
Continually measure your customers' cyber risk and protect their sensitive data with Cavelo's consolidated Attack Surface Management platform.

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.

Cavelo's modular Attack Surface Management platform helps MSPs continuously identify, classify, and report on their customers' sensitive data.


Data Classification and Asset Discovery

Continuous scanning to discover and classify sensitive data and network assets

Identity Access Management

Control access to sensitive data across IT environments

Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Identify, target, and prioritize the greatest business risks


  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Always-on Attack Surface Management, Built for MSPs

Led by data discovery, identity access management, asset discovery and risk-based vulnerability management

The Cavelo Attack Surface Management platform helps you continuously identify, classify, and report on your customers' sensitive data.

Data Discovery and Classification

Discover your devices and assets, then classify and inventory the data that resides across them, for complete visibility into your IT environment.

What you can expect:

  • Custom classifiers to classify your private sensitive data by type
  • Visibility in hybrid environments with remote users and cloud applications
  • Executive reporting and easy-to-use query selection for detailed operational reporting

Asset Discovery

Discover known and unknown network devices and assets, then schedule regular scans across your IT environment to remain compliant.

What you can expect:

  • Understand when devices on your network are missing software required by your organization
  • Set policies to allow or disallow different types of devices on different parts of your network
  • Configure automated scans on your network so you’re alerted when an unauthorized device is added

Identity Access Management

Know exactly what permissions users have and when they access critical or costly data.

What you can expect:

  • Implement privileged access management solutions
  • Permissions scanning across hybrid environments
  • Simple to understand who can access and who has accessed sensitive data

Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Bring CVSS and EPSS scores into the context of your environment and data.

What you can expect:

  • Endpoint, internal network, and external vulnerability scanning for Mac, Windows, and Linux endpoints
  • Industry-leading vulnerability feeds with regular updates from a top-tier provider
  • Vulnerability scanning support across 9,700+ different vulnerable products

Configure your ConnectWise integration to enable the Cavelo platform to create ConnectWise PSA tickets when vulnerabilities are found on each of your customers' networks. This helps enable your existing patch workflow with no overhead.

Tickets can be generated according to your workflow needs.

For example:

  • One ticket per vulnerability, one ticker per host, etc.
  • One ticket per host with all vulnerabilities, etc.
  • One ticket per vulnerability with all hosts, etc.

Cavelo's ConnectWise PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions, please contact the Cavelo team directly via email at or by telephone at 1-844-969-1616 where a Cavelo support technician will happily assist. All support is unlimited and free.



Always-on Attack Surface Management, Built for MSPs

Led by data discovery, identity access management, asset discovery and risk-based vulnerability management

The Cavelo Attack Surface Management platform helps you continuously identify, classify, and report on your customers' sensitive data.

Data Discovery and Classification

Discover your devices and assets, then classify and inventory the data that resides across them, for complete visibility into your IT environment.

What you can expect:

  • Custom classifiers to classify your private sensitive data by type
  • Visibility in hybrid environments with remote users and cloud applications
  • Executive reporting and easy-to-use query selection for detailed operational reporting

Asset Discovery

Discover known and unknown network devices and assets, then schedule regular scans across your IT environment to remain compliant.

What you can expect:

  • Understand when devices on your network are missing software required by your organization
  • Set policies to allow or disallow different types of devices on different parts of your network
  • Configure automated scans on your network so you’re alerted when an unauthorized device is added

Identity Access Management

Know exactly what permissions users have and when they access critical or costly data.

What you can expect:

  • Implement privileged access management solutions
  • Permissions scanning across hybrid environments
  • Simple to understand who can access and who has accessed sensitive data

Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Bring CVSS and EPSS scores into the context of your environment and data.

What you can expect:

  • Endpoint, internal network, and external vulnerability scanning for Mac, Windows, and Linux endpoints
  • Industry-leading vulnerability feeds with regular updates from a top-tier provider
  • Vulnerability scanning support across 9,700+ different vulnerable products


Configure your ConnectWise integration to enable the Cavelo platform to create ConnectWise PSA tickets when vulnerabilities are found on each of your customers' networks. This helps enable your existing patch workflow with no overhead.

Tickets can be generated according to your workflow needs.

For example:

  • One ticket per vulnerability, one ticker per host, etc.
  • One ticket per host with all vulnerabilities, etc.
  • One ticket per vulnerability with all hosts, etc.


Cavelo's ConnectWise PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions, please contact the Cavelo team directly via email at or by telephone at 1-844-969-1616 where a Cavelo support technician will happily assist. All support is unlimited and free.