ConnectWise Help Desk Services

Engage ConnectWise Help Desk Services for expert client-facing email, phone, and chat support.


“ConnectWise enables us to offer a broader range of high-quality services to our customers, but for us, the help desk is the key component to building our success.” ​

- Juan Fernandez, VP of Managed IT Services, ImageNet Consulting

With a client-centric approach and global team capabilities, our experts can help you offer more complete coverage for your clients, handle the distractions of reactive support requests, and efficiently address hiring challenges or noisy clients.


Complete Coverage

Business hours, after hours, or 24/7 client-facing support.

Reactive Support

We prioritize inbound and real-time client requests, with a 75% resolution rate.

Flexible Services

Easily address hiring challenges, temporary staff shortages, new business growth, or noisy clients.

  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

ConnectWise Help Desk Services delivers the professional, real-time, reactive support your clients need, allowing your team to focus on more proactive and challenging tasks. 

Deliver Exceptional Service
We regularly evaluate performance, and as of Q2 2024, we delivered an inbound interaction handle time of 25 minutes, a 75% resolution rate, and an average speed of answering calls and chats within 60 seconds, 70% of the time. 

Save Time
Let us help with HR! We'll handle tech recruitment, management, salary, benefits, and ongoing training.

Control Costs
Engage the Help Desk at the company site level so you only pay for what you need. See how much you could save: Help Desk ROI Calculator

ConnectWise Help Desk Services are enabled by client site with any ConnectWise RMM package. 

ConnectWise partners who have enabled ConnectWise Help Desk Services by client site can connect their customers to our help desk experts by chat, call, or email.


ConnectWise Help Desk Services delivers the professional, real-time, reactive support your clients need, allowing your team to focus on more proactive and challenging tasks. 

Deliver Exceptional Service
We regularly evaluate performance, and as of Q2 2024, we delivered an inbound interaction handle time of 25 minutes, a 75% resolution rate, and an average speed of answering calls and chats within 60 seconds, 70% of the time. 

Save Time
Let us help with HR! We'll handle tech recruitment, management, salary, benefits, and ongoing training.

Control Costs
Engage the Help Desk at the company site level so you only pay for what you need. See how much you could save: Help Desk ROI Calculator


ConnectWise Help Desk Services are enabled by client site with any ConnectWise RMM package. 


ConnectWise partners who have enabled ConnectWise Help Desk Services by client site can connect their customers to our help desk experts by chat, call, or email.