ConnectWise Manage Sync with eAutomate by CEO Juice

This integration works to automate entries and reduce the amount of manual work needed to keep the two systems in sync.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

98% of companies in the USA that sell and service copiers and printers use eAutomate as their ERP. However, as they offer Managed IT they need solutions like ConnectWise Manage.

We see clients doing a lot of double entry to keep ConnectWise Manage in sync with eAutomate; this integration works to automate these entries and reduce the amount of manual work needed to keep the two systems in sync. This integration is included in your monthly subscription to CEO Juice. The integration works through the ConnectWise API, so it will work for both on-premise and hosted accounts for both ConnectWise and eAutomate. ConnectWise Manage and the RMM tools do an excellent job of tracking software and more included on the contract, so we recommend that the ConnectWise Agreement be the master for contract billing. ConnectWise Manage also does a great job of quoting non-contract hardware and again ConnectWise Manage needs to be the master. eAutomate is the master for companies & credit holds as well as inventory.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Must be on ConnectWise Manage 2015.3 or later. Must be on eAutomat 8.7 or later.

ConnectWise Manage Sync with eAutomate by CEO Juice's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.



98% of companies in the USA that sell and service copiers and printers use eAutomate as their ERP. However, as they offer Managed IT they need solutions like ConnectWise Manage.

We see clients doing a lot of double entry to keep ConnectWise Manage in sync with eAutomate; this integration works to automate these entries and reduce the amount of manual work needed to keep the two systems in sync. This integration is included in your monthly subscription to CEO Juice. The integration works through the ConnectWise API, so it will work for both on-premise and hosted accounts for both ConnectWise and eAutomate. ConnectWise Manage and the RMM tools do an excellent job of tracking software and more included on the contract, so we recommend that the ConnectWise Agreement be the master for contract billing. ConnectWise Manage also does a great job of quoting non-contract hardware and again ConnectWise Manage needs to be the master. eAutomate is the master for companies & credit holds as well as inventory.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Must be on ConnectWise Manage 2015.3 or later. Must be on eAutomat 8.7 or later.


ConnectWise Manage Sync with eAutomate by CEO Juice's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.