
We provide disciplined and secure data management for your digital systems, enhancing your data to make collaboration simple, safe, and smart.

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.
  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Check out our ConnectWise Blog Post!

We provide comprehensive coverage for Microsoft 365 with enterprise grade software in addition to data protection for Google Workspace, Dynamics 365, and Salesforce. Specifically designed for partners and their end-user customers to secure collaboration systems. Deliver managed services, increase productivity and efficiency through our modern multi-tenant management, AvePoint Elements. ConnectWise users have the ability to integrate billing and ticketing across their customer tenants.

Build and expand your service offerings with a collaboration security practice that covers:

  • Migration: Support cloud to cloud, on-premises to cloud, and on-premises to on-premises migrations with our self-hosted and SaaS migration software

  • Disaster Recovery: Comprehensive coverage of content including eDiscovery, permissions and settings, to ensure protection against data loss or ransomware attacks with ransomware detection and granular restore capabilities.

  • Risk Management: Minimize security and compliance risk for your customers with rapid risk assessments. Build ongoing security and monitoring services, so data and business plans are not vulnerable and exposed.

  • SaaS Management: Right-size licensing needs for your customers with intelligence on utilization, allocations and chargebacks across multiple tenants.

We’ve reimagined the Partner Experience. Elements, our modern multi-tenant management drives new revenue opportunities through increasing internal productivity and efficiency.

  • Customer Intelligence: We provide partners full visibility and opportunity to upsell new service offerings. It is everything MSPs need to be informed about the operational and financial insights of your business.

  • Value-Added Services: Aggregated insights, key monitoring tools, GTM materials and templates that accelerate cloud adoption and usage while increasing cloud revenue generating streams.

  • Integrations and Scalability: Consolidated processes and platforms that allows you to simplify improve efficiencies. Map your customers directly for billing and invoices.

Elements is built on AvePoint Online Services, a 100 percent Microsoft Azure-hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that helps companies take advantage of Microsoft 365’s benefits – without compromising control. Elements solutions are sold exclusively to and through our partners, making it even easier for businesses of any size—and their managed services providers—to take advantage of AvePoint’s powerful technology. Whether you have just one, or multiple tenants, you have the ability to offer the ultimate collaboration resilience for your end-user customers.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: AvePoint Elements Portal supports integrations with both SaaS and On-premise ConnectWise PSA.


  • Configure ConnectWise PSA integration at AvePoint Elements Portal interface

  • Synchronize monthly and annual order related information for billing to ConnectWise PSA including new order, order change and cancellation, etc.

  • Create tickets when there are issues such as backup issues, license expiration and ConnectWise synchronization issues, etc. Ticket could be auto closed once the issue is resolved at AvePoint system.

AvePoint's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to Help@ConnectWise.com and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.



Check out our ConnectWise Blog Post!

We provide comprehensive coverage for Microsoft 365 with enterprise grade software in addition to data protection for Google Workspace, Dynamics 365, and Salesforce. Specifically designed for partners and their end-user customers to secure collaboration systems. Deliver managed services, increase productivity and efficiency through our modern multi-tenant management, AvePoint Elements. ConnectWise users have the ability to integrate billing and ticketing across their customer tenants.

Build and expand your service offerings with a collaboration security practice that covers:

  • Migration: Support cloud to cloud, on-premises to cloud, and on-premises to on-premises migrations with our self-hosted and SaaS migration software

  • Disaster Recovery: Comprehensive coverage of content including eDiscovery, permissions and settings, to ensure protection against data loss or ransomware attacks with ransomware detection and granular restore capabilities.

  • Risk Management: Minimize security and compliance risk for your customers with rapid risk assessments. Build ongoing security and monitoring services, so data and business plans are not vulnerable and exposed.

  • SaaS Management: Right-size licensing needs for your customers with intelligence on utilization, allocations and chargebacks across multiple tenants.

We’ve reimagined the Partner Experience. Elements, our modern multi-tenant management drives new revenue opportunities through increasing internal productivity and efficiency.

  • Customer Intelligence: We provide partners full visibility and opportunity to upsell new service offerings. It is everything MSPs need to be informed about the operational and financial insights of your business.

  • Value-Added Services: Aggregated insights, key monitoring tools, GTM materials and templates that accelerate cloud adoption and usage while increasing cloud revenue generating streams.

  • Integrations and Scalability: Consolidated processes and platforms that allows you to simplify improve efficiencies. Map your customers directly for billing and invoices.

Elements is built on AvePoint Online Services, a 100 percent Microsoft Azure-hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that helps companies take advantage of Microsoft 365’s benefits – without compromising control. Elements solutions are sold exclusively to and through our partners, making it even easier for businesses of any size—and their managed services providers—to take advantage of AvePoint’s powerful technology. Whether you have just one, or multiple tenants, you have the ability to offer the ultimate collaboration resilience for your end-user customers.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: AvePoint Elements Portal supports integrations with both SaaS and On-premise ConnectWise PSA.


  • Configure ConnectWise PSA integration at AvePoint Elements Portal interface

  • Synchronize monthly and annual order related information for billing to ConnectWise PSA including new order, order change and cancellation, etc.

  • Create tickets when there are issues such as backup issues, license expiration and ConnectWise synchronization issues, etc. Ticket could be auto closed once the issue is resolved at AvePoint system.


AvePoint's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to Help@ConnectWise.com and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.