EcoStruxure™ IT Expert Partner Portal

A cloud-based, vendor agnostic, secure solution that enables wherever-you-go monitoring and visibility into your customer's IT infrastructure.

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.

EcoStruxure IT for Partners is an award-winning, multi-tenant, cloud-based monitoring solution that provides vendor-neutral visibility into your customer’s IT infrastructure across multiple sites.  Accessible from your laptop or smart phone, the EcoStruxure IT for Partners platform delivers actionable insights that enable you to build customer intimacy, improve their operations and unlock new, recurring revenue streams! Add power and cooling monitoring into your service contracts, or simply resell this software as a service to your customers.

Now you can automate power infrastructure alarm workflows from EcoStruxure IT Expert to the ConnectWise PSA ticketing system increasing productivity!


Save Time

Improve operational efficiency by automating power infrastructure alarm workflows

Grow your Business

Expand and diversify your software and digital services portfolio

Recurring Revenue

Gain new assessment, monitoring, and service offering opportunities

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

The integration of EcoStruxure IT Expert with ConnectWise PSA allows Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to manage the IT physical infrastructure for your customer’s storage, networking, and compute devices with automated power infrastructure alarm workflows from EcoStruxure IT Expert to the ConnectWise PSA ticketing system.  This allows MSPs to increase service team productivity by managing, tracking, and assigning critical, warning, and informational alarms automatically to ConnectWise ticketing boards from a single view.

The benefits of this new opportunity are many for MSPs:

  • Grow your business and expand your current capabilities with new, recurring revenue streams through monitoring and managing physical infrastructure.
  • Updated data from power and cooling infrastructure, accessed from anywhere, with real-time visibility into your department health and the ability to track KPIs from dashboards.
  • Improve efficiency and streamline workflow in ticket creation and management.

To see first-hand how EcoStruxure IT can benefit your business model and your customers, we are offering you a free 30-day trial of EcoStruxure IT Expert! 

Click the link above to get started and follow these easy steps:

  1. Sign up and create your EcoStruxure IT Account
  2. Download the EcoStruxure IT App
  3. Download the Gateway Software

For a step-by-step guide to create a ConnectWise connector visit

ConnectWise PSA


ConnectWise version:  v4_6_release
API Version: 3.0


  • Reduce time spent on ticket creation by automating ticket generation using the EcoStruxure IT Expert Partner Portal Alarm integration feature.

  • Clearly manage and see all created connectors in a single card view with high level details for each customer.

  • Watch our walk-me video or review our step-by-step instructions to take you through a first-time setup of your EcoStruxure IT Expert Alarm integration.

  • Filter and control which alarms you want to create tickets for, using the configuration section for each connector in the EcoStruxure IT Expert Partner Portal.

  • Quickly see high-level device alarm details coming in from the automatically generated ConnectWise PSA Ticket.

EcoStruxure™ IT Partner Portal - ConnectWise PSA by Schneider Electric's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the EcoStruxure IT team directly at  https://app/



The integration of EcoStruxure IT Expert with ConnectWise PSA allows Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to manage the IT physical infrastructure for your customer’s storage, networking, and compute devices with automated power infrastructure alarm workflows from EcoStruxure IT Expert to the ConnectWise PSA ticketing system.  This allows MSPs to increase service team productivity by managing, tracking, and assigning critical, warning, and informational alarms automatically to ConnectWise ticketing boards from a single view.

The benefits of this new opportunity are many for MSPs:

  • Grow your business and expand your current capabilities with new, recurring revenue streams through monitoring and managing physical infrastructure.
  • Updated data from power and cooling infrastructure, accessed from anywhere, with real-time visibility into your department health and the ability to track KPIs from dashboards.
  • Improve efficiency and streamline workflow in ticket creation and management.

To see first-hand how EcoStruxure IT can benefit your business model and your customers, we are offering you a free 30-day trial of EcoStruxure IT Expert! 

Click the link above to get started and follow these easy steps:

  1. Sign up and create your EcoStruxure IT Account
  2. Download the EcoStruxure IT App
  3. Download the Gateway Software

For a step-by-step guide to create a ConnectWise connector visit


ConnectWise PSA


ConnectWise version:  v4_6_release
API Version: 3.0


  • Reduce time spent on ticket creation by automating ticket generation using the EcoStruxure IT Expert Partner Portal Alarm integration feature.

  • Clearly manage and see all created connectors in a single card view with high level details for each customer.

  • Watch our walk-me video or review our step-by-step instructions to take you through a first-time setup of your EcoStruxure IT Expert Alarm integration.

  • Filter and control which alarms you want to create tickets for, using the configuration section for each connector in the EcoStruxure IT Expert Partner Portal.

  • Quickly see high-level device alarm details coming in from the automatically generated ConnectWise PSA Ticket.


EcoStruxure™ IT Partner Portal - ConnectWise PSA by Schneider Electric's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the EcoStruxure IT team directly at  https://app/