilize this portal or the ConnectWise Automate plug in, to add machines and backup jobs as needed, and get billed for your monthly storage use or licenses. No need to enter a quantity for each product, or come back to our marketplace to make changes.

Products Available:

  •          Storagecraft OneXafe Solo Appliance
  •          Storagecraft ShadowXafe Data Protection Solution
  •          Storagecraft ShadowProtect and Cloud Services

Storagecraft OneXafe Solo  is a Plug and Play Appliance that is sold as a subscription for MSRP of $99.00 per month.  For the $99/month, you receive the appliance and backup service for one computer.  A one year commitment is required.  A flexible service that allows for additional computers to be backed up for $79 per month.  With this flexibility, the number of computers that can be backed up can vary month to month, but the monthly fee of $99.00 will be billed per month for the entire year.  A one time shipping and handling fee will be billed at the time of purchase of the OneXafe Solo. 

Storagecraft ShadowXafe is a next generation data protection solution that enables partners to rapidly and reliably backup, recover, and migrate both virtual and physical systems.  No need to commit to specific products upfront, but rather choose to pay as you go, or commit to a monthly $$ amount for discounted pricing.  Switch products as often as necessary, and you’ll only be billed for what you’ve used. Connectwise will bill in arrears, so how much you’re billed, is based on what you’ve used or committed to.  As your usage increases, make a choice to increase your discounts by committing to a higher per month tier, or stay where you are, it’s all up to you. 

Storagecraft ShadowProtect SPX and Cloud Services. Storagecraft’s trusted ShadowProtect SPX family of products provide rapid recovery times for physical, virtual, desktop, Exchange and cloud applications.  Licensed per device.  You can store data locally or in your own Datacenter.

Cloud Services is sold in three Service levels.  1) Cloud Basic. Secure offsite storage of critical business backups with full system restore. 2) Cloud Plus. Comes with everything in Cloud Basic, plus immediate file & folder recovery or 3) Cloud Premium.  Comes with everything in Cloud Plus, and virtualization of systems and failover in the cloud
(Full DRaaS)

Each comes with 1TB of storage and is pooled at the MSP level for each service level.  

For more information or questions you have please reach out to your Account Manager or email

ShadowXafe by StorageCraft's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.



ShadowXafe: Next-generation data protection software.

ShadowXafe provides unparalleled data recovery and is work-flow optimized for management simplicity.  The combination of deployment ease, recovery speed, SLA orchestration and management simplicity make ShadowXafe a game changer for your managed offering and your service desk profitability.

Data recovery made simple

  • Host-based and agent-based data protection through a single pane of glass
  • Dependable, and complete physical and virtual system recovery
  • Instant recovery from backup images in milliseconds

Backup & Recovery management at scale

  • Context-sensitive, policy-based administration
  • Unified data protection lifecycle management
  • SLA-driven dashboard, and analytical reports

Total Business Continuity

  • Tight integration with StorageCraft Cloud Services for off-site backup
  • Complete, orchestrated one-click failover to the cloud

Forward-thinking MSPs know the impact standardization brings to the profitability of their service desk. StorageCraft is proud to be the first vendor to truly empower standardization in the data protection category.

Standardize on StorageCraft.


ConnectWise PSA


  • The ConnectWise PSA integration to ShadowXafe gives you the ability to map between ShadowXafe and ConnectWise PSA sites. This provides automatic reporting from ShadowXafe to ConnectWise PSA if a backup job or replication job in ShadowXafe fails. For each error condition, ConnectWise PSA will automatically create a ticket. When the error condition no longer exists the ticket is automatically closed.

  • The configuration and mapping is done in the Configuration screen under the integration section. You need to add your ConnectWise credentials into ShadowXafe. You also need to get the public and private keys from ConnectWise PSA and add them to ShadowXafe. After making the connection between ConnectWise PSA and ShadowXafe you need to set up the mappings between ShadowXafe sites and ConnectWise PSA companies. The default company will be used if no mapping exists.

  • You can disable tickets under the default company drop down list. Automatic reporting does not happen if a site is not managed. If you want to purposely not create tickets, you can select disable tickets.

  • Opens service tickets for backup and replication failures.

  • Automatically closes tickets when failures recover.

  • Tickets are associated with a company in Manage based on user defined mapping.


For detailed provisioning and purchasing documentation, please click here.

Provision your NEW ACCOUNTMigrate your existing ConnectWise Agreement to usage based billing, or Transfer your billing to ConnectWise by clicking the BUY NOW button.

When provisioning a new account, you'll create your tenant and gain access to the Storagecraft portal. Utilize this portal or the ConnectWise Automate plug in, to add machines and backup jobs as needed, and get billed for your monthly storage use or licenses. No need to enter a quantity for each product, or come back to our marketplace to make changes.

Products Available:

  •          Storagecraft OneXafe Solo Appliance
  •          Storagecraft ShadowXafe Data Protection Solution
  •          Storagecraft ShadowProtect and Cloud Services

Storagecraft OneXafe Solo  is a Plug and Play Appliance that is sold as a subscription for MSRP of $99.00 per month.  For the $99/month, you receive the appliance and backup service for one computer.  A one year commitment is required.  A flexible service that allows for additional computers to be backed up for $79 per month.  With this flexibility, the number of computers that can be backed up can vary month to month, but the monthly fee of $99.00 will be billed per month for the entire year.  A one time shipping and handling fee will be billed at the time of purchase of the OneXafe Solo. 

Storagecraft ShadowXafe is a next generation data protection solution that enables partners to rapidly and reliably backup, recover, and migrate both virtual and physical systems.  No need to commit to specific products upfront, but rather choose to pay as you go, or commit to a monthly $$ amount for discounted pricing.  Switch products as often as necessary, and you’ll only be billed for what you’ve used. Connectwise will bill in arrears, so how much you’re billed, is based on what you’ve used or committed to.  As your usage increases, make a choice to increase your discounts by committing to a higher per month tier, or stay where you are, it’s all up to you. 

Storagecraft ShadowProtect SPX and Cloud Services. Storagecraft’s trusted ShadowProtect SPX family of products provide rapid recovery times for physical, virtual, desktop, Exchange and cloud applications.  Licensed per device.  You can store data locally or in your own Datacenter.

Cloud Services is sold in three Service levels.  1) Cloud Basic. Secure offsite storage of critical business backups with full system restore. 2) Cloud Plus. Comes with everything in Cloud Basic, plus immediate file & folder recovery or 3) Cloud Premium.  Comes with everything in Cloud Plus, and virtualization of systems and failover in the cloud
(Full DRaaS)

Each comes with 1TB of storage and is pooled at the MSP level for each service level.  

For more information or questions you have please reach out to your Account Manager or email


ShadowXafe by StorageCraft's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.