The ConnectWise Invent Program

Security reviewed and certified integrations through ConnectWise's official integration collaboration program.

Program Tiers

ConnectWise Invent is our official vendor integration partnership program. Third-party vendors are invited to collaborate with us on the development of robust integration experiences with the ConnectWise Asio™ platform for the benefit of our mutual partners.

Invent vendors receive a variety of program benefits including both technical and marketing focused. Review our program tiers below and explore which tier is the right fit for your business:

Tier 1

Designed for our start-up vendors in the space. This tier is focused on education and coaching to navigate the ConnectWise ecosystem!

  • Integration scoping, guidance and support
  • API access to PSA, Automate and the Asio platform
  • Integration Certification
  • Exclusive educational learning journeys
  • Marketplace exposure 

Tier 2

Tier 2

Designed for vendors who are looking to ConnectWise to help them develop a certified, secured integration with some opportunities to grow and expand their partner-base. 

  • Everything in Tier 1 plus…
  • Enhanced marketplace exposure
  • Marketing and visibility activities
  • IT Nation event exposure** 

Tier 3

Tier 3

Designed for vendors who are looking ConnectWise to help them develop a certified, secured integration with enhanced marketing opportunities to grow and expand their partner-base.

  • Everything in Tier 2 plus…
  • Featured marketplace exposure
  • Enhanced marketing and visibility activities
  • Eligible to participate in ConnectWise-led outreach campaigns 

Are you a third-party vendor interested in learning more about the Invent program?

Complete our program questionnaire so we can learn more about your company and your integration goals with ConnectWise. Once the form is complete, a call can be scheduled with our dedicated Invent team to review Invent program options to determine what works best for your business.