Ascent Portal

Understand your Cybersecurity Posture In Under 3 Minutes

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.
  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Ascent Portal provides an automated governance, security, and compliance platform that simplifies risk management and streamlines compliance. With the Ascent Portal platform’s real-time compliance scoring, you can easily monitor your compliance posture and immediately identify areas for improvement, all while ensuring team accountability and reducing the compliance workload.

Ascent Portal enables companies and organizations  of all sizes to:

Our guarantee: We don't want your customers! If we ever do this, we will pay you all the money that was paid to us from that customer.

It's one admin fee for as many accounts you manage.

Make Security and Compliance a Growing Profit Center

Ascent-Portal supports your customers’ compliance processes, regardless of the framework they need to implement while automating their control task reminders, vendor management, and awareness training.

The Ascent-Portal is a multi-tenant compliance management and SaaS security management solution that is MSP ready. The white-label solution offers custom branding so you can package it as your own solution and use it to accelerate your security and compliance practice.

How Ascent-Portal simplifies and automates Customer Compliance

1. Assessment and Compliance 

Get value day-one with pre-built and customizable assessments and policies. Access 100's of detailed policy- driven security controls and measure your customers progress.

2. Governance

Proven templates for policies, standards, plans and procedures effectively communicate your control requirements, prescribe workflows and recommend responses.

3. Customer Management

Automate customer due diligence processes with a pre-built compliance questionnaire and streamline contract renewals, auto-renewals and terminations.

Ascent-Portal for an MSP Advantage 

Gartner reports that enterprises plan to increase their compliance spending on external experts and services by 30%. If you want your share of this growing opportunity, Ascent-Portal is for you. Packaging everything MSPs need to deliver

security and compliance management as a service, it will give your business a new profit center that will set you apart.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: The Ascent Portal integrates seamlessly with ConnectWise PSA using REST APIs to create/update tickets and notes bi-directionally. Setup is a cinch: create an API member, enter the API keys into Ascent Portal and voila, the integration is complete.


  • Create ticket directly from Ascent Portal: The Ascent Portal is designed to help tenants and subscribers with managing their compliance needs. Each task can be assigned to individuals in the organization, and a ticket created and assigned in the ConnectWise Manage platform.

  • Resource scheduling & ticket updates: Once a task in the Ascent portal is assigned to an individual, Ascent schedules the resource on the ticket. All ticket notes and updates are captured back in the Ascent Portal compliance control automatically as compliance evidence.

  • Auto completion of tasks: Whenever a ticket in the ConnectWise PSA platform (ticket that is associated with a task in Ascent) is resolved, the corresponding task in the Ascent Portal is marked as “Compliance in Place”. All notes and attachments in the ticket are copied over the compliance control as evidence for the auditors.

Ascent Portal's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.



Ascent Portal provides an automated governance, security, and compliance platform that simplifies risk management and streamlines compliance. With the Ascent Portal platform’s real-time compliance scoring, you can easily monitor your compliance posture and immediately identify areas for improvement, all while ensuring team accountability and reducing the compliance workload.

Ascent Portal enables companies and organizations  of all sizes to:

Our guarantee: We don't want your customers! If we ever do this, we will pay you all the money that was paid to us from that customer.

It's one admin fee for as many accounts you manage.

Make Security and Compliance a Growing Profit Center

Ascent-Portal supports your customers’ compliance processes, regardless of the framework they need to implement while automating their control task reminders, vendor management, and awareness training.

The Ascent-Portal is a multi-tenant compliance management and SaaS security management solution that is MSP ready. The white-label solution offers custom branding so you can package it as your own solution and use it to accelerate your security and compliance practice.

How Ascent-Portal simplifies and automates Customer Compliance

1. Assessment and Compliance 

Get value day-one with pre-built and customizable assessments and policies. Access 100's of detailed policy- driven security controls and measure your customers progress.

2. Governance

Proven templates for policies, standards, plans and procedures effectively communicate your control requirements, prescribe workflows and recommend responses.

3. Customer Management

Automate customer due diligence processes with a pre-built compliance questionnaire and streamline contract renewals, auto-renewals and terminations.

Ascent-Portal for an MSP Advantage 

Gartner reports that enterprises plan to increase their compliance spending on external experts and services by 30%. If you want your share of this growing opportunity, Ascent-Portal is for you. Packaging everything MSPs need to deliver

security and compliance management as a service, it will give your business a new profit center that will set you apart.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: The Ascent Portal integrates seamlessly with ConnectWise PSA using REST APIs to create/update tickets and notes bi-directionally. Setup is a cinch: create an API member, enter the API keys into Ascent Portal and voila, the integration is complete.


  • Create ticket directly from Ascent Portal: The Ascent Portal is designed to help tenants and subscribers with managing their compliance needs. Each task can be assigned to individuals in the organization, and a ticket created and assigned in the ConnectWise Manage platform.

  • Resource scheduling & ticket updates: Once a task in the Ascent portal is assigned to an individual, Ascent schedules the resource on the ticket. All ticket notes and updates are captured back in the Ascent Portal compliance control automatically as compliance evidence.

  • Auto completion of tasks: Whenever a ticket in the ConnectWise PSA platform (ticket that is associated with a task in Ascent) is resolved, the corresponding task in the Ascent Portal is marked as “Compliance in Place”. All notes and attachments in the ticket are copied over the compliance control as evidence for the auditors.


Ascent Portal's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.